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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A few games


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Pick either option 1 or option 2 from the list (it's impossible to pick both, not because of the rules, but, litterarely physicly impossible :D )

1, try not to sneeze in the longest possible time (Post when you start and when you lose (sneeze))

2, try to sneeze as often as possible in one day (post how many times you sneezed here)

Oh btw, I am sorry for my english, it's my third language haha :P

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I noticed this threa got moved, I am very sorry if I somehow broke the rules, it will not happen again :D

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You didn't break any rules, and don't worry at all if you notice things have been moved but you haven't heard from us (if there's a problem, we will contact you privately in general). It takes time to get to know where things go around here.

And as for your question, without having a cold and without setting out on a new mission (though that might be fun!) ....

0 for the first,

9 for the second.

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You didn't break any rules, and don't worry at all if you notice things have been moved but you haven't heard from us (if there's a problem, we will contact you privately in general). It takes time to get to know where things go around here.

And as for your question, without having a cold and without setting out on a new mission (though that might be fun!) ....

0 for the first,

9 for the second.

haha awh thanks :wub:

haha going good :D

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Hm...I usually sneeze about 2-3 times a month (unless I induce) so I'll pick the first one.

I actually sneezed this morning because I was home alone, so :D I'll start...now!

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I have some sort of cold-thing right now, so number 2 was easy. I tried number 1 and lasted a whole 2 hours (fail).

I didn't count them all, but I counted most of them. I think I sneezed 42 times today? I went through a whole box of tissues :/

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Haha nice to see some people joining the challange :P I didn't sneeze for 8 days straight, couldn't hold it this morning so I sneezed twice ;)

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