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Hay Fever


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A/N: Ah, look at me and my original titles:P Written for a comment-fic meme. WARNING: Sam/Dean, no spoilers.

::: ::: :::

It’s a friggin’ surprise attack.

One week they’re hunting a shapeshifter in Wisconsin in the snow and the next it’s spring. Not that Dean keeps track of the seasons or anything. He wakes up one morning to the sound of Sam sneezing his head off and he knows immediately that its allergies-- if Sam was sick he would have been cranky and Dean would have known.

There’s no warning for Sam’s hay fever. Dean wasn’t sure that Sam even still suffered from it-- he’s been at Stanford for the past four years and for all Dean knew he’d outgrown his allergies. But here he is, waking up after about five hours of sleep, and Sam’s in bed next to him with a hand clamped over his mouth and nose in an attempt to be quiet.

“Gesundheit,” Dean says around a yawn, and Sam freezes like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

He blinks at Dean for a few seconds, eyes already red-rimmed and watery, before launching into another fit of sneezes. Dean sighs and grabs the box of Kleenex from the nightstand. He hands him a tissue, then reaches up to brush Sam’s hair back from his forehead while Sam snuffles miserably and wipes his nose. Sam doesn’t say anything, just inhales shakily and closes his eyes when Dean presses his lips against his temple.

“Please tell me you have allergy meds?”

“Doh,” Sam replies, his breath hitching slightly, his voice full of congestion. He leans against Dean, who slides his arms around Sam. “They dond’t work adyway.” He turns his head to the side and sneezes hard against his shoulder. Dean can feel Sam’s muscles tense under his arms. He knows how much Sam hates to lose control like this.

“God, was it this bad when you were at Stanford?”

Sam shrugs, and Dean pictures him in the library geeking out over books while seeking refuge from the outdoors.

“Come on. Let’s go take a shower.” Dean smiles, tugs the hem of Sam’s shirt up. “It’ll help you feel better.”

::: ::: :::

Dean goes out for breakfast and comes back with a plastic bag from the drugstore.

Sam is lying on his back on the bed, wearing only his boxers, his hair still damp. He already has an impressive pile of used Kleenex scattered around him, and when Dean closes the door he sits up and grabs blindly for a fresh tissue, falling helplessly into another sneezing attack.

Dean joins him on the bed, watches the smooth, solid muscles of Sam’s stomach spasm with each sneeze.

“Got you something,” he says when Sam’s done, and holds up the sack. Sam takes it from him and pulls out a box of Kleenex and a small white bottle.

“Seriously?” Sam wipes the back of his wrist under his nose and sniffles. “I’b dot usigg this.”

Dean rolls his eyes and takes the nasal spray from Sam, untwisting the cap before holding it out. Sam looks kind of pissed, but he snatches the bottle from Dean’s hands and considers it warily. He sneezes twice, sniffles, and then raises the bottle toward his red nose.

“Dond’t watch,” he says suddenly, and he turns his back to Dean.

Dean hears him spraying the stuff up his nose, and then there’s a gasp before Sam starts coughing and sputtering and sneezing like crazy.

“Oh God. That’s disgustigg,” Sam manages between sneezes.

Dean circles around the bed and presses a handful of tissues into Sam’s hands. Sam sinks onto the bed and groans pathetically, then picks up the nasal spray so he can glare at it. Dean rescues the little bottle and tucks it safely into his pocket.

“Give it time, it might work,” he tries. Sam sniffs in frustration. Dean smiles fondly and kisses the tip of his nose, which makes him sneeze again.

::: ::: :::

Sam uses the nasal spray for about a day before he accidentally drops it out the Impala window about a mile away from their motel.

“Dude, what the hell?” Dean glances in the rearview mirror, then over at Sam, who’s rubbing his nose in a way that makes him look kind of adorable.

“It makes me feel sick, Dean. It’s running down the back of my throat and I don’t think it’s actually helping with anything. And it tastes nasty.” Though the congestion has backed off a little, Sam looks absolutely miserable, his eyes and nose leaking and his voice raw-sounding, and Dean is at a loss of what he could possibly do to make Sam feel better.

They pull into the parking lot, and when Sam goes to reach for the door handle Dean stops him with a hand on his arm. He brushes his fingers along Sam’s cheek, but Sam ducks his head, his face flushing slightly.

“I feel gross.”

“Well, you are gross. But still sexy.”

Sam rolls his eyes, clearly doubtful, but he relaxes back into his seat and turns to face Dean. There’s beat, and then Dean leans in and kisses Sam deeply, heat spreading between then as their mouths move together and Sam’s hands find the back of Dean’s neck to pull him closer. Dean slides his hand up Sam’s chest and he kisses Sam until suddenly his tongue is assaulted with the taste of medication.

“What the hell- that’s disgusting,” Dean grunts, pulling back. He licks his lips with a grimace. “Ugh.”

