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If genies existed..


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Im sure that im not the only one, but I have always wished that genies were real so that they could fulfill my fetishy wishes.

If they were real, and I actually ran across one and got 3 wishes, I would wish for the ability to make certain people's allergies act up by snaping my fingers three times.LOL childish and selfish I know :D

I would also wish for a magic dvd that showed clips from all of my favorite celebs lives at their sneeziest moments.

I know others must have contemplated this at one time or another, so what kind of fetishy things would you ask a genie for if they existed?

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I would ask for a mild, sneezy allergy to something uncommon--rare flower, or perfume, or something.

I'd also love it if I could make my boy sneeze just by asking him to...

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Uuuhhhmm... I assume that I can't wish for more wishes.. (Darn Genie rules!)

1. A clone of an atractive male (of my choosing) that would satisfy every fetishy desire I had, and I would be able to summon him by saying my name 3 times. XD

2. The ability to make others sneeze at will.

3. An endless suply of lace handkerchiefs. ( Friiilly ) I LIKE THIS TOPIC!! :D

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Yes thought of this from a very young age.

I would wish for the ability to make someone (anyone) sneeze by pointing my finger at them, and depending on how I pointed my finger it would change the intensity and onset time of the sneeze (sudden onset, drawn out, false start, etc.)--essentially to be able to conduct someone in sneezing. LOL.

And if I got the traditional three wishes I would also wish that I wouldn't catch people's colds/flus even if they sneeze on me (contagion's all good fun to observe but participation isn't really appealing for me) & that people (excepting family & children*) would naturally be more sneezy around me, as if they were mildly allergic to me (because I do like the element of surprise as well). :wub:

*It's very important to think of loopholes in these kinds of thing in case a genie really does appear to you one day. :D

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Since this is a fantasy and not something that applies to real life, I'll just come out and say it--I would want to be able to give people colds or allergies of varying degrees of severity, whenever I wanted. The colds would only be contagious to those I chose to make it contagious to--like, if I gave it to a random stranger I thought was hot, sharing the train car with him wouldn't get me sick. I would also like to be able to control what symptoms they get. Finally, I would like to eliminate the possibility that the victim would suffer anything life-threatening. No pneumonia or asthma attacks or anaphylaxis or what have you. I couldn't enjoy it if it put someone's life in danger.

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I'd wish for a romantic girlfriend with the same fetish, that's enough for me :P

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Oooh, this is a tough one...

I'd wish for:

1. Magical sneeze powers I can use on anyone to make them sneeze whenever I wanted to, including myself.

2. To have Zac Efron.

3. To have Kevin Zegers.

Then I'd be a happy Sneesee if i had those two men at my disposal and magic sneeze powers! Rawr!

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Since this is a fantasy and not something that applies to real life, I'll just come out and say it--I would want to be able to give people colds or allergies of varying degrees of severity, whenever I wanted. The colds would only be contagious to those I chose to make it contagious to--like, if I gave it to a random stranger I thought was hot, sharing the train car with him wouldn't get me sick. I would also like to be able to control what symptoms they get. Finally, I would like to eliminate the possibility that the victim would suffer anything life-threatening. No pneumonia or asthma attacks or anaphylaxis or what have you. I couldn't enjoy it if it put someone's life in danger.

I looooove this! Can we have the same wishes?

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Since this is a fantasy and not something that applies to real life, I'll just come out and say it--I would want to be able to give people colds or allergies of varying degrees of severity, whenever I wanted. The colds would only be contagious to those I chose to make it contagious to--like, if I gave it to a random stranger I thought was hot, sharing the train car with him wouldn't get me sick. I would also like to be able to control what symptoms they get. Finally, I would like to eliminate the possibility that the victim would suffer anything life-threatening. No pneumonia or asthma attacks or anaphylaxis or what have you. I couldn't enjoy it if it put someone's life in danger.

I looooove this! Can we have the same wishes?

Thirded for a well thought-through wish. :)

Oh, and I'd like to add that if the person I'd like to see sneeze is a celebrity that I probably won't get to see IRL; that all their sneezy moments get caught on tape of a good quality and ended up on Youtube. :laugh:

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I... don't think I would wish for anything sneeze-related.

Here's the thing: one of my favorite things about the fetish is that it's SPECIAL. When someone I like sneezes in front of me, I feel like the universe is being super cool and I'm having a good day. So if I just got to wish for it... it wouldn't be special anymore, you know? It's kind of like how when I was little, listening to the radio was very important to me, because sometimes they played a couple of the songs I really liked. Now, with itunes making everything so available, those songs to have quite the same worth for me anymore. Perfection isn't always better, for me at least.

Plus, I like thinking that having my idea of the ultimate care-taking scenario could still happen naturally, and it's not something I really want to hurry. I want to be able to rush onto the observation section of the board one day and be like "GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I AM SO HAPPY!" but if that happens too soon, it might disappoint me.

If anything, I might just wish for a secret database with every male sneezing clip ever, because those already exist, but this would just make them more convenient :).

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I... don't think I would wish for anything sneeze-related.

Here's the thing: one of my favorite things about the fetish is that it's SPECIAL. When someone I like sneezes in front of me, I feel like the universe is being super cool and I'm having a good day. So if I just got to wish for it... it wouldn't be special anymore, you know? It's kind of like how when I was little, listening to the radio was very important to me, because sometimes they played a couple of the songs I really liked. Now, with itunes making everything so available, those songs to have quite the same worth for me anymore. Perfection isn't always better, for me at least.

