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At the dentist...


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I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned today. What happened was this: I was sitting on one of those dentist's chairs with the dentist leaning over me and looking in my mouth with one of those mirror thingies. Suddenly my nose started tickling for no reason. I didn't want to sneeze because the dentist was right there and I would have sneezed all over him and interrupted what he was doing, so I held in my sheer willpower until he turned away from me to get something.

I was ready to finally let it out but I'd obviously held the sneeze in too well and it was stuck!

Then, the dentist came back and started cleaning my teeth with one of those electric toothbrushes that reeeaally tickles, which made the tickle in my nose go into overdrive. So I'm lying there with my breathing shallow and uneven, thinking how lucky I am that i'm not photic because I'm looking into that bright light the entire time.

The second he's finished, I rinse my mouth so there's no toothpaste and launch into a fit of about ten sneezes. They sound like "hehh-KSSHHT!" and they spray everywhere. When I'm done the dentist, who was watching me the whole time, says "bless you" in a quiet voice and gets back to cleaning my teeth.

This got my thinking: there's so much to sneeze at at the dentist's office! Tickly toothbrushes, mint toothpaste and those bright lights you have to look into...has anyone else thought of this?

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I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned today. What happened was this: I was sitting on one of those dentist's chairs with the dentist leaning over me and looking in my mouth with one of those mirror thingies. Suddenly my nose started tickling for no reason. I didn't want to sneeze because the dentist was right there and I would have sneezed all over him and interrupted what he was doing, so I held in my sheer willpower until he turned away from me to get something.

I was ready to finally let it out but I'd obviously held the sneeze in too well and it was stuck!

Then, the dentist came back and started cleaning my teeth with one of those electric toothbrushes that reeeaally tickles, which made the tickle in my nose go into overdrive. So I'm lying there with my breathing shallow and uneven, thinking how lucky I am that i'm not photic because I'm looking into that bright light the entire time.

The second he's finished, I rinse my mouth so there's no toothpaste and launch into a fit of about ten sneezes. They sound like "hehh-KSSHHT!" and they spray everywhere. When I'm done the dentist, who was watching me the whole time, says "bless you" in a quiet voice and gets back to cleaning my teeth.

This got my thinking: there's so much to sneeze at at the dentist's office! Tickly toothbrushes, mint toothpaste and those bright lights you have to look into...has anyone else thought of this?

awwww great obs!

I think it's quite common to feel the need to sneeze in awkward situations - it often happens to me when I'm having my haircut

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Very nice obs, EliGirl! Bless you x 10 ;) Very nice willpower not to sneeze, loved reading about it :D And thinking about it, I see your point - all of those things, plus just the awkwardness of sneezing in that situation, as Joal said, would make some people want to sneeze more :wub:

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Hey, nice obs! Actually the thought of sneezing with no warning while the dentist has a drill (or something equally terrifying) in your mouth is pretty scary. Glad you were able to hold out right until the end... :D

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I've often thought about sneezing when I'm at the dentist, though as of yet it's never happened. My mental block is generally far too strong in such situations toi allow that :D

Anyway, this was a really nice obs, Eli :D Glad you were able to hold out until a more suitable point in time, bless you and hope having the dentist watch you the whole time wasn't too embarrassing :blink: (I know it would have been for me :D)

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what a great obs! Never thought about it before, but I totally see what you mean!!

Also, from his rather blah response, it seems like he is used to it!

Edited by elements
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