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Sneeze Fetish Forum

If you could...


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If you could get rid of your fetish, would you do it? and why?

or maybe:

If you could exhange your fetish for another fetish, what would it be? and why?

Just thought it'd be a funny / interresting topic :D

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Hmmm... Honestly no. Because it's such a part of who I am that without it I just wouldn't be the same "me"

as for exchanging it. Also no. Sorry can't really elaborate on that part much. I just know I wouldn't want to. Heh

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Well, there are times when I think life'd be easier without it (read; cold season combined with family gatherings..! UGH! :D ), but I like having it all in all, so no, I wouldn't want to get rid of it or change it into something else.

And think of all the fun and lovely people I have met through this forum, that I never would've encountered without it. :nohappy: No, I want to keep my fetish. :D

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Heh you seem to agree with eachother :D I surely must say, I do also want to keep the fetish, it's almost like a religion for me haha

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Oh heck no, I love having this fetish, and being able to be a member of this community ;P

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That is kind of a deep question. As for trading it for another one, no. As for getting rid of it, there were times in my life I certainly would have said 'yes' to getting rid of it (mainly before I discovered I wasn't the only one who liked sneezes). Now I am not sure. My sneezing fetish is really the one and only thing about me that I have a want/need to hide from everyone. At the same time, I feel like I should be able to be happy with who i am as a person. There is also the idea if you take away one part of yourself, how does that change and influence other parts of you? I wouldn't want to mess with that.

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Nope, it's something that brings me pleasure. I can have fun without it, but so much more fun with.

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My answer is a resounding NO! I love this fetish, even when I didn't understand it fully. It's a part of who I am, and I enjoy so much about it, I couldn't ever give it up.

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In the past yes probably because of religious conflicts, but now Im much more secure about it so definitely not.

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In the past there have been moments where the answer probably would have been yes. But that was before I met someone completely wonderful who helped me accept this part of who I am an awful lot more and even managed to help me enjoy things I thought I never could... so no, don't want to get rid of it and wouldn't want to trade it for another fetish at all. Besides, love this community too much to want to leave. :lol:

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Looks like I'm the only one, but yes.

I don't hate it, but in the grand scheme of things it's made my life worse more times than it's made my life better. It makes certain situations more difficult and complex than they need to be, and I'm sure there would be other ways I could have secret pleasures without them being tied to something inappropriate. I agree that I wouldn't be "me" any more, and that would probably have bothered me more in the past. But it's not as though I'm so special that changing me would be such a terrible thing...

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Yeah, I definitely would. The fetish has brought me more embarrassment than pleasure.

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No way. I don't think I ever would have gotten rid of it. It can be awkward for me at times, yeah, and it's a big part of me that I feel compelled to keep private (although I'm really not ashamed of it). But it makes me unique, you know? It's something harmless that I derive pleasure from, and I think that's awesome. It's not even entirely sexual, either -- there's just something so romantic and sweet about it. I'll fantasize about sneezing/colds/allergies in a completely non-sexual way, and still I love it just as much. It's a lot of who I am and I couldn't imagine living without it.

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No, never. I wouldn't get rid of it and I wouldn't change it. It's been part of me all my life, and it's meant I can be part of this forum. :D

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Nahhh to both, then I wouldn't get to chill with you cool people! B)

This. I wouldn't have been able to meet cool people like Obby. ;)

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