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If you could have any author write you a sneeze fic...


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If you could choose any author, living or dead, to write you your own personalized sneeze fic who would you choose?

I personally would pick either Charlotte Bronte or Margaret Mitchell.

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Oh YES how cool would that be!! ;) I would love to have either Stephen King or Patricia Cornwell doing that. The first promises an intriguing plot, and the second promises very attractive characters. :lol:

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Hmmmm.... *ponders Jane Austen re-writing P&P* :cryhappy:

I don't know though.... I feel pretty spoilt by some of the authors here who manage to get plot, dialogue, And yummy discriptions of things that might not occur to a "mainstream" author. :lol: I do have my personal favs from the community- but not naming names ;)

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Robert A. Heinlein. It would be hot, and likely sexually progressive. Plus, he already scatters sneezes through his books, I think because of the humanizing aspect, but maybe he could appreciate the fetishy point of view.

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Sorry to sort of thread-jack, but has anyone else noticed how R.L. Stine has sneezes in many of his books? Suspicious.

Oh, yeah, ummm, I would choose J.K. Rowling too. Sirius Black desperately attempting to hold back an allergic attack? Yes, please.

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you know, I think that Sir Kingsley Amis would be a good choice; writing in many genres but often realistically and comedically. In fact in "Take a girl like you " there is more than one spectacular sneezing scene, unfortunately written entirely for laughs and involving a Scotch gent who is largely a figure of fun. In fact his sneezing is supposed to deter the heroine Jenny Bunn; naturally I have often contemplated writing a sneezing scene for her...

And just to add a turn of the screw, there is a parody where she appears as Annie Crumpet, possibly by Michael Frayn, or part of Bradbury Lodge; so ideally I would like a sneezefic from Amis and a parody of it from whomever it was.

Of course, at one stage Amis was such a Nazi that sound people couldn't read him; well, John Thaw anyway. Does this still happen nowadays? I don't even know any more. And who would tell you who you could and couldn;t read?

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Shakespeare of course. If he was willing to do it, he'd figure me out, figure out what I'd like the best, and describe it in such a way as to make it irresistible.

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I'd have to choose Janet Evanovich ... her Stephanie Plum books are the most awesomest (lol). I think she'd be a decent sneeze fic writer.

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Shakespeare of course. If he was willing to do it, he'd figure me out, figure out what I'd like the best, and describe it in such a way as to make it irresistible.

Ohh, that would be amazing.

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James franco. I read his short story collection and instantly loved his writing style. Detailed but not embellished. More to the point, with a dash of dark dry humor.

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This is a tough one, but I suppose I would have to choose....

Mr Ticklynoses!! lol

All kiding aside, his sneezefics are awesome and he would be the one I would choose to write anything sneeze-related.

Now, if only I could think of a plot...

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Neil Gaiman. <3 He's a fantastic writer and I don't think he would have a problem edging into fetish or sexual territory. My only worry would be that it would take a fantastical or science-fictiony turn and the sneezing would become a plot point instead of the focus. :laugh:

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stephanie meyer

or suzanne collins :D

tma-i'm watching P&P now, i was just thinking the same thing! it only has one sneeze, for crying out loud! :winkkiss:

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stephanie meyer

or suzanne collins :D

tma-i'm watching P&P now, i was just thinking the same thing! it only has one sneeze, for crying out loud! :D

Hahaha! I would really love to see a scene between Katniss and Peeta in the Competition where alot of sneezy allergens overwhelms them.

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