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"Bless You" Preferences


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Okay, so I've noticed that when it comes to blessing, I'm really weird and fussy.

I adore the use of "bless you" or even better, "god bless you" :D It's actually sometimes what I look for in a guy- if he's a blesser, its automatically more attractive.

But thing is, I CAN NOT say bless you. I DESPISE it when my friends sneeze, especially if it's just us alone because I can't bless them, and it makes it really awkward. I know a lot of people with the fetish have trouble with blessing.

Weirder still, I feel that if I had an SO, and he sneezed in front of me- i'd say bless you. In fact, I WANT an SO to sneeze so I can bless him.

I don't know, I just feel it'd be easier to bless a partner- but only if we were alone!

I can't explain it any better- it's so weird!

So I'm wondering, what are your preferences when it comes to blessing? Do you bless friends? Do you like to be blessed? Hate it? etc etc

Edited by cheech
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I actually love blessing other people. I mean, family, it's a little wierd, but I do it. Friends, absolutely! My hubby, love it! Fetish friends, it's amazing! :drool:

Also, I love to be blessed!! Love it! In fact, I feel bad when I sneeze and it goes completely unnoticed, which has happened in the past. Or, I don't like it when my husband makes stupid comments instead of just saying, "bless you." And I definitely prefer the phrase, "bless you."

I do have a few, quirks, when it comes to blessing. If the person who sneezes has a significant other around, I won't bless unless they don't. Blame that one on the Seinfeld episode, I think. LOL I don't want to intrude on anyone else's blessing, I guess. And if a significant amount of time has passed, and nobody says "bless you," then I generally don't either. I think there is a statute of limitations or something, and if a few minutes have passed, it's just too late to say anything. :P Plus, if I know the person is normally a multiple sneezer, then I try to wait until they are completely done before saying it. I don't want to be that person who blesses every single sneeze, even though I believe they are all gifts and should be blessed! Ha ha ha! Of course, I've broken that rule when it comes to fetish friends, and I don't think they mind at all. :D

Fun topic, cheech! :yes:

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Some of my friends know about the fetish so when they sneeze I just ignore it and nobody makes any comments or anything. I ignore family too. I never sneeze in public, but I hate the idea of getting blessed so I probably never will. I bless my boyfriend sometimes, if I think to, but he's not really a fan of being blessed. I'd rather respond by rubbing his back or something else nonverbal to acknowledge it. I LOVE blessing in fiction though, or hearing other people bless each other.

I'm equally fine with "Bless you" and "God bless you." "Gesundheit" is cute coming from certain people. I like if a person sneezes a lot, or very powerfully, and the blesser sounds more shocked or enthusiastic with their blessing. Depending on the situation the blessing can be just as good as the sneeze itself.

Edited by AnonyMouse
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I don't want to be that person who blesses every single sneeze, even though I believe they are all gifts and should be blessed! Ha ha ha! Of course, I've broken that rule when it comes to fetish friends, and I don't think they mind at all. :D

I know I sure don't. :yes::drool:

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Okay, so I've noticed that when it comes to blessing, I'm really weird and fussy.

I adore the use of "bless you" or even better, "god bless you" :D It's actually sometimes what I look for in a guy- if he's a blesser, its automatically more attractive.

But thing is, I CAN NOT say bless you. I DESPISE it when my friends sneeze, especially if it's just us alone because I can't bless them, and it makes it really awkward. I know a lot of people with the fetish have trouble with blessing.

Weirder still, I feel that if I had an SO, and he sneezed in front of me- i'd say bless you. In fact, I WANT an SO to sneeze so I can bless him.

I don't know, I just feel it'd be easier to bless a partner- but only if we were alone!

I can't explain it any better- it's so weird!

So I'm wondering, what are your preferences when it comes to blessing? Do you bless friends? Do you like to be blessed? Hate it? etc etc

I'm in the exact same situation

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I like hearing others bless each other (unless they are family, but that goes without saying), but I don't think I've ever been blessed myself, and I'm pretty sure I would find it very embarrassing. I generally don't bless, and when I do it's always in another language since I seem to have developed some kind of silly phobia of the Swedish "prosit". :yes: We definitely have a love-hate relationship going on. :drool: It can be so awkward, yet so sexy at the same time.

For me, blessing a stranger would kind of be like telling them that they have a nice ass. :D Uh, nothing wrong with that, I guess. But still. Awkward.

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I'm not very fond of the whole blessing thing unless it takes place between lovers. :D I hate being blessed myself (but then again, I never sneeze around others, so that's not much of a problem...), and I have only ever blessed one person IRL one time in my whole life. It's an awkward issue for me.

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I am a BIG fan of Blessing sneezes. I, myself, LOVE being blessed when I sneeze, especially if it is from another fetishist. It is a total turn on for me. I could sneeze all day long by myself and it does nothing for me, but if I have just one sneeze that is blessed I get a fire in my pants! :D

I'm a bit more picky when it comes to blessing others. Hearing a guy offer a "bless you" to any sneeze is SUPER hot! I like when girls bless as well, but it's not quite as strong of a reaction. I have a hard time blessing strangers, but will do it if no one else is around because I think it is akward for a sneeze to go unblessed. My personal favorite though is blessing other Fetishists. So hott ...

Obviously, family blessings are ick, but I also really hate blessing students. I guess it's because it feels sexual for me and I do NOT want to have those weird feelings towards a student. The only time I bless kids in my class is if they are right next to me and it is super akward if I don't. Oddly, I don't have the same reaction if a student blesses me. I mean, I don't love it, but I can handle it ...

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I love to bless my friends and be blessed by then too. I've no problem with blessing strangers and also no problem blessing my college or language courses(English and Japanese) classmates as well...I even posted some obs about my college/English classmates here...Now,being blessed by my mother and grandparents,I just cant stand it, don't know why, and I can't bless them as well...

About my cousins,have no problem blessing then, I actually like it, though I don't meet them a lot nowadays, and there's one of my aunties that I bless too, but tha's it! Another member of the family, I just can't say it at all...and just can't stand being blessed as well, I kind of feel mad...extremely mad...is this normal,everyone?

I've noticed while reading the topics that a lot of members here on the forum can't stand being blessed by family members, and I think it's a curious fact, would like to know more about it,everyone! What makes you hate when family members bless you,or why do you hate it?

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I've noticed while reading the topics that a lot of members here on the forum can't stand being blessed by family members, and I think it's a curious fact, would like to know more about it,everyone! What makes you hate when family members bless you,or why do you hate it?

Oh, ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. They might as well just hump me in public. If a man or one of my lovely girlfriends says "bless you" to me, it is completely sexual... To have my family engage in something like that? Oh, I'd fucking die. I would DIE.

My "Bless You" preferences? Please bless me. Don't let my sneezes go unnoticed, because I feel stupid enough as it is after I sneeze. Acknowledge me and make me feel more comfortable. If you're a man, all bets are off...you may get the bedroom eyes from me. Or my girlfriends...you'll get the bedroom eyes and more from me. But anyway, my answer would be a combination of Sneesee's and Lalena's. Unlike Sneesee though, I will bless anyone who sneezes, no matter if their significant other does or not. I'm compulsive that way. :blush: I won't bless my family though, for the same reason I stated above. Way too sexually charged for me. And Lalena, if I was teacher, I would NEVER bless my students! :laugh: Couldn't do it. I can bless my patients though...for some reason it doesn't bother me. Probably because they're all adults.

Fun topic!

Edited because I originally wrote: "If you're a man, all bets are off...you may get the bedroom eyes FOR me." :laugh: Wishful thinking!

Oh, and Sneesee...you and VFP can bless every one of my sneezes whenever you'd like. :wub:

Edited by Nicole
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I hate to be blessed by my family. I don't mind being blessed by friends or random guys..random guys make it cute :D

And i don't know i never have the confidence to bless other people. It feels EXTREMELY awkward to say bless you..for me, it's because im afraid that the person that sneezed won't say thank you thus making the situation more awkward than it already was..But sometimes i bless the dog that im grooming if he or she sneezes :hug:

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I am a BIG fan of Blessing sneezes. I, myself, LOVE being blessed when I sneeze, especially if it is from another fetishist. It is a total turn on for me. I could sneeze all day long by myself and it does nothing for me, but if I have just one sneeze that is blessed I get a fire in my pants! :drool:

My feelings exactly!!!

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Have I responded to this already? I hope not.

Ok, so...yeah, I LOVE the idea of someone I find attractive sexually blessing me...

The thing is though, I never sneeze in front of anyone...and if I ever DID, and someone said bless you, I'd be so embarrassed. I'd prefer no reaction at all UNLESS we're alone and they have clearly seen me sneeze...then it's ok IF it's totally casual and I could act casual too...or something funny happened or something and I could laugh about it.

But there is ONE person who I find attractive who I would ADORE if he blessed me when I sneezed...and I would LONG to bless him if he sneezed...but...alas, he is NOT a blesser! DAMMIT! *anguish* I have fantasies that despite his claims he never likes to say bless you, that with ME he would...that he'd just feel the natural affection to say it. Only to me.

And yeah, it makes sense, Cheech, to have an issue with blessing people in front of others or being blessed in front of others who you don't find attractive or enjoy sneezing from...for us, sneezing and this sort of thing is a sexually-related thing...so anything to do with that in front of non-attraction sneezers like friends and family...it's like, for a non-sneeze fetishist, exposing their boobs or something in public, or having sex in public or in front of family members or something! It is PRIVATE!

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I really, truly looooove being blessed. For me, being blessed is almost as good as witnessing a really great sneeze. I guess it goes with the whole "care-taking" thing. Just sends chills up my spine. :)

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