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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bestie (f)


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So, I was sitting with my best friend today, in a meadow type thing, surrounded by grass and little yellow flowers. Very pretty setting and we're lying there passing the time with very little to do with jobs coming slowly.

She has a little bit of hay fever but nothing to write home about. She's quite small and petite, her nose is nice and angular and in good proportion to her face. she used to have a nose ring in but that's healing up now because i irritated her.

She's lying there, occasionally rubbing her nose and sniffing quite a lot. Obviously I'm on full alert, but years back I told her about my fetish so I'm wary of staring. Well, time goes by and she suddenly sneezes. She usually covers them and kind of holds them back without stifling, this being no exception. A nice "eh-pfchoo!", slightly feminine at the end, escapes her and her glasses slip a tad. I bless her, and she laughs momentarily before sneezing again in the same manner, a little quieter. I bless her again and she laughs.

Her: "I hate sneezing"

Me: "Really? How come"

Her: "I dunno, I think it's just the shock of it!

Me: "Haha, that's wierd!"

Cue much over zealous laughter and conversation changing from me. Now, this girl is bright. Not only is she bright but she's doing a degree of the kind that should really make her god at picking up on stuff.

I'm pretty sure she's forgotten I have a fetish :( We don't have the kind of relationship where we really talk about sex or one another's preferences, other than me making fun of the fact that she keeps dating losers, but I'm pretty sure she'd have picked up on this and made a joke.


Anyway, later on as we're inside, she sneezes a more forceful "eh-pffcheww!!", covered with her hand and aimed into her chest. I bless her again and she thanks me.

Totally worth the early morning.

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Lovely scenario, lovely obs

I like the way her hayfever is "nothing to write home about it" - perhaps the expression needs altering to "nothing to tell the forum about"


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So, I was sitting with my best friend today, in a meadow type thing, surrounded by grass and little yellow flowers. Very pretty setting and we're lying there passing the time with very little to do with jobs coming slowly.

Sounds like what I want to be doing at the moment :) Thanks for posting

Edited by NoV
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