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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Types of Sneezes You Don't Like?


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I've been trawling Youtube over the last week or so, looking for sneezes, and I get annoyed when some of the clips contain women sneezing in a way I just don't like. To me, it's a waste of my time and a waste of good sneezes. My favourite sneeze clips are when a girl is just doing something else on the camera but has to sneeze. Love those...natural, not induced, not even a proper sneeze-purpose video. Just random sneezes captured.

So...some examples of undesirable sneezes (for me) are...

- Some of the younger girls tend to SCREAM at the end of their sneezes. I HATE that!

- I also hate the high pitched "cute" squeaks contained in many sneezes, from both younger and older women.

- I hate how some people speed up or slow down the clips so the sound's all distorted.

- I don't like how some people react after the sneeze, like they wave their hands around and squeal or make a weird face.

- I don't like ultra aggressive or loud sneezes.

Ok. This may be moved because it concerns Youtube, but really, they're just examples found on Youtube. The thread is about what kinds of sneezes you don't like to see / hear.

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All of the above, plus cough-sneezing and completely silent stifles. :dead:

I like pretty loud sneezes, but not when they become too loud.

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- Some of the younger girls tend to SCREAM at the end of their sneezes. I HATE that!

- I hate how some people speed up or slow down the clips so the sound's all distorted.

- I don't like ultra aggressive or loud sneezes.

Yeah, pretty much these 3. And silent stifles as well. :dead:

Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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Dry-cough like sneezes, and explosive sneezes. You know, those sneezes that sort of sound like a fart.


I also don't like it when a boy will sneeze girly, and a girl will sneeze manly. Gross.

And I'm with you on the Youtube thing- I hate when the sneeze isnt as good as the person looks in the video.

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Induced sneezes

Dry and cough-like sneezes

Screaming and squeaking

People adding sounds to their sneeze, like a spoken 'shoo' at the end or a vocalised build-up. All sounds should be involuntary!

Overly soft, quiet sneezes


Damn, we are so picky... :dead:

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I hate that! I came across one video of a very pretty woman at a huge dinner and she just could not stop sneezing. All of the circumstances seemed great...except for her sneezes! Loud, obnoxious, just over-produced sneezes ruined it. So dissapointing. ;)

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I am a big fan of loud sneezes, but it does spoil it for me when someone has very obviously forced it to be as loud as possible. Also not a fan of barely noticable, almost-silent sneezes...

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Yes. Not a huge fan of talkies (there have been exceptions, but generally speaking...) The occasional "Oh God" or some other natural exclamation can be quite sexy, but I just wanna hear the sounds of the sneeze, and my imagination can do the rest.

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Yes. Not a huge fan of talkies (there have been exceptions, but generally speaking...) The occasional "Oh God" or some other natural exclamation can be quite sexy, but I just wanna hear the sounds of the sneeze, and my imagination can do the rest.

I'm sort of the opposite- I'm HUGE into the voice. But... I will admit that if the dialogue feels too "staged" or there is Obvious enjoyment or sounds like "bad" sf lines... not a fan. One of my Favourite, Favourite, Favourite things is to hear "interupted speech" from a voice that is Yum. Hot butter on toast.... gah! :lol: Doesn't have to be talking throughout, and I admit that an occsional "oh god" is just.... Mmmmm!

Although I feel far too picky about voice and what I like or don't like to be said... so... I don't have tons of favs of those.

Not really a big fan of stifles- failed stifles on the other hand- or mixed in or going from stifled to not... those work- but not really all stifles.

I don't like shouted but I ummm... rather like loud, strong type, especially with "consenant" sound in the middle.

Not too big on "cat like".

Some buildups... LOVE!! and sort of natural "vocal" quality (esp. if Really nice voice)- Mmmmm....

I'm SO shallow ;) if I See the person I have to have Some sort of physical attraction- if I have None it just doesn't work. To be honest, for me I can't really think of any male vids that I've seen (not that I've seen tons) that I was really into. Sound .wavs on the other hand....

*may possibly now have mind on particular types of "sound files" that I may be especially fond of* :innocent::cryhappy:

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Induced sneezes

sneezes with no pre-sneeze face

elderly people sneezes

completely covered sneezes.

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I'm SO shallow ;) if I See the person I have to have Some sort of physical attraction- if I have None it just doesn't work. To be honest, for me I can't really think of any male vids that I've seen (not that I've seen tons) that I was really into. Sound .wavs on the other hand....

I'm slo glad you feel this way as well. I'm such a shallow person for feeling this way, but it's just the way it is. Even if I think a sneeze is a good sneeze and later I find that I am not attracted to the person physically the sneeze never sounds the same again. I'm such a bad person. :lol:

Other things I don't particualrly care for ...

