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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Our fetish is considered, by some, to be porn?


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I was browsing google and youtube the other day when I came across something odd... A non-fetishist wrote an article (im sorry that I dont remember the website.) They wrote that whenever we (fetishists) look up sneezing videos, it's porn because we get some form of pleasure out of it. I was shocked, because I have never ever considered this.

Sneezing videos on youtube do not show explicit body parts, or sexual action. The only reason they would ever be unsuitable for children is occasional language. Is enjoying a simple bodily function classified as porn? Thoughts?

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it really depents on what the speciffic person consideres "porn"

I'd say if it's erotic it's some kind of pornography (of course that's just what I think hehe)

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I actually do consider wavs and videos to be porn, although I consider it very mild porn. I mean, think about it, why do we watch videos and listen to wavs? Usually it's for the purpose of getting turned on, which is what porn is as well. For us it is sexual.

I know my boyfriend has mentioned he is not too keen about my wavs because he's not sure he is comfortable with me being a "sneezy porn star" (his words, not mine.)

What do you do after you listen to wavs? Think about it ...

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"Pornography or porn is the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual arousal and erotic satisfaction." /Wikipedia

Our fetish material could be described as "portrayal of sneezing for the purposes of sexual arousal", so... yeah. Our fetish material (wavs, videos, stories and so on) is our porn. And I don't see why there should be anything wrong with that. :laugh: Most of it is totally free, too. We're so lucky. :cryhappy:

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"Pornography or porn is the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual arousal and erotic satisfaction." /Wikipedia

With that definition VoOs, our videos could not be classified as porn. Where is the explicit sexual element?

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"Pornography or porn is the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual arousal and erotic satisfaction." /Wikipedia

With that definition VoOs, our videos could not be classified as porn. Where is the explicit sexual element?

But... but... sneezing is sexual. To us. .___.

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The phrase "explicit sexual subject matter" means just that. Explicit means expressed without ambiguity or vagueness, hence explicit sexual means that it has to be specifically sexual in nature (i.e. literally involving sex or sexual behaviour), which sneezing doesn't, whether we are aroused by it or not.

Edited by Vetinari
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The phrase "explicit sexual subject matter" means just that. Explicit means expressed without ambiguity or vagueness, hence explicit sexual means that it has to be specifically sexual in nature (i.e. literally involving sex or sexual behaviour), which sneezing doesn't, whether we are aroused by it or not.

Ah. Second language suckage. It's a bitch. :laugh:

I still think of wavs as our porn, though. :cryhappy:

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I still think of wavs as our porn, though. :laugh:

I think that particular definition is silly. I have seen all kinds of things I would call "porn" which aren't covered. There are entire sites devoted to selling clips of girls urinating, for example. Technically that isn't explicitly sexual either but if it can't be called "Porn" then what is it?

Many people casually call all clips here "Porn". I would tend to call it that myself if it has been specifically created for us because its obvious intent is to arouse.

Random clips that we find aren't porn, as far as I am concerned. They are just films of people that we enjoy watching for nefarious purposes. If someone is massively aroused by Nicole Kidman, it doesn't mean that every Nicole Kidman film becomes porn.

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i consider sneezing to be a very safe form of porn. there are far more crazier things out there, in my opinion, which push the envelope into 'wtf' territory. it's harmless, and what's the real danger of it? catching a cold for a day? lol.

though i'll lol if any explicit sneezing porn winds up on paheal. they seem to cover much of everything but that for some reason. :V

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If sneezing in porn then everything is porn. Teenage boys have been getting off on picutes of FULLY CLOTHED women in magazines for years, should we consider that porn. There is a fetish for just about everything ya know. Some people get off on seeing someone smoking, others on someone wearing a certain type of shoe. Everything in the world is sexy to someone somewhere. Real porn involves the naked human body and or some form of sexual (involving genital) activity, usually for pay. Honestly its unrealistic to demonize sneezing as porn just because it "excites" some people. In that case just make sneezing itself completely illegal(like thats even possible).

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I would say that videos and wavs that we in the community make are absolutely porn. We are after all making them for the sexual pleasure of others. As far as I'm concerned, that's definitely porn. Videos that we happen to find that weren't made with the intent of sexual pleasure are in much more of a grey area. I tend to consider them sort of... contingent porn. :laugh: They're porn when I'm watching them because I'm watching them with the express purpose of getting sexual pleasure from them, but for most people watching they wouldn't be at all sexual and therefor not pornographic. Bottom line, a fetish is, by definition, sexual, and that means that any material pertaining to it could, at least in theory, be considered porn when view by someone with that fetish.

Collins dictionary defines pornography as;

1. writings, pictures, films, etc, designed to stimulate sexual excitement

2. the production of such material

Which would go along with the idea that material created by people with a fetish for other people with the same fetish is porn, but material created by non-fetishists wouldn't be.

And because I find it interesting and amusing, the original Greek the word comes from is specifically "Writing about harlots".

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I think porn can be very subjective at times. This is how I view it - do I get off to it? If so, it's porn - to me. My porn isn't necessarily your porn, and vice versa. I think just about everything has the potential to be porn, it all just depends on who's viewing it. :drool: According to this thread, the dictionary definitions seem to all hinge on whether it was intentional or not (and who am I to argue with the dictionary?) but it doesn't work that way in my head. I say it's the opposite - all about the viewer and whether they get sexual gratification from it.

Honestly its unrealistic to demonize sneezing as porn just because it "excites" some people.

Why does something being considered porn mean it's automatically demonized? Pornography is something that gives sexual pleasure. Is sexual pleasure a bad thing?

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The phrase "explicit sexual subject matter" means just that. Explicit means expressed without ambiguity or vagueness, hence explicit sexual means that it has to be specifically sexual in nature (i.e. literally involving sex or sexual behaviour), which sneezing doesn't, whether we are aroused by it or not.

Ah. Second language suckage. It's a bitch. :bawl:

I still think of wavs as our porn, though. :rolleyes:

Maan (or, giiirl) you'r not alone heh :)

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Is the word 'porn' sounding weird to anyone else now? :)

I think that the stuff on this site IS but the clips and stuff we randomly find on the Internet is not. This site AIMS to do what porn does, excite and arouse, and some YouTube videos are made specifically too, but those makeup tutorials With random fits in them, are not, in any way.

So... If it's made with the specific purpose for us to become aroused, then yeah, it's porn.

Edited by Pearlised
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I think that the stuff on this site IS but the clips and stuff we randomly find on the Internet is not. This site AIMS to do what porn does, excite and arouse, and some YouTube videos are made specifically too, but those makeup tutorials With random fits in them, are not, in any way.

So... If it's made with the specific purpose for us to become aroused, then yeah, it's porn.

I agree completely with this, and couldn't have said it any better myself. :rolleyes:

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Speaking as an ex mod, most people on here are only here to get more sneezing/blowing etc videos/pictures/stories or whatever. There's a reason a lot of people only post in one or two sections of the forum.

That doesn't make the author of the article right, of course.

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Speaking as an ex mod, most people on here are only here to get more sneezing/blowing etc videos/pictures/stories or whatever.

They are?

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The best definition of porn that I ever heard was: "Anything you lose interest in after masturbating."

That pretty much sums it up. Takes care of the "I know it when I see it trap," as well as the the sustitution of non-sexual, fetish material as loop-hole in a "no-porn" taboo/rule/whatever. (The above definition was used in a'who can go w/o porn the longest' contest, so you can see where one of us would have the advatage w/o that clarification.)

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Speaking as an ex mod, most people on here are only here to get more sneezing/blowing etc videos/pictures/stories or whatever.

They are?

Do you see 2000 members regularly posting in the chat threads? Many others are here t find acceptance, sate curiosity etc, as we all did once, but yeah many are just here for the porn.
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Returning to your question, sneezingfetish, when I first joined this forum it had certainly never occurred to me that any written or visual material about sneezing could be regarded as somehow bad, if that is what porn implies, and at that time I don't think many of us thought this. Forum policy has recently become very strict, and quite apart from that I detect a growing general negativity; people posting about how they don't enjoy sneezing{!}, don't enjoy other people sneezing, don't like people enjoying other people sneezing and so on. It all seems very sad and bad to me.

Is all visual stuff "porn"? People have always watched films because the actors are attractive, and been sexually interested in them; same with popular music. Is a film like "Casablanca" porn? Is Justin Bieber's hit song porn?

Contrariwise, does everyone here really achieve some sort of sexual ecstasy every time they see someone sneeze; it must be an exhausting and embarrassing life...

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I don't think it can be classified as porn on a wider scale--if that happened, we'd have to classify EVERYTHING as porn, because there are people who get off to everything. But individually? Yeah, it's porn. Porn on an indivual scale is material designed to arouse, or material which DOES arouse--therefore it's extremely subjective. One person's porn is the same as the porn of the person sitting next to her.

I do tend to refer to it as "not porn" though, to differntiate it from the popular definition or pornography. It is porn, but it also isn't at the same time...? I don't know if that makes sense.

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I think the problem is the word porn. I admit I do not like to think of it as porn probably because the word makes them cringe. I think people give the word to much power, we just have to realize that porn is more or less a part of human nature. No matter how much people deny it. Also I dont like refering to it as porn because some of these up and coming right wing politicians are talking about outlawing porn. Or atleast that michelle whats her face is.

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I've heard that. Non fetishists that I've heard of always consider us to be turned on by "sneeze porn" and that only. Which is rubbish because I've had a sneeze fetish for 17 years now and I don't even consider the idea of watching sneeze porn. I find it disgusting, and a turn off.

Also for me, witnessing a sneeze is a different kind of pleasure as say watching porn and, you know- pleasuring yourself. Its a whole different feeling.

I don't think that makes sense ^ but that's the best I can describe it while staying appropriate.

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