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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Holding back sneezes...?


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First of, I wanted to say sorry for flooding the forum, the reason is that I am just curious haha, I swear, I'll stop the spam after this thread :cryhappy:

I've thought of holding back sneezes and how some people just can't even thought they try their hardest to do it, while I have no problem what so ever doing so...

the question is, why is that? and, are you good at holding back sneezes?

don't get me wrong, I love when people fail to hold them back :D it's so chaotic and unwanted yet sooo attractive :D

Posts merged ~ obsessed

Edited by obsessed
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Yeah, I think it's the mental block that makes us fetishts so darn successful in not doing that very thing which we all love. :D

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I used to have the best mental block, but for some reason, now it's failing! I can't do it anymore! D:

Now THAT is wierd 0,o haha

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Bah. These people clearly lack self-disciplin. ;p

No, but jokes aside, I think there can be a lot of different reasons as to why some people fail to hold back their sneezes. Lack of practice, for example, or maybe they just have naturally powerful sneezes. Or they might be plagued by intense nasal irritation that refuses to go away unless they sneeze freely.

Not that I've given this any deep thought or anything. :D

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Bah. These people clearly lack self-disciplin. ;p

No, but jokes aside, I think there can be a lot of different reasons as to why some people fail to hold back their sneezes. Lack of practice, for example, or maybe they just have naturally powerful sneezes. Or they might be plagued by intense nasal irritation that refuses to go away unless they sneeze freely.

Not that I've given this any deep thought or anything. :D

that's weird to me. to me a sneeze is like a hiccup that you can feel coming a few seconds it advance. my body just... does it.

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When you say "hold back sneezes" do you mean stifling? or actually stopping the sneeze from coming all together?

As far as stopping the sneeze all together I used to be able to do this all the time (except with allergies). I had the most amazing mental block. I broke that block down when I first found the forum, though, because I wanted to sneeze more frequently. Now usually the most I can do is stall that sneeze from coming. I do this using shear will power. I don't know how else to explain it.

In stifling, I'm not a great stifler. Usually my sneezes are too powerful. For some reason though, my will power in situation that I hate sneezing in (in front of family, in front of my class, church, etc) I am able to stifle.

I think it both of these scenarios I am just able to concentrate and it happens. I know non-fetishists and probably some fetishist just don't understand how this is possible because for most people a sneeze is completely involuntary. I think we, as fetishists, are so in tuned to sneezing and mental blocks that we have slightly more control.

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When I was little I found it hard to stop a sneeze or stifle one...like, under 8 years old I think, or even younger. I remember sneezing a few times when I really didn't want to, but couldn't hold it back, and then when I tried to make the sneeze silent, I failed and it came out sounding kind of stuffy / squelchy / muffled, etc.

Nowadays, and for a really long time, I have a mental block whereby I hardly ever have to sneeze in public. Sometimes I still will sneeze, but these occasions are very rare. Usually when I have a cold is the only time I can't really help sneezing, and also can't make my stifle 100% silent.

Usually in public, if I feel a sneeze coming, I make the decision whether to let it build or not. If I do, it's cause nobody's really near me or noticing me, and I'll stifle it in silence or let it out in a sort of "polite" but open sneeze.

If I make the decision NOT to sneeze, it'll just go away. To let myself sneeze in public, I have to take several deep breaths to encourage it. If I don't do this, it won't come.

In private, I sneeze quite regularly and openly, if I'm alone. If I'm NOT alone, but in a different room or something, I'll always let the sneezes build, but will then stifle them silently.

My sneezes...I feel that over time, thanks to my mental block and also the fact I've been inducing for years (not all the time or anything, but enough), they have become highly controllable. Unless I am feeling especially sneezy or have a cold, they're easy to stop, easy to stifle and if sneezing openly, they're fairly subtle, normal, not messy, etc. So I suppose if I had a much more powerful or insistent sneeze, maybe then I'd have problems stifling successfully.

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Lack of practice, for example

How do you "practice" exactly? I wanna learn how.

I've been pondering this trying to develop an educated and insightful response. I honestly don't know HOW I developed my mental block, it just sort of happened. I guess I sort of just decided I wasn't going to sneeze in public, and then I didn't for years. I don't know if I had to touch my nose or just think about not sneezing, but it just kind of happened.

I guess this is a good question in itself ... How DO you develop a mental block?

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maybe they just have naturally powerful sneezes.

maybe that's it. my sneezes are too strong for my tiny 5'3'' 120 lbs self XD

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Well considering the fact that i never sneeze in multiples and when i feel the sneeze coming on i never try to stop it because i don't sneeze very often :D but there have been times that i had to sneeze but i didn't want to at that particular time (it's mostly at family gatherings..i hate when my family memebers bless me..it's so icky >_>)

Anyway it's really all in the state of mind. If i think about it too much, the tickle will go away and then i don't have to urge to sneeze anymore xD other than that if that doesn't work, i just rub my nose until the tickle goes away lol

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