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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sooo...been a'lurkin'?


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Hi, all!

I've lurked for awhile. I had an account at one point (when I was a good deal younger) but, horror of horrors, my mother caught me and I've taken a very long hiatus. Anyways, now I'm back.

It's good to be legal, isn't it? :D

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Being legal is good... growing up is bad. :D

Welcome! Or welcome back, perhaps. :wub:

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Welcome back! :wub: Hopefully this time is much more positive than the last :D *Hides you behind the couch* Stay nice and quiet down here and your mother won't find you! ;P

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I'd love to chat with some of you sometime. It feels so strange after lurking for so many years! I almost feel like I know some of you. Feel free to message me...but please be articulate. I've had my share of sneeze sharks and I'm not into that. My life is more than just the fetish (though it is a big part of it) but if you would like to converse about other areas of shared interest, I would love to get to know you.

I hope that doesn't sound bitchy... :D

I've just had my fair share of one-track conversations filled with poor grammar and transparent innuendoes. lol

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Hi, welcome back. That sucks that you mum caught you. :yes: Mine caught me too.

Welcome to the legal-but-still-is-as-immature-as-a-12-year-old-group. Have a biscuits and a Noogie. :winkkiss:

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So you're legal now? I'm afraid I'll only be able to talk to you with my solicitor present then..... :winkkiss:

Welcome! Have fun :yes:

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Hi, welcome back. That sucks that you mum caught you. :cryhappy: Mine caught me too.

Welcome to the legal-but-still-is-as-immature-as-a-12-year-old-group. Have a biscuits and a Noogie. :D

No way?! How did your's find out? Mine looked through my e-mail. :D

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Barged in randomly and looked through my history before I could clear it. B)

Plus she used to keep my email on her phone X( .

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Hi Villette- I'm guessing you're a Charlotte Bronte fan? :P

Hahaha! Indeed. I suppose you are a fan of her sister? xD

:D Indeed!

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