Plus, I like thinking that having my idea of the ultimate care-taking scenario could still happen naturally, and it's not something I really want to hurry. I want to be able to rush onto the observation section of the board one day and be like "GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I AM SO HAPPY!" but if that happens too soon, it might disappoint me.

If anything, I might just wish for a secret database with every male sneezing clip ever, because those already exist, but this would just make them more convenient :laugh:.

That's deep haha very filosophic, yet, actually, it's true haha. That gave another perspective on the question :)

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1.I would wish for some of my favorite books to have more sneezy scenes in them with my favorite characters and what-not. :)

Actually, even some of my least favorite characters, because sneezing warms me up to them. That's one of the reasons Severus Snape became my favorite Harry Potter character, because he sneezes somewhere in the second book when Ron stubs his toe under the invisibility cloak due to a cold that was going around the castle. ldskfj;aslfkdjf <3

2. I'd wish that these scenes were in the movie remakes.

3. I'd wish I could watch the scenes whenever the hell I wanted.

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I'd wish for

1. A magic camera thing that I could see anyone I wanted in the world in real time. And make them sneeze and cough whenever I wanted. Like say I had a celebrity I wanted to see sneeze, and just to watch what they were doing at any given time, I could do this with this amazing camera. I've had this fantasy since I was a teenager. It'd have a large screen and a few buttons - ON/OFF, SNEEZE, COUGH, ZOOM, ANGLE, etc.

2. A tiny implantable chip that I could somehow have put in my own nose, and it'd come with a remote control, and so I could press the button and make myself sneeze whenever I wanted, as many times as I wanted.

3. The power to make people I see in the street sneeze whenever I wanted.

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There are a lot of things I can think of that I probably would wish for before anything to do with sneezing, but seeing as this is a sneeze fetish forum I'll work under the premise that this is a fetish specific genie :rolleyes:

So in no particular order I would wish

1. That any celebrity I was particularly attracted to would have between 1 and 5 instances of them being caught on camera sneezing. (I include a maximum for the same reason that NarnieSmile is hesitant to wish for fetishy things. It would lose the special feeling if there were just tons and tons of videos of the people I like sneezing. That's not 1-5 individual sneezes though, it's 1-5 videos that include sneezes. I have no objections to some of those videos containing multiples/fits.

2. In very much the same vein as above; That I would get to see at least one sneeze from any person I was particularly attracted to in real life.

3. That whoever I end up spending the rest of my life with appreciates my fetish and is happy to indulge me now and then, whether they themselves share it or not.

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Now, of course if I got three wishes not all would concern the fetish. I thought because this was posted in the fetish board and not off topic, that we would stick to fetish wishes. :rolleyes:

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These would be my wishes...

1. to make anyone I want sneeze on my secret command.

2. some sort of magical devise that would let me think up of any sneezing scenario and then play it back to me. eg: i could think up the perfect sneeze from a celebrity- then watch it.

3. for my parents to be incapable of sneezing

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Now, of course if I got three wishes not all would concern the fetish. I thought because this was posted in the fetish board and not off topic, that we would stick to fetish wishes. :lol:

I know, that's what I said! :lol:

3. for my parents to be incapable of sneezing

Now that is a brilliant one. I wish I'd thought of that...

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These would be my wishes...

1. to make anyone I want sneeze on my secret command.

That's it, pretty much. :lol:

P.S. Prince Harry: still sneezing away :lol:

Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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Hmm...a fetishy genie, huh? Well...I'd ask for:

1. An hour long video of a bedroom with the following men tucked up in a massive bed alongside each other with sneezy, coughy colds: James McAvoy, Kit Harrington, Richard Madden, Henry Cavill, and Michael Fassbender.

2. The ability to elicit a sneezy allergic reaction from anyone for a brief period of time on command.

3. The ability to instantly 'zoom in' and turn my attention anywhere nearby right before someone nearby is going to sneeze.

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:D I'm liking this topic!

My wishes would consist of the following:

1.) To have the ability to make others sneeze at will, including myself

2.) For all my favorite books/movies to include sneezing, preferably Harry Potter :laugh:

3.) A very attractive boyfriend who is very allergic :P

...I'm so selfish and mean! :cryhappy:

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Hmm...a fetishy genie, huh? Well...I'd ask for:

1. An hour long video of a bedroom with the following men tucked up in a massive bed alongside each other with sneezy, coughy colds: James McAvoy, Kit Harrington, Richard Madden, Henry Cavill, and Michael Fassbender.

All hail McBender!

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Now, of course if I got three wishes not all would concern the fetish. I thought because this was posted in the fetish board and not off topic, that we would stick to fetish wishes. :twisted:

I know, that's what I said! :laugh:

Oh I'm sorry, my eyes must've skipped that part when I read it. :lol: Sorry! :)

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I wish I could ask for a partner with severe hayfever, but I'd probably feel too guilty to enjoy it if I knew I was the one who had caused it. ;)

Hmm... I'd wish for all my favourite fetish fics (including my own) to be made into movies, starring good, attractive actors who either had allergies for real or had mastered the art of acted sneezing to perfection. Ahh, the possibilities... *dreamy sigh*

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I would ask for my sister to get an extremely sneezy allergy to something, 'cause she's the only one of my siblings who doesn't have any and she's always teasing us about it. Plus, I have never in my life heard her sneeze which I find weird because I hear my brothers sneeze at least thirty times a day.

Also, I'd probably want a boyfriend who's allergic to dogs, since I have a dog and am single at the moment.

Last, something that is a fool-proof sneeze-inducer for anyone, cause I'd know how to put it to good use...

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