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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I told my friend!!!!!!


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So I stayed at my friend's house last night and we stayed up really late talking about stuff. We somehow got onto the subject of fetishes. I almost told someone else once but I couldn't go through with it, so before that could happen again I just blurted it out! And she didn't even think I was weird or anything, she just thought it was cute and quirky.

YAAAAYYYY! :laugh::(:group::D:innocent::D

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So I stayed at my friend's house last night and we stayed up really late talking about stuff. We somehow got onto the subject of fetishes. I almost told someone else once but I couldn't go through with it, so before that could happen again I just blurted it out! And she didn't even think I was weird or anything, she just thought it was cute and quirky.

YAAAAYYYY! :laugh::(:group::D:innocent::D

Thats really cool. I've found out that if you don't make a big deal out if it, most people wont either. Of course you never quite know how anyone's going to react, but good thing she's accepting!

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