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Sneeze Fetish Forum

another self ob (F)


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So i was at my friend E's grad party today (well technically yesterday since it's past midnight ever here xD). We had pizza and went swimming and such. So later around 9pm, im just sitting around talking to my friends M, S, and J and i sneezed once stifled. And so J and S say "bless you" and of course i said "thank you" and M turns to me and was just like "Did you just hold in your sneeze?" (shes never heard me sneeze before :)) and im like "hehe yeah.." and then she's like "that's so bad for you..you can pop a blood vessel" and im like "heh i know but i can't help it..it's what i do lol" and then J is all like "you're brain is going to EXPLODE" and im like "probably"

So yeah kind of interesting :wub:

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Your friends sound like they think they're doctors. :laugh:

pfft i know right? xD

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I reckon it's a myth anyway.......I've been safely stifling for years

I love your expression "it's what I do" - sums it up nicely


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hehe, well bless you. you handled that well! I find it invasive when people comment on stifling.

I also find it invasive and rude when people comment (negatively) on stifling! It's like...they think my (or anyone who they're commenting on's) sneezing is inferior or something! It's MY sneeze!!

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hehe, well bless you. you handled that well! I find it invasive when people comment on stifling.

I also find it invasive and rude when people comment (negatively) on stifling! It's like...they think my (or anyone who they're commenting on's) sneezing is inferior or something! It's MY sneeze!!

Well I don't think my friend M did it to be rude. She's just looking out for her friends is all. She's like my best friend so i don't blame her really lol i don't mind answering positive or negative sneeze questions :mad:

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