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Stifling your sneezes?


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If so, How do you stifle them? Hands free? into your hand or arm? Pinching your nose?

For those who never regularly stifle, have you ever attempted to before? If so, how?

I feel like im the only 1 that LOVES to hear stifled sneezes. They are just so awesome xD

For me, i used to let my sneezes go freely. Then i discovered the art of stifling to avoid awkward situations. I usually stifle hands free or into my wrist. One of my friends can stifle while pinching her nose..which is completly dangerous but whatever.

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I've been stifling for nearly ten years now. I pinch my nose shut when I do. I also love to hear stifled sneezes, they rock. :drool:

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I stifle in public or when someone's around who I don't want to hear me sneeze or know I've sneezed. Have been doing it for years and years...most of my life in fact.

I usually stifle silently (with a long exhalation at the end to release the pressure of the pent up air from the sneeze that wasn't openly let out) and hands free...

If I'm for whatever reason concerned the stifle won't be completely silent, like if the sneeze feels extra strong or something, I will put my hand in front of my nose and kind of push it up against my nose a bit...this seems to add a bit of confidence to the belief it'll be a silent sneeze.

If I have a cold, when I stifle, it isn't silent, it's a squelchy, muffled noise in the back of my nose and throat. It feels different too...the sneezes feel really heavy and thick, as opposed to the lighter sneezes I normally feel. I kind of like this when it happens, cause it means my nose is too inflamed to be silent and the sneezes are too strong, which is pretty cool, heheh.

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I've tried it, but it nearly takes the top of my head off, so to speak.

The lady I live with is a "serial stifler" probably for hygeine reasons. She can do it silently on occasion, but most of the time, there will be the intake of breath, a soft expulsion, then the whispered "choo". Sexy as hell.

She even stifles into tissues a lot, which is, to me, a new extreme in hygeine.

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It's really difficult for me to stifle because my sneezes are so powerful. I can do it, but it takes a lot of effort. Generally I have to touch my nose in someway for the stifle to work well. I don't know if this is mental or not, but it seems to be the way it is.

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I feel like im the only 1 that LOVES to hear stifled sneezes. They are just so awesome xD

You are not alone......


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It's very easy for me to stiffle, no nose holding or anything like that. I have learned not to do it while working out though. Something about stiffling while your heart rate is up makes it extremely painfull!

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I can stifle really well. If I try hard enough you can't even tell I sneezed, but when I do it that way it hurts so I don't do it very often. When I stifle (which isn't often) I'll do it with no hands.

And you're right, stifled sneezes are awesome. Something about trying to cover up the loss of control that is a sneeze... :laugh:

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I'll stifle every once in awhile. I usually sneeze at least 10 times or so (not right after the other) in the morning and I don't like sneezing around my family so I'll stifle if I'm in a room alone.

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I can either stifle hands free or even will the sneeze away 9 times out of 10. Strange, considering when I do actually sneeze, they are quite powerful and loud :confused:

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I never used to, but frequenting this forum made me curious. I can stifle completely without using my hands (although psychologically, it Does help!) and the only result is like a swallowing sound at the back of my throat. It usually makes me sneeze more when I do this, though!

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I wish I had a lady-like sneeze. I wish I had a cute sneeze. I wish I could stifle. Alas, I don't have any of these things. My sneezes are large, wet and rich. Each time I have tried to stifle, the sneeze somehow got bigger and exploded out of me. Sigh...

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how do you stiffle? its impossible to me!

I don't know. it's rather hard to explain..it's like i just do it.. lol xD

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  • 4 months later...

Born NOT to Stifle

All my stifles are temporary.

I thought I might be able to stifle if I caught a sneeze in the early tickle stage by pinching my nostrils. A few minutes later the tickle returned a little more intensely and again I pulled off a temporary stifle. The third time the tickle was more intense but again I held it off. Finally came a huge buildup and a gigantic blast of five sneezes. I followed this procedure several times before I concluded I wasn't born to stifle.

But it's OK. To me a grand sneeze is too beautiful to stifle.

Anybody else a stifling failure? Does attempting to stifle result in more sneezes instead of less?

Happy New Year

gonnasneeze (NOT STIFLE)

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I don't need to stifle because I have a great mental block around other people which I am so proud of. :) but I can stifle hands free too just in case.

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i don't usually stifle my sneezes, but when i do, i find it so much easier when i'm lying down.. don't know why though. maybe it's just in my head lol

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i don't usually stifle my sneezes, but when i do, i find it so much easier when i'm lying down.. don't know why though. maybe it's just in my head lol

I've noticed that if I'm laying on my back my sneezes are smaller, so maybe that has something to do with it?

I can stifle completely and pretty silently. If there is any noise, it's vocal. But this makes the sneeze less enjoyable to me. I wish I could pull off half-stifles, but my sneezes are too forceful. It's all or nothing.

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i found that if need a sneeze to go away it works every single time when you put your finger horizantally under our nose so thats what i do if the itch starts getting really bad.

Also, if you wanted to stifle a sneeze complely and have never done it before suggest pressing the tip of your nose in against your face. sometimes you will completly lose the sneeze and if you dont it makes a really easy stifle.

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