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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you know why?


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So, I am sorry if this topic already exsists (I was unable to find any threads with a simmilar topic haha)

So, do you actually know why you got the fetish? And when did you get it?

I only remember my first fetishy reaction (which was at the age of 4 years)

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Woah...i was actually trying to figure that out today O_O have you been stalking my thoughts? xD

I can remember as early as maybe 10 years old...when i was playing with my toys, i can always remember i would make them get colds and sneeze. Then in 6th grade (10-11 years old) i remember one time wishing that i had allergies so i could sneeze all the time lol and then like around 13 or 14 years old, i really got into seeing people sneeze and i had no idea why or thought nothing of it really. and then around 15 or 16 years old, i came to the realization that i indeed had a fetish...then last year i discovered that the fetish is sexual with me. so yeah that's pretty much my timeline xD

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I can remember having it at the age of.. maybe five? I know I would see certain things in my little kid shows and be intrigued by it, or want to see them again, if it included sneezing. I didn't think much of other people sneezing until later on, since it was the reason for sneezing that I would focus on more I guess? xD; Then I would also wonder why teachers didn't get embarrassed when reading books that included sneezing parts out loud, when I would get so freaked out if someone blessed me (especially in another language). I tried not to think about it because I knew it was different of me to. Then once I heard it was possibly a fetish, I started considering it again. At first I really tried to hide that I had it, but then I gave in, and here I am. xD

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I've had this fetish for as long as I can remember, so I really don't feel I can even begin to guess what might environmental cause there might have been for it, which has always led me to wonder if it's simply something I was born with. Something that was hard wired into my brain right from the beginning, something which has been suggested as a possibility by plenty of neurologists etc. We know that "wires" so to speak in the brain can certainly be crossed making interesting physiological connections like in synethesia for instance, so it doesn't seem like a stretch to suggest that a fetish might be the result of something similar. Another thing I've heard from multiple sources is the theory that some people are pre-disposed to developing a fetish, but it takes some external incident for that behaviour and thinking to manifest, something that makes the person fixate on a certain object as providing sexual gratification.

There are of course plenty of interesting Freudian sorts of theories as well. Parents who violently demonize intercourse and/or genitalia leading their child to place his or her desires on something else. That sort of thing. I have a paper I did on paraphilias that expanded on several of those theories, but they were written on my old mac and I haven't bothered to reformat them for microsoft since I switched back to windows and I can't remember the details now :) It's a really interesting area to research into though.

Edited by Ouroboros
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Why? Hm...good question. :laugh:

I've also had the fetish for as long as I can remember. When I was 4-5, when watching TV, I would always do a double take whenever there was a sneeze. At 7-8, I can remember playing with my dolls and toys and I would always make them have allergies or get colds. At that point, I knew it wasn't normal, but I couldn't fix it. I even remember in second grade, there was this kids book, I Love to Sneeze and I read it in 5 minutes, checked it out to read it again, but when my mom asked me what book I checked out I couldn't bring myself to show her. I was embarassed, and didn't want her to know that I liked sneezing. At age 12-13, I discovered I liked it when certain people sneezed. I also discovered I could roll up the end of a tissue into a pointy tip thing and make myself sneeze. I also fake sneezed in public (about twice a week, I'd say) for attention (attention being a bless you, and maybe a conversation).

At 14, I began searching the internet, discovered sneezefiction, realized it was a fetish, therefore leading me to this forum. I don't know why me, or all of us, out of all the people on the world, why us? It is pretty rare, I suppose, so it makes me feel special. :)

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I don't know if I "got it" at some point of my life, or if there really is a "why" to this. I mean, I wouldn't ask any of my gay friends "hey, why exactly are you gay?" or my ex gf why does she think is the reason why she has her kinks... Of course, for some it might just be something about their past life that has "caused" them to have a fetish, but I don't know... A fetish is a bit different than... let say phobias. Of course I could just as well try dig for a biological or evolutional reason...

Anyways, I've had the fetish for as long as I can remember and my first shady memories are from when I was about four or a bit younger or older. I know for certain that when I was 6 or maybe even youger, I had my mental blogs (no sneezing/coughing/nose blowing in public or in front of anything that's alive (counting out microbes and plants)). I have these nice little memories from many point of my life, though I don't remember that much of anything else... At the age of 12 I understood that this is sexual thing and somewhere around my 13th birthday I read an article about fetishes and paraphilias.

Though there is this one thing that I knnow has, by no means, lessened my love for colds... I have never felt as loved as I felt when ever I was sick as a little kid (back when I still got those nice colds... :twisted: ). Though those experiences of motherly love come too late to be anykind of "cause" for this and it would be more rational that then I'de be a sucker for caretaking rather than likeing colds the way I like them... *shrugs* Who knows...

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I have had it for as long as I can remember, although there are some moments I recall that might have sparked it into an actual fetish and not just an "interest".. but I'm not sure if that has so much to do with it. I'm pretty sure I was born with it, why, well.. why was I born with blue eyes? Genetic, maybe, or a coincidence. :) I have absolutely no idea, but I do know that I wouldn't want to not have it. :twisted:

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haha interresting, sorry for the slow replies, I've been on a short vacation :D

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I have also had this ever since I can remember. I don't exactly know if I was born with it, but my mom told me a story one time about when I was a baby that made me think that perhaps something environmental happened. As much as I hate the story she told me, and it makes me squirm, it also makes me wonder if that's where it came from. Whether I was born with it, or had something happen when I was less than a year old, I have always had a funny reaction to sneezing.

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  • 1 month later...

it all started when I watched episode 23 of Digimon Frontier in second grade. If I had any intrests in sneezing before that, i don't remember them. After that I wanted to watch that episode again and again and would be excited when it came on. Before I got a computer I liked to read books that had to do with sneezing and had sneezing in them and I would get excited when someone sneezed on a tv show. In middle school I started getting on youtube and looking up videos with sneezing in them, mostly anime videos. I also started looking up sneezefics, perferably Twilight, and thats how I found this website :D though I didn't actually sign up for an account until recently.

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Why? Not sure! I am kind of with the "hard wired" camp on this one. It's just always been there.

As for when- I can remember being as young as 4, playing with my dolls and making them sneeze from dirt/dust. My barbies always seemed to get colds too :mellow:, and I secretly enjoyed shows/books where a favorite character sneezed. Of course, being aware of this since age 4 (aka the time of my earliest memories) I cannot recall ever, ever sneezing in front of my family.

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When I was about three years old I wanted to become a doctor just as my mom. I started to watch sick people on TV and realised they all sneeze a lot. :D After that, all the toys that I "cured" suffered from the awful sneezing fits. I started to find sneezing really interesting ang getting VERY happy when someone sneezed.

When I started going to school I saw lots of people sneezing so I started having sneezy fantasies (first about female's but after I loved male sneezes too).

Things got better for me when I learned how to use YouTube. I knew there are the videos of all different sorts of things, so I said myself: "Man, there must be something about sneezing!"

Somehow I learned an English word for a sneeze, typed it in and................... BINGO!!! :blink:

Not much after that, I searched all sorts of thing in common with sneezing on the Internet.

One lovely day, I found this forum on Google. I read lots of topics and I liked it very much! One day I decided to join it...

So, here I am! The story of my fetish. :(

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When I was about three years old I wanted to become a doctor just as my mom. I started to watch sick people on TV and realised they all sneeze a lot. :lol: After that, all the toys that I "cured" suffered from the awful sneezing fits. I started to find sneezing really interesting ang getting VERY happy when someone sneezed.

When I started going to school I saw lots of people sneezing so I started having sneezy fantasies (first about female's but after I loved male sneezes too).

Things got better for me when I learned how to use YouTube. I knew there are the videos of all different sorts of things, so I said myself: "Man, there must be something about sneezing!"

Somehow I learned an English word for a sneeze, typed it in and................... BINGO!!! :D

Not much after that, I searched all sorts of thing in common with sneezing on the Internet.

One lovely day, I found this forum on Google. I read lots of topics and I liked it very much! One day I decided to join it...

So, here I am! The story of my fetish. :(

Haha cute story :blink:

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