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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Related fetish turn offs


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I recently posted a topic about nose picking and many have expressed how it is a turn off for them. What are some other related fetish turn offs for you all. I know one of mine is dry blows. I hate to hear a person blow their nose and sound like nothing is even coming out. I also dont like what I call "stacato blowing" were the person makes rythmic light short blows.

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I don't like when people show me the contents of their used tissue that they just used to blow their nose.

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I don't like when people show me the contents of their used tissue that they just used to blow their nose.

I agree, this turns me off aswell.

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I don't like it when people keep sniffling and never blow their nose. It gets on my nerves

Alot of people feel this way. I don't really understand why. Call me gross but to be honest I wouldn't mind it. I thought a nose blowing fetish would imply having a general interest in what is being blown out. But then again I can see how some people wouldn't like it.

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I don't like it when people keep sniffling and never blow their nose. It gets on my nerves

Alot of people feel this way. I don't really understand why. Call me gross but to be honest I wouldn't mind it. I thought a nose blowing fetish would imply having a general interest in what is being blown out. But then again I can see how some people wouldn't like it.

OOps I meant to reply to the second response.

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I don't like it when people keep sniffling and never blow their nose. It gets on my nerves

I hate this... but it's nothing to do with the fetish really- it's just so annoying! :)

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seeing the contents of what they blow out

short really dry soft blows that sound like nothing is coming out

overly wet and snotty blows

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I go with the short blast blows as well. I also hate people who use tatty pieces of tissues, rather than a whole clean fresh one, or crumpled tissues.

I also hate seeing people on Youtube who just shove a tissue up their nose and leave it there, don't know why, can't explain it, just do.

One of my current pet peeves is those tissue pulling video's, where they have a minute to empty a tissue box using one hand etc, it's just a terrible waste and pointless.

Finally, I agree with most others, the constant sniffers and non-noseblowers do annoy me greatly, and I think it would even if I didn't like to see noseblowing.

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I go with the short blast blows as well. I also hate people who use tatty pieces of tissues, rather than a whole clean fresh one, or crumpled tissues.

I also hate seeing people on Youtube who just shove a tissue up their nose and leave it there, don't know why, can't explain it, just do.

One of my current pet peeves is those tissue pulling video's, where they have a minute to empty a tissue box using one hand etc, it's just a terrible waste and pointless.

Finally, I agree with most others, the constant sniffers and non-noseblowers do annoy me greatly, and I think it would even if I didn't like to see noseblowing.

I have to agree with you on the tissue pulling. It has to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. But I have mixed feelings about the stuffing tissue up the nose and leaving it. If it hinders a persons sneeziness it bothers me, other than that I kinda like it.

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I don't like it when people keep sniffling and never blow their nose. It gets on my nerves

Alot of people feel this way. I don't really understand why. Call me gross but to be honest I wouldn't mind it. I thought a nose blowing fetish would imply having a general interest in what is being blown out. But then again I can see how some people wouldn't like it.

I used to think I felt this way, but I realized that I only found it irritating when my sister was doing it--actually I found that revolting, not just irritating. I think because I find it rather attractive in non-family members.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


The sound of gurgling snot

People who get "creative" with snot

Someone snorfling a blob of snot back in


However, I don't mind light snifflers, it makes me think they might sneeze and I get excited. I also don't mind "mist", "spray" or a normally productive blow. It's when it gets really messy that's just s'not sexy.

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Guest huffy74
I don't like it when people keep sniffling and never blow their nose. It gets on my nerves

1st post here!

My fetish is a sniffling fetish first and foremost, if i'm looking on youtube for videos for my fetish then i'll first of all search for 'sniffling.' I don't know why i like it so much, i guess it's the feeling that the person themself has noticed that their nose is bothering them and in particular with constant congested sniffling they are distracted and are miserable (it's even better if they give a sigh after a hard sniff :) ).

I suppose that leads on to another part of my fetish which involves a taking care of the ill person kind of desire. I love having the opportunity to ask 'are you ok?' or 'getting a cold?' just purely to invite the person to talk about why they are sniffling and deliberately leave questions open so they can talk more about it. I suppose I also love when people get embarrassed about having a cold/being ill.

I don't have a sneeze fetish at all really, only the after effects that a sneeze brings and also the kind of linked effect of having a cold/allergies.

In saying all that about how much I love people sniffling, if it's the wrong person doing it then it drives me mad! :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same as polychrome above me - ugh, I can't even type it out. Messiness is just disgusting, not at ALL appealing. But a little sniffling doesn't bother me. And I also feel kind of bad for saying this under the related fetishes thread, but I'm also not a fan of tissues, handkerchiefs, coughing, crying, etc. It's not that I dislike them, they just don't do anything for me. I guess I have strict rules about what I like, haha. xD;

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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  • 2 weeks later...
A lot of people are going to hate me, but when people blow their nose into hankies.

ughh, i can't STAND it.

Oh and snot. dies/

Me too, exactly! Although I think my hate for hankies in related to my HATE for snot. With tissues you throw that disgusting, nausiating mess away and with hankies you carry that nasty grossness with you all day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two words: Colored Snot

I can stand seeing my own, and maybe someone else (if I know them really well)

But if i see colored snot from a person I don't know, I just feel sick. Especially if its clenging to their nose... oh... oh... oh the turn of.

Clear snot is fine... yellowy nastyness... so sick...

That's all I got.

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Two words: Colored Snot

I can stand seeing my own, and maybe someone else (if I know them really well)

But if i see colored snot from a person I don't know, I just feel sick. Especially if its clenging to their nose... oh... oh... oh the turn of.

Clear snot is fine... yellowy nastyness... so sick...

That's all I got.

AGREED. I seriously shuddered just reading it. :yuck:

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My biggest turn off concerning the fetish is when someone induces, makes their sneeze super dramatic, or enjoys sneezing. Unless theres that little bit of vulnerability/embarrassment/annoyance about it, it doesn't do anything for me.

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My biggest turn off concerning the fetish is when someone induces, makes their sneeze super dramatic, or enjoys sneezing. Unless theres that little bit of vulnerability/embarrassment/annoyance about it, it doesn't do anything for me.

I totally agree.

I hate many of the snotty things listed above: coloured snot, gurgly snot, people showing their snot, snot visible around someone's nose, spitting snot, snorting snot, picking/eating snot, etc. I want nose blowing to be kind of..."sterile", if that makes sense? Just an indication of the larger affliction at hand, but having a germy, contagious, unhygienic and poor-mannered life of it's own...

I also hate the idea of someone having blood in their snot. Or getting a sinus infection because of impacted mucous...goo!

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I recently posted a topic about nose picking and many have expressed how it is a turn off for them. What are some other related fetish turn offs for you all. I know one of mine is dry blows. I hate to hear a person blow their nose and sound like nothing is even coming out. I also dont like what I call "stacato blowing" were the person makes rythmic light short blows.

It would be snot.

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The sound of gurgling snot

People who get "creative" with snot

Someone snorfling a blob of snot back in


However, I don't mind light snifflers, it makes me think they might sneeze and I get excited. I also don't mind "mist", "spray" or a normally productive blow. It's when it gets really messy that's just s'not sexy.

I agree with all of this. Ughch.

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