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Sneeze dreaming?


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I know I've had my share of sneeze dreams in the past. They are always kind of hilarious. What were some of your guys sneeze related dreames like if you can remember them? and nothing explicit please.

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I don't specifically remember a certain dream but i have had several dreams with sneezing in them. I remember this guy was in my dream that i had a crush on had a sneezing fit stifling every single sneeze and i was like :D and idk ive had plenty of them with sneezing in it so i feel awesome knowing that i can enjoy the sound of sneezes even in my sleep :laugh:

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Actually, had one last night. Can't remember much, just that a certain person sneezed a double and then semi-embarrassedly, semi-seductively added an apology to it. :lol::laugh:

Did I mention I'm strange? :)

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During certain periods of time, I tend to have a lot of sneeze dreams, but unfortunately, I'm not in one of those at the moment.. *le sigh*

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I often have dreams that are sneeze related- and when I do, its hardly EVER someone else sneezing. it's always me.

In my dreams, I induce. Except it works REALLY well. When I induce in real life, it takes me a while for a sneeze to come, its always a single and it always comes out sounding ick.

But in my dreams, all I do is induce for a split second, and I sneeze multiple times- and all the sneezes are controlled and sound good.

I have these dreams way to often, and I really hope I'm not, sneeze-talking them out in my sleep.

I also wish I could induce like that in real life

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I often have dreams that are sneeze related- and when I do, its hardly EVER someone else sneezing. it's always me.

ME TOO! I'm always the one sneezing in my dreams, and they're ALWAYS cold-related.

It's kind of periodic, too. I'll have one almost every night for a week, and then it's gone. And it's definitely all part of the H/C fetish because there's always someone fussing over me being sick, but in various different situations. It's almost like watching a movie :blush:

I'm weird.

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Mostly in my sneezing dreams, its someone that I know sneezing or making a really good presneeze faces (which i find are becoming more and more important in my preferences for whatever reason.)Or its me touching someones nose and they just start sneezing just from the touch.

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I have these dreams way to often, and I really hope I'm not, sneeze-talking them out in my sleep.

Omg!!!! I worry about that too! It would be awful :D

In my sneeze dreams, I'm always a blesser or a caretaker to a random attractive guy. :laugh:

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lol I strongly remember one of my many sneezy dreams, which happened to be a sneezing terrorist-shark :D

Let me know if you want to hear the story (I'll gladly write it in the "Stories" section) :laugh:

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I have these dreams way to often, and I really hope I'm not, sneeze-talking them out in my sleep.

Omg!!!! I worry about that too! It would be awful :D

I've been told I talk in my sleep, so thankfully I haven't had one of these dreams! :laugh:

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Or its me touching someones nose and they just start sneezing just from the touch.

Like a King Midas of sneezing, that would be a great power!

Most of my sneezing dreams its me making other people sneeze, sometimes with a pepper/pollrn gun. Fun as hell I must say.

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I had a dream one of the Biggest Loser contestants had a sneeze attack while on the scales.

The flab seemed to jiggle everywhere. It was not a pretty dream.

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I had a dream one of the Biggest Loser contestants had a sneeze attack while on the scales.

The flab seemed to jiggle everywhere. It was not a pretty dream.

Omg this literally made me LOL xD

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I have full-on sexy dreams with sneezing. The other person sneezing while we're making out, or my girlfriend in an allergy attack as I do things to her.

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I have full-on sexy dreams with sneezing. The other person sneezing while we're making out, or my girlfriend in an allergy attack as I do things to her.

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I can't actually remember sneezy dreams after I wake up, but I remember a time when I was a lot younger when I'd wake up several times and feel...funny "downstairs". lol. I didn't even know what the feeling was cause I was too young, but I know I'd been dreaming about sneezing...

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oh my god i had a sneeze dream last night :DDD It was like me and my dad were in the car driving around an arena to find parking because we got tickets to a wwe event. As we went into another parking lot, John Morrison and Melina were there and then since i had my wwe souvenir program with me, I went up to them and got an autograph from both of them.

As Melina was signing mine, John turned his head to the right and sneezed once into his fist. It kind of sounded like how my x boyfriend sneezed. It was like a cough like sneeze like "ha-*cough*-Ooo. then he sneezed again..he didn't turn that time so i actually felt spray on my arm..i was like O_O :laugh:. and then i blessed him (which i never do in "real life" because i feel wierd saying it lol) but for like the next minute he walked off and he couldn't stop sneezing...i was like in heaven :gah: best dream i've had in a while

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I have had a recurring type of dream for a while. I'll be sitting next to a very attractive girl, so close that we're touching each other. Then she'll start having a sneezing fit and goes on and on for quite a while till I eventually wake up and I'm like dang, I wish that dream would've lasted longer. lol

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I just had one the other night. It wasn't a feel-good dream, though: I was sitting at a table with my family and we were eating and talking. Then my sister sneezed, just once, and everyone made a huge deal out of it, like "Oh my God, what was that? Did you sneeze? Are you getting sick???" I felt SO bad for her, and I yelled at them later for drawing so much attention to a sneeze. I asked my mom, "How would you feel if you sneezed and everyone acted like it was a big deal?" and she was like, "I would be happy to have a family that's concerned about me." Ughhh... :bleh:

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Omg I literally just woke up from one!!!!!

I'm starting to forget some of the details already, which is why I'm typing this now. I was walking down a hallway at my school, and these kids were standing in a corner, and right when I walked by them, one kid started sneezing his head off! Like, "Hih, hih-tchoo! Heh-tchew! 'Tchh!" over and over again! He was kinda hot, he had blonde hair and...dang I wish I could remember more details! So I kept walking by and the people were staring at me, and when they are behind me, Sneezy Boy weakly calls my name, but when I turned around, nobody was there. :)

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