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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My first self ob. (F)


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So im not a very sneezy person sadly :D I mean i barley ever get sick, i have no known allergies that actually cause sneezing (I've had an allergic reaction to a certain deoderant like it irritated my skin, and fruit juice upsets my stomach but that's about it for me lol) AND to top it all off, when i sneeze it's ALWAYS a single. But GUESS WHAT? Someone must of been watching over me and decided to bless me with more than 1 sneeze in a row today. :lol:

I was on my laptop on facebook and felt a tickle in my nose so immedietly i stop what im doing and look into the light and then i sneezed once stifled. Then i still felt the tickle but i didn't think i was going to sneeze again but i looked into the light and to my surprise i stifed another sneeze. After that i was like "omg i have to go on the fourm and tell everyone! xD" as i was going to this sight i stifled another sneeze again. and im like holy crap is this really happening right now? and as im waiting for the page to load. i sneezed 2 stifled. I also heard that if you stifle your sneezes it makes you sneeze more which most likely happened after the 2nd time i sneezed. haha i just had to tell somebody xD

sorry if it kind of sucks. I suck at spelling out sneezes but i just remember the first 1 being like kind of violent like "Ha-nxxt" like a kind of high pitched squeek sound if that makes any sense lol ok im done :laugh:

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That was a great obs! I love the idea of people stifling and thus having to sneeze more, and stifling again. Excellent!

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Congrats on your first fit! I wonder what having your first fit feels like... (I don't know because I'm always really sneezy so I don't get particularly excited, I just enjoy the ride :) )

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That was a great obs! I love the idea of people stifling and thus having to sneeze more, and stifling again. Excellent!

Awesome! What a great first obs! I also like the idea of enhancing and extending their sneezes.

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Congrats on your first fit! I wonder what having your first fit feels like... (I don't know because I'm always really sneezy so I don't get particularly excited, I just enjoy the ride :proud: )

oh my god it's the most wonderful feeling ever :unsure:

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It sounds like a wonderful experience; and, as a non=sneezy person myself, I can just imagine how wonderful it was.... And how refreshing to have a self-obs that actually celebrates sneezing instead of saying how awful it is....

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