“Told you,” Sam smirks. He’s suddenly caught off-guard by a sneeze, and when he looks up, hair falling slightly over wide eyes, Dean starts to laugh. Sam joins in, and their laughter fills the Impala until Sam starts to sneeze again.

::: ::: :::

They’re digging a grave in Oklahoma a couple days later when Sam starts pinching the bridge of his nose and wincing every time he thinks Dean isn’t looking.

He’s still sniffling and sneezing often, but mostly he’s just stuffed up and itchy. Sam’s dumping salt over the remains when he sneezes loudly three times in succession, and afterward he gasps. Dean looks over to see Sam with one hand cupped around his nose and the other kneading at his forehead.

“Vision?” Dean asks quickly, because really, that’s the last thing they need right now. But Sam immediately shakes his head and presses the heel of his hand against the underside of his nose.

“Just a headache,” he replies softly, his voice hoarse and congested. He sneezes again and clears his throat, and Dean considers him a moment longer before setting the bones on fire. He picks up his shovel and pulls a Kleenex from his pocket when Sam drags his sleeve under his nose.

“Seriously. We’re gonna have to get you some Benadryl or something,” he says as they walk back to the Impala. “Or maybe an allergy shot. I’ll hold your hand if you’re scared of the needle.” Dean smirks, trying to remember where the Tylenol is, and it’s a friggin’ surprise attack when Sam pushes him up against the car and starts kissing him like he’ll never stop.

::: ::: :::

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Gaahhh... Sam... Allergies... :rolleyes: Have I told you how much I love you? I'm pretty sure I mentioned it at least once. If not, let it be known: I LOVE YOU. :laugh:

(Also, I'm not sure which reaction made me the most happy - the first sentence which was enough to send shivers down my *ahem* spine, or the 'if Sam was sick he would have been cranky and Dean would have known. ' that still has the feeling of 'd'awww' :blushing: fluttering in my chest.')

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First, I'm addicted to the Sam/Dean-ness because of you... and now I actually enjoyed this allergy fic and want to read more of them!!

It paints a brilliant picture. I especially love the part where I could picture Sam lying on the bed in his boxers, with wet hair. (yummmmmy) and the gentle (yet macho) way that Dean looks after Sam. AAAAAAAND the kiss at the end. *fans self*

To quote a lovely phrase from one of my new fav shows (Firefly; it's an old show, but I'm newly addicted): "I'll be in my bunk..." =P

P.S. I forgot to mention that I love when you set this. With the headachey/visiony implications and the new-minted-ness of the immediately post-Stanford era!

Edited by swann_ee_song
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Yeah. A friggin' surprise attack. And I love it. Seriously. I just love the feel of this whole story. It's just the right amount of sexy owing to the fact that Sam's completely miserable and it's in one of the earlier seasons. Aw, and no allergy meds help Sam at all, that's pretty great. What? I meant, for me. :D Ah, and the kiss is a friggin' surprise attack. That's really cute. And hot. And it's giving me sort of chills.

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Gaahhh... Sam... Allergies... :winkkiss: Have I told you how much I love you? I'm pretty sure I mentioned it at least once. If not, let it be known: I LOVE YOU. :heart:

(Also, I'm not sure which reaction made me the most happy - the first sentence which was enough to send shivers down my *ahem* spine, or the 'if Sam was sick he would have been cranky and Dean would have known. ' that still has the feeling of 'd'awww' :D fluttering in my chest.')

Heeee. :heart: You're so incredibly sweet, thank you!! I'm super happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for reading and for commenting:)


First, I'm addicted to the Sam/Dean-ness because of you... and now I actually enjoyed this allergy fic and want to read more of them!!

It paints a brilliant picture. I especially love the part where I could picture Sam lying on the bed in his boxers, with wet hair. (yummmmmy) and the gentle (yet macho) way that Dean looks after Sam. AAAAAAAND the kiss at the end. *fans self*

To quote a lovely phrase from one of my new fav shows (Firefly; it's an old show, but I'm newly addicted): "I'll be in my bunk..." =P

P.S. I forgot to mention that I love when you set this. With the headachey/visiony implications and the new-minted-ness of the immediately post-Stanford era!

Lolll. :D You make me happy, you know that? I'm thrilled you liked all the parts you mentioned:) Yay you, thanks!!!!!!!

I am in love with you.


That's really all I can think to say.

Awww :heart: Thank youuuuu!!

Yeah. A friggin' surprise attack. And I love it. Seriously. I just love the feel of this whole story. It's just the right amount of sexy owing to the fact that Sam's completely miserable and it's in one of the earlier seasons. Aw, and no allergy meds help Sam at all, that's pretty great. What? I meant, for me. :D Ah, and the kiss is a friggin' surprise attack. That's really cute. And hot. And it's giving me sort of chills.

Whoa, I'm so flattered you think this is sexy. You make me smile, thank you so much!!!

Yes! Sam has risen