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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Boyfriend sneezes during a fight?


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Have any of you ever had that happen? While fighting, your significant other (who knows about the fetish) suddenly sneezes? I had that happen once with my ex but strangely, at the time, I found it a hell of a lot more annoying than arousing. I just couldn't enjoy it while we arguing and it just made things really awkward in an allready tense situation.

...of course as soon as we made up I was able to enjoy the memory...again and again and again... :winkkiss:

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No... but my boss once scolded me while she was sneezing, over and over and over... It was disturbingly hot, I was furious at her, afraid of her, and out-of-my-mind attracted to her. :winkkiss:

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I imagine that it's normal to react with annoyance rather than arousal, just as you would if he did something else sexy while you guys were fighting. If you're not in the mood it'd probably be irritating more than anything.

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My husband did this once, during a fight, on purpose. He's photic, so he took off his sunglasses and sneezed twice while I was trying to get my point across to him. And yes, I was way more angry than turned on over it. :angry:

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Nice to know that I'm not alone. It was really annoying/confusing because he had a cold at the time so of course my natural instinct was to be nurturing but (even though he hadn't made himself sneeze) I was also angry because I felt one-upped. Haha, he looked so pale and sniffly afterwards I couldn't decide whether to keep yelling at him or just drop it and move in for some snuggles. It was rather uncomfortable.

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Oy! What bad timing! It's never happened to me, but I'm not sure how I'd react if it did. I really love his sneezes. But there have been times when I was so mad at him I fantasized about where I could punch him to make him hurt the most. :D Had he sneezed during one of those moments, I probably would've wanted to do something that I shouldn't discuss outside of the adult board. But it would've been motivated by anger more than lust, I assure you!

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Meh, I would hate this. When I'm angry the last thing on my mind is anything sexual -- it would make me feel really annoyed and, most of all, confused. Honestly though, I don't get super angry often (or ever), especially at him -- I think a sneeze would be enough to snap me out of my bad mood. Or it would just make me feel really awkward.

I don't know. It sounds terrible.

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  • 1 year later...

My boyfriend sneezed while we were in the middle of a fight once... and it was just too adorable not to giggle smile.png lol after i giglled we made up lol.

Edited by Sigrith
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