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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Godfather Request/Offer

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...for me to write one. Preferably a Godfather Part II young Vito one. I just love gansters and mafia movies!

so respond if you want to write the fic or if you want me to write it.

I usually only do male colds and I'm not sure im ready to venture into allergies or female sneezes, I've only written one fic (Its a Song of Ice and Fire fic) and its not finished cause i dont think anyone liked it so I'm not in adventurous writing mode :)

Sorry for blabbing, respond if you're interested, please :)

Oh and i just sneezed :laugh:

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I'd totally be interested in reading one. The only reason I didn't respond to the first request was because I didn't have any ideas to share. :mad: I'll try to keep this in mind though and if I get any bunnies I'll send them your way!

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