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Omg im so fricken excited. I stayed up until like 6 in the morning waiting for the question to pop up on the pottermore site. it appeared at 5am eastern time. :winkkiss: so WHO ELSE GOT IN? :yes:

Edited by Enkidom
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Not me. :winkkiss: I'm not even sure what it is but I saw some of my friends talking about it on Facebook, so I looked it up out of curiosity. It's so mysterious. Congrats for getting in. :yes:

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What is this really? I watched the Pottermore video, and it honestly sounds like a glorified self-insert fanfiction thing. Harry Potter definitely has too much of that already.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, and it probably is a pretty cool thing. Can anyone explain what it really is?

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I did!!! I got in on the first day of questions I thought I'd have to wait till October but I have early access YAY!!! I am very happy I got in!!!

Although I got in, I don't want to reveal my username, my personal reasons why.

Edited by obsessed
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People who don't know what Pottermore is: Okay, I went to the panel on it at the Potter con I went to, and it's going to be AMAZING. Jo's going to release all of the information she hasn't before - like the Harry Potter encyclopedia she was planning - and she's already written 65000 new words. Plus, the artwork is amazing. Anyway, this is like a dream come true for me, and I can't wait :D.

I didn't get in yet, but all of my friends did, haha :angry:. I'm going to keep trying.

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I'M IN! Don't want to post my username here... since it's all over facbeook... but people can like, PM me if they want it :(. I AM SO EXCITED! I've been up since three a.m. for this.

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never been too much for any popular movies like harry potter and such, so, nope :(

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Do you get the email immediately if you were successful? I answered the question and did the magic quill thing and registered etc, but haven't got an email yet...xP

Pretty please let me in, Pottermore! :(

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Thank you! Fingers crossed then!! :( Eeee this is exciting...I've loved the books since I was seven...awesome that it's not completely over now! :)

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I know! I'm so excited. All my LeakyCon friends are in, all my real friends are in, and all my tumblr friends are in :(. I cannot wait for this. Besides, I spend so much time telling people what house I'm in (I'm friends with the sort of people who ask that sort of question) that it will be nice to know what house I'm actually in (I mean... it's JKR's test...it's as close to accurate as we'll ever get).

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I usually get Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. I like the idea of Hufflepuff's virtues more, but I think I'd probably fit better into Ravenclaw xD We'll see, I guess! Anyway, it says I'm in, just gotta wait for the welcome email :(

edit: Though I don't like that they choose the username for you xP At the very least they could have a refresh list button so you had more options xP

Edited by Kiwifruit
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Haha, it's for child safety, according to the panel I went to. They don't want kids accidentally putting names with their real name in it/anyone making an inappropriate name. I like the name I got, though one of my friend's names is actually my favorite.

I classify myself as a Hufflepuff, though I think I wouldn't mind Ravenclaw as well.

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I think a better way would be to give drop down lists for the first part, last part, and then a type-in number. More individual and more choice, but with no risk :(

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I DID! :) ...i think.... I signed up this morning and they told me I activated the account, anyway :(

My sister's mad at me now though, cause by the time i got round to helping her log in, registration was closed :rolleyes:

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omg it took 2 hours for my email to be sent to me. Apparetnly people that have a yahoo email were also having trouble getting the email. people were getting it hours later. O_O but at least im in :D

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Waah, I never catch the question in time, which bothers me to no end!

Hopefully I'll manage to catch the 4th day, and try from there! I really hope I get in, but if I don't, I think I'll manage to chill out until October.

...No promises, though :D

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Do you get the email immediately if you were successful? I answered the question and did the magic quill thing and registered etc, but haven't got an email yet...xP

Pretty please let me in, Pottermore! :D

It took me about a hour to get it lol from when I could sign in. I'm very happy I got early access. :D

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I got a Pottermore account yesterday! I just happened to be on there at 10am, (I had to be up, my sister was going to be picked up to have a day with her friend, and mum was at work, as was my dad) and suddenly, the question pops up! Luckily, I had Chamber of Secrets with me, and quickly found the answer (chapter 14) and was totally confused when I was redirected to the Warner Bros. website. But then I figured it out and got one. And the e-mail took about 10 minutes. :D

And because I'm nice and an amazing sister, I got my sis an account, too.

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I got in and I hope I get my welcome letter SOON. :lol: I don't want to be one of the last to get it, that would be torture.

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