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Band camp


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So all last week I had band camp (from 9 am to 9 pm, kill me), and I have more this week so I should be in bed right now but this is literally on the brain so much that I can't sleep. :laugh:

This first one is from my former band director. My new band director needed volunteers (because this happens to be the largest band in my state) so my middle school band director came.

He's about 6 feet tall, aproximately 25 years, shortish light brown hair, pretty thin figure, and deep hazel eyes. Very sexy, in my opinion. Now for the past 3 years in band class, he was always a sniffley guy. He always had me on the lookout for a good sneeze. His cute round nose was always a bit pink on the end, and he constantly rubbed it. Yet not once, in THREE years, did I hear a sneeze from that man! Gah, so frustrating. But at least I got to see this one before I start high school. Man, I'm gonna miss him so much B)

He was talking to a friend of mine a couple yards away about proper technique, when he stopped in the middle of his sentence and, "Eh-Heyyychoooo!" then sniffles and said, "Lord have mercy..." and continues. That spelling does not do it justice, but I can't really imitate it. He kept rubbing his nose after that though, I suspect he was allergic to the grass on the field we were practicing on. :twisted:

This one, ironically, happens to be from my new band director, who I'll have for the next four years. He also happens to be very cute. About 6 feet as well, in his late thirties or early forties, shortish curly brown hair, really tan. I don't know him very well, but he's handsome I guess.

He was sitting in his golf cart (yeah, it's a big school, there are golf carts everywhere) and he was talking to my old band director. The color guard director was trying to solve a problem with their dance not matching our music or something, and he had a microphone (once again, big school, 320 people in this band) and he was asking New Band Director's opinion on how to fix it.

Before New Band Director could answer, though, he brought a fist up and sneezed a, "Heh, keh'tshh!" wipes his nose on his

sleeve, gives his head a little shake, and says distractedly, "Sorry, what?" Of which I died. :wub:

And then Old Band Director blesses him. Double :innocent:

It was fantastic! I hope you guys are happy, now I only have about 8 hours to sleep. :laugh:

I'll keep you updated, there are bound to be more sneezes in band camp this week!

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This one time ... at band camp ...

(Sorry, couldn't resist :laugh: )

I'm sure the lovely sneezes your band instructors had to offer made the whole day in the heat and sun worth while! Hopefully there will be more to come as the week continues.

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This one time ... at band camp ...

(Sorry, couldn't resist :laugh: )

Ha ha ha, you beat me to it! :whip:

I love this whole thing, especially when the one blessed the other. Very lovely! Thanks for sharing! :laugh:

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Oh, how I miss marching band! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Looking forward to more obs! And stay hydrated! :D

Yes, mother :)

Oh yeah, I love band! (Me = Nerd) What did you play?

Two cute guys who are into music=triple :drool:
Yes, that too! :proud:
This one time ... at band camp ...

(Sorry, couldn't resist :laugh: )

I'm sure the lovely sneezes your band instructors had to offer made the whole day in the heat and sun worth while! Hopefully there will be more to come as the week continues.

Bahahaha! :laugh: I hope so! There were a lot from students today, but I don't have a lot of time right now, maybe I can share tomorrow :wub:
This one time ... at band camp ...

(Sorry, couldn't resist :laugh: )

Ha ha ha, you beat me to it! :laugh:

I love this whole thing, especially when the one blessed the other. Very lovely! Thanks for sharing! ;)

Harhar! :D Thanks for the replies, everyone!
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