~"cough" sneezes

~forced and unusually loud sneezes

~sneezes made to sound "comical" with a big annoying production

~sneezes with too much voice or annoying squeeking

~in wavs, I also hate when there are like a million sneezes, rapid fire in one wav. It's so un natural to me. You never, ever see fits like this in real life so when it happens in wavs you know the sneezes are induced or fake. It's upsetting.

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I'm SO shallow ;) if I See the person I have to have Some sort of physical attraction- if I have None it just doesn't work. To be honest, for me I can't really think of any male vids that I've seen (not that I've seen tons) that I was really into. Sound .wavs on the other hand....

I'm slo glad you feel this way as well. I'm such a shallow person for feeling this way, but it's just the way it is. Even if I think a sneeze is a good sneeze and later I find that I am not attracted to the person physically the sneeze never sounds the same again. I'm such a bad person. :lol:

Other things I don't particualrly care for ...

~"cough" sneezes

~forced and unusually loud sneezes

~sneezes made to sound "comical" with a big annoying production

~sneezes with too much voice or annoying squeeking

~in wavs, I also hate when there are like a million sneezes, rapid fire in one wav. It's so un natural to me. You never, ever see fits like this in real life so when it happens in wavs you know the sneezes are induced or fake. It's upsetting.

Can you read minds? :cryhappy: Because this pretty much sums it up for me!

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I HATE loud sneezes..it scares the living daylights out of me >_>

Cough-like sneezes iritate me

And really loud sniffling i don't like at all.

And i think that's about it lol

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I hate that! I came across one video of a very pretty woman at a huge dinner and she just could not stop sneezing. All of the circumstances seemed great...except for her sneezes! Loud, obnoxious, just over-produced sneezes ruined it. So dissapointing. :drool:

Oh my god, I've seen that video and I always skip forward it (in a compilation of sneezes) to the next one, cause it's so unpleasant!! She was actually the person I was referring to when I said too loud or aggressive sneezes. It was SO disappointing and annoying because the sneezes went on and on, and if it had been a GOOD sneeze, it would've been amazing, but...it was so bad. So very, very bad. *disgruntled* lol

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Not too big on "cat like".

I forgot that. The cat-like sneezes...the tiny little SSSS! sneeze with no build up, no noticeable inhalation...just...suddenly a tiny sneeze, and usually these types of sneezes require multiples to get out whatever's tickling the nose because there's not much force. So technically, multiples are GOOD but...not when the sneezes themselves are...not.

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I don't know if this totally "counts", but I don't like it when people spell sneezes ending with an "m". Do people actually do that? I don't know why but it always seems very odd and not attractive to me. xD;

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I don't know if this totally "counts", but I don't like it when people spell sneezes ending with an "m". Do people actually do that? I don't know why but it always seems very odd and not attractive to me. xD;

In brazilian comics the sneezes are usually spelled ending with an "m".

I hate extremely loud sneezes, eldery sneezing...

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I've been trawling Youtube over the last week or so, looking for sneezes, and I get annoyed when some of the clips contain women sneezing in a way I just don't like. To me, it's a waste of my time and a waste of good sneezes. My favourite sneeze clips are when a girl is just doing something else on the camera but has to sneeze. Love those...natural, not induced, not even a proper sneeze-purpose video. Just random sneezes captured.

So...some examples of undesirable sneezes (for me) are...

- Some of the younger girls tend to SCREAM at the end of their sneezes. I HATE that!

- I also hate the high pitched "cute" squeaks contained in many sneezes, from both younger and older women.

- I hate how some people speed up or slow down the clips so the sound's all distorted.

- I don't like how some people react after the sneeze, like they wave their hands around and squeal or make a weird face.

- I don't like ultra aggressive or loud sneezes.

Ok. This may be moved because it concerns Youtube, but really, they're just examples found on Youtube. The thread is about what kinds of sneezes you don't like to see / hear.


I also hate inducing. It just seems fake lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know if this totally "counts", but I don't like it when people spell sneezes ending with an "m". Do people actually do that? I don't know why but it always seems very odd and not attractive to me. xD;

I believe it's a language thing- for example, French sneezes often seem to be spelled 'Atchoum'.

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Actually, I've noticed that too on some Youtube clips. Some of the women who are French or European (I think, based on their accents) tend to end their sneezes with an M sound. Must be a cultural thing.

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Hmmm, well, ok, here goes...

~Cough-like sneezes

~Rapid-fire cat-like sneezes (the soft ones you can hardly hear)

~Completely silent stifles

~Screaming sneezes

~Women who have sneezes that sound too masculine

~And men who have sneezes that are way too feminine

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Also "snunts". Sneeze-grunts. Like...instead of a proper sneeze, there's only one syllable and it's "ugh!" What the hell is with that!?

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