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Offering and being offered tissues


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I was thinking the other day that it's been too long since I offered a stranger a tissue. I went through a stage, especially in a former customer facing job I had, of offering tissues to those in need. Purely because I a nice person, you understand, not for any immoral or voyeuristic reason. (yeah, right!)

I always carry a handkerchief, as you know, I nearly have some tissues on me as well when I go out, should the need arise.

The last time I offered a tissue, it was to a girl in a library who was stood next to me, sniffing. I left it for a while but the poor girl was suffering so I gave her a tissue and she was grateful.

When did you last offer a tissue, what was the respose, and did you stick around to see them use it?

When were you last offered a tissue?

Edited by Kleeny
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I have offered a tissue a few times in my life, but never to strangers. I've never really had the right opportunity...if I noticed someone sniffing and sneezing without one, I didn't have any on me (I never do), or I just didn't think to consider offering...probably cause I never have any on me. lol

I've offered them at work...there's a box of tissues near my desk (I never use them...I don't like to blow my nose or sneeze in public / at work, etc), and over the years I've passed a couple to whoever needed them.

I have been offered a tissue I think once, but my parents YEARS ago and it was...bad. lol Embarrassment city!

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Thank you for replying Stevie, I was beginning to wonder why I bother posting these days.

Not everyone is comfortable with offering tissues to strangers, and I choose my vict, ahem, I mean subjects, carefully.

Most times the tissue has been gratefully received, sometimes embarrasedly, but never rejected or with anger.

Being offered one by your folks must have been awkward, as an adult anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh god, I've never been offered a tissue by my parents as an adult. Oh my GOD...I'd die. lol

Imagine someone reacting to a generous and caring (and hyper interested, heheh) tissue-offering with ANGER! I can picture it now...

Generous tissue-offerer - "Need a tissue, sir?"

Pompous gentleman with sniffly nose - "I BEG YOUR PARDON!!!? I MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT!!! BE GONE!" *flings offered tissue to the floor violently and stalks away*


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I once thought about offering a tissue to a man in the same train carriage as me who was sniffing endlessly, and obviously really needed one, but I was far too shy! I wouldn't have been able to cope with it if he'd refused or looked at me funny.

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Oh god, I've never been offered a tissue by my parents as an adult. Oh my GOD...I'd die. lol

Imagine someone reacting to a generous and caring (and hyper interested, heheh) tissue-offering with ANGER! I can picture it now...

Generous tissue-offerer - "Need a tissue, sir?"

Pompous gentleman with sniffly nose - "I BEG YOUR PARDON!!!? I MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT!!! BE GONE!" *flings offered tissue to the floor violently and stalks away*


Haha, yes, that does make for a funny sketch.

I guess people could be embarrased when they realise their sniffing has become excessive and being offered a tissue would make them feel bad. Still, I would prefer embarrasement to sniffing constantly.

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I once thought about offering a tissue to a man in the same train carriage as me who was sniffing endlessly, and obviously really needed one, but I was far too shy! I wouldn't have been able to cope with it if he'd refused or looked at me funny.

That was a shame, that you didn't feel able to offer him the tissue. I would have thought it was easier for a girl to offer a tissue to a guy, rather than one guy offering a tissue to another guy.

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I once thought about offering a tissue to a man in the same train carriage as me who was sniffing endlessly, and obviously really needed one, but I was far too shy! I wouldn't have been able to cope with it if he'd refused or looked at me funny.

That was a shame, that you didn't feel able to offer him the tissue. I would have thought it was easier for a girl to offer a tissue to a guy, rather than one guy offering a tissue to another guy.

I wanted to, but doing that is connected with the fetish, as far as I'm concerned. And in a very crowded train carriage? No, shyshyshy!

I did give a tissue to a dear male friend whose nose was running - I'd forgotten about this. He has no idea about the fetish, but he's one of my oldest friends and I knew he'd have no problem with me looking after him like that.

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Guest huffy74

I've never offered a tissue to anyone, there's plenty of times i've wanted to but i've just never felt comfortable enough to. Anything relating to my fetish i feel extremely insecure about and i would never do anything that even slightly hinted i had a fetish. Also i think that being male it's a bit harder to offer a female a tissue.

I've only ever been offered a tissue once a couple of years ago by my then girlfriend. I'm not a big cold or allergy person (occasionally get hayfever but my nose is rarely runny/blocked throughout the year) but at this point my hayfever was going crazy and my nose was running a lot. I was looking for tissues while sniffing and watching a film but couldn't see any, was about to run to the bathroom when my girlfriend pulled out a box from the cupboard next to her and offered me one. Obviously i really needed one so i took it but i felt so insecure about blowing my nose in front of her so i just wiped a couple of times but eventually i gave in a gave my nose a quiet blow. The first and only time i've blown my nose in front of someone.

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I don't know if I could ever offer a tissue to a stranger - but I quite regularly offer them to friends, since I normally carry a packet around with me. Recently I was hanging out with a friend who had a cold and was complaining about how runny her nose was - I ended up giving her the whole packet. Mmm...

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There are some interesting answers here, thanks. I think it's noticeable that some of us don't want to offer a tissue to someone in case they think it odd, or related to a fetish. I think most people would see it as a kind gesture, and from the reactions I get when I tell selected people that I like noseblowing, they had no idea that this kind of fetish existed, so unless you're carrying around a box of tissues and pouncing on anyone who sniffs, I don't think people will find it peculiar that you've offered a tissue.

Also, Huffy mentions it being harder for a male to offer a female a tissue. Not sure really. It used to be the mark of a gentleman if he were to offer his handkerchief to a lady in need. I think it's so rare for a girl to not have tissues with her, and a man who has, that I suppose it very rarely happens.

Just once, I would like to hear a girlfriend berating her sniffing boyfriend. I was in a store once and this young man was just sniffing a lot, and his girlfriend was saying nothing. I would have loved for her to go "For Heavens' sake here, blow your nose". That would be cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To tell you the truth, I find offering tissues to girls that obviously need them to be a HUGE turn-on.

I usually carry a pack of tissues with me everywhere, what with hay fever season and all, but I've just recently discovered how satisfying the offering of tissues can be if done properly.

For example, last semester I was studying with a friend in the library one night. After a short while, I noticed that she was sniffling quite frequently and attempting to be subtle about it. Before long, I asked, "Are you okay?" She simply replied, "Oh, yeah, I just have a cold." Beyond that, I didn't need to say anything; I just reached into my backpack for my trusty pack of tissues and handed it to her. She was actually very grateful, and boy was I turned on unexpectedly! I'm not sure if that's weird, being turned on by such a thing. I think it has something to do with a "nuturing male" complex or the like.

I've only offered tissues a few times- I don't go out of my way to do it so no suspicion is aroused. For those of you who are nervous about offering tissues to people who evidently need them, fear not! I have yet to have my tissue rejected by anyone, and they're usually rather grateful for it.

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I've never offered a tissue to anyone, there's plenty of times i've wanted to but i've just never felt comfortable enough to. Anything relating to my fetish i feel extremely insecure about and i would never do anything that even slightly hinted i had a fetish. Also i think that being male it's a bit harder to offer a female a tissue.

I've only ever been offered a tissue once a couple of years ago by my then girlfriend. I'm not a big cold or allergy person (occasionally get hayfever but my nose is rarely runny/blocked throughout the year) but at this point my hayfever was going crazy and my nose was running a lot. I was looking for tissues while sniffing and watching a film but couldn't see any, was about to run to the bathroom when my girlfriend pulled out a box from the cupboard next to her and offered me one. Obviously i really needed one so i took it but i felt so insecure about blowing my nose in front of her so i just wiped a couple of times but eventually i gave in a gave my nose a quiet blow. The first and only time i've blown my nose in front of someone.

I know exactly what you mean. I've had the fetish for as long as I remember, but I'm extremely insecure about letting anything on in public. It's a dilemma these days- this is one of the worst years for hay fever that I've ever been through in my life. I'll be sitting in class after walking in from outside, and then my nose gets itchy and starts to run, yet I have this almost Pavlovian fear of blowing my nose in front of everyone. If someone actually offered me a tissue, I'd probably be super embarrassed (unless she was hot, then, meh...).

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I'm much too shy! However, I LOVE it when a guy will offer a girl a tissue. Mostly for crying purposes over sneezing.

But if he offers her a tissue after she's had a fit, well that's great too :winkkiss:

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This happened to me once, I was silently crying and thought no one would notice,

but then a guy appeared outta nowhere and offered me a tissue.

It was cute, but I was so embarassed :D

I couldn't blow my nose in front of him, so I just thanked him and wiped away a few tears.

But basically I think it's very cute :)

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I love offering tissues to girls :) But basically what I say is, "I have tissues if you need," if I think the situation calls for it, so I don't sound pushy about it :laugh: Usually (lately, at least), they thank me but end up not needing them, but sometimes they do :wub: And if a girl asks if anyone has a tissue, I'm always there :wub::boom:

I'm not offered tissues much at all :/ but it's okay because if I were, I'd probably say thanks but I have some ^_^

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I love this whole tissue exchange business. The last person to offer me a tissue would have been my ex this past summer, who was very attentive and sweet when ever I would sneeze. Sigh. Anyway. It's harder for me to be sure who I last offered a tissue to. Possibly my roommate. Often when we run together she gets a runny nose but never seems to carry them.

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