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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Oi! You're all stuck in a box!


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Goood daaay. o.o

The name is Emily. I'm from that there Texas (I HATE IT HERE, GET ME OUT!) and I'm an alcoholic.

... Wait... this isn't AA?... damn...

I mean! I have a sneezing fetish! :P obviously~

I usually sneeze in pairs of two at first, and then go one at a time by means of induction, because I don't have any allergies... (How unfortunate! :D)

The knowledge of this fetish came as a surprise to me, but I'm definitely getting into it. I use to induce sneezes before I even knew it existed, just because I thought it felt good. I used the whiskers off stuffed animals when I was a kid, and moved onto broom bristles, my weapon of choice today. :yes:

Besides all that, I enjoy all things sign language and interpreting. My ultimate goal in life is to become the personal interpreter of some very important deaf person. Though that dream probably won't come true, it's something to work towards, eh? We all need that one thing that pushes us further than we think we can go.

I'm a bookworm... I love fiction and poetry. I'll read non-fiction if it's something I'm very interested in.

I adore dogs, greyhounds in particular. Another goal of mine is to foster greyhounds when I retire, which is a little more probable than the interpreter thing. :drool:

I love muuuusiiccc, Gorillaz in particular, the reasons being are they're so diverse in their music, they're such a creative idea, and... let's face is, 2-D is effing adorable. Boy, I draw him sneezing all the time.

Well, I guess that's it then. See ya' around duuuudes. :I

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Hello and welcome to the forum!

I love muuuusiiccc, Gorillaz in particular, the reasons being are they're so diverse in their music, they're such a creative idea, and... let's face is, 2-D is effing adorable. Boy, I draw him sneezing all the time.

... :yes:

Do you really now.


Feel free to contribute to the Artwork section. :D

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Welcome :D

At least it's a nice box to be stuck in......

I try to think outside it every now and then....

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Hello and welcome. I agree with the others... it's a very nice box to get stuck in, especially with the occasional thinking outside it. :)

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Hah! Great intro. :wub: Greyhounds rock! And so do the Gorillaz. 2D is fabulous, but I'll admit I'm quite partial to Murdoc and his crazy twistedness. :blush: Welcome to the forum!

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  • 7 months later...

Heya fellow texan!

Welcome, meant to comment on this earlier.

Perplhaps us Texans could go down to the saloon and chat a bit? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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