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my 8th grade teacher (M) obs/memories


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My eight grade teacher was a great nose blower. He carried a white hankie in his back pocket and frequently throughout the class he would pull out his hankie and give a good blow. The blows were wet but not honking. He was very irish looking, with dark hair, thick dark eyebrows, very thin, with a straight nose. The nose was rounded and just slightly bulbish at the tip and the nostrils were slightly higher than the middle membrane which made the inside of his nose slightly visible. This description doesn't really do it justice, just know that he had an AMAZING nose. One day he was complaining about his allergy medicine not kicking in and he blew that glowing red nose of his the entire afternoon until school was out. During choir that day he had to have another teacher do the musical instruction while he played the piano because his nose was drip dropping all over the place. The whole class he was breathing heavily through his mouth and by that time his hankie had become almost gelatinous from overuse so he had to start pulling tissues out of the box to blow his nose. When we went on our 8th grade trip to washington, he sat next to me on the charter bus. As he was talking to me I saw him pull out his hankie and sneezed into it. He then let out one of the wettest blows I have ever heard from him. To bad he wasnt the chaperone for my group because then I would have gotten to stay in the hotel room with him and listen to his frequent nose blowing and sniffling. I hated middle school passionately but the few sneezy snotty teachers that I had make me miss it, because none of my teachers in high school or college were like this.

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Oh, man, Im so greatful that you share this remember with us. And Im jealous, that you had such teachers, I cant remember that we had. But the few male teachers we had - I still remember the (very rar) sneezes and blows of them - after almost 30 years. Its a bit strange but I remember a very similar situation, we were at a summer trip and one of the teachers who came with us, just at this weekend suffered either from a summer cold or maybe hayfever, Im not sure, but I think it was a cold. He blew his nose much frequently and he used tissues, although he normally was a hanky blower. But the hankies would have been to wet in a short time.

And another teacher, the one for music. once said with congested voice:"I´m sorry, but Im unable to perform this song for you today, because I have a cold." Also a bit similar as your situation during the choir.

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Oh, man, Im so greatful that you share this remember with us. And Im jealous, that you had such teachers, I cant remember that we had. But the few male teachers we had - I still remember the (very rar) sneezes and blows of them - after almost 30 years. Its a bit strange but I remember a very similar situation, we were at a summer trip and one of the teachers who came with us, just at this weekend suffered either from a summer cold or maybe hayfever, Im not sure, but I think it was a cold. He blew his nose much frequently and he used tissues, although he normally was a hanky blower. But the hankies would have been to wet in a short time.

And another teacher, the one for music. once said with congested voice:"I´m sorry, but Im unable to perform this song for you today, because I have a cold." Also a bit similar as your situation during the choir.

Glad you liked it! And yes that is uncanny how similar our situations were. Thanks for replying!

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This is a great observation Iheart, thank you for sharing with us. Shame you didn't get to sleep in the same room, as you say.

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Good story :twisted: . My schooldays were filled with similar events, from eight grade onwards. Different teachers, different colds, most of them using handkerchiefs. Everyone has their regular nose blow, but when suffering from a good cold, the regular blow used to turn into a major snotty event, that always peaked my interest. I remember several teachers blowing and needing to continue blowing longer than expected. Classmates too: some of them had at times really nasty colds and sounded as if their hankies were filled to the max. Nowadays this never happens anymore, but some of these memories are still very vivid.

Take care,


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