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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Im just gonna go ahead and say it. If you havent realized by now, I like snot. Of course I like it within sertain circumstances namely allergy related and just maybe a little roling out of the persons nose after a sneeze or just dripping some from being really congested and runny. I know someone else has to like it. After all the sneeze fetish is considered mucophilia. So does anyone like it and if so or not so why?

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Sure I like it. Quite a number of people on this forum find it irrelevant or repulsive. I like a guy blowing his nose and knowing what has come out :twisted: . Odd, but hey, that's how it works for me. So at least we're two!

Take care,


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Ummmmm... I confes?

I'm a coldwhore, so to be said, and snotty, messy colds are definitely the God's gift to me humans (if there was a god...). Also the mess is the only thing I might ever like about allergies, though usually I just don't care to even think about allergies (would be a waste of time as I could just as well be thinking about something much more interesting... (x ).

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Hrrrmmm...Hehehe, I like it too. Adds to the desperateness? If that's a word? ;)

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I'm not sure if I like it...

I think I kind of do, but it depends in what specific circumstances and how attractive the person in question is...

I did a video once of me stifling many sneezes and my nose was quite snotty and runny during this...that was kinda cool...

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I like what snot does to people, the sounds, irritation, embarrassment and discomfort it creates, but I don't have much interest in the snot itself, if that makes any sense. The messy side of sneezing has been growing on my lately, but I still don't like seeing it, especially not in, uh, large quantities.

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I think I like the idea of snot in my head. For example, if I were daydreaming about someone sneezing (which I often do) I wouldn't mind if they sneezed so much that snot came out.

In real life, however- nononononononono.

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When it's still in the nose, the condition it creates (stuffiness, etc.) is quite desirable. Once it leaves the nose is another story... :D

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Im just gonna go ahead and say it. If you havent realized by now, I like snot. Of course I like it within sertain circumstances namely allergy related and just maybe a little roling out of the persons nose after a sneeze or just dripping some from being really congested and runny. I know someone else has to like it. After all the sneeze fetish is considered mucophilia. So does anyone like it and if so or not so why?

Snot is great...it adds to the desperation of the sneeze. The sound it makes when coming out (during the sneeze or the blow), making it all wet and gurgley, YES!

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Just have to pop in here to say that a sneeze fetish is NOT mucophilia! Those people who identify the two are apparently incapable of appreciating that our interest in sneezing is a quasi-abstract appreciation of the sneeze per se, and nothing to do with any physical manifestation ; indeed it is not a fetish. The correct name for it is ptaerophilia.

Having said that; mmm, naughty mess going everywhere! What could be more exciting?

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Just have to pop in here to say that a sneeze fetish is NOT mucophilia! Those people who identify the two are apparently incapable of appreciating that our interest in sneezing is a quasi-abstract appreciation of the sneeze per se, and nothing to do with any physical manifestation ; indeed it is not a fetish. The correct name for it is ptaerophilia.

Having said that; mmm, naughty mess going everywhere! What could be more exciting?

Thanks for clearing that up!!!, and I second that last comment!!! :D

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Yeah, I must clarify now I've read some other posts.

I like what snot does to the nose and how it is produced because the nose is inflamed and irritated inside...and causes more sneezes...and I love the sound of a heavy sneeze, with snot...and you know it's in there, and I love that, but actual SNOT on its own, nah.

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Ugh ... just thinking about snot makes me nauseous. I hate everything about it ... I hate the gurguly sound of a wet blow, the drippiness, snot itself ... I can't even go on I feel sick.

I am not into nose blowing anyway, really, but snotty nose blowing ... ICK!

(but that's just me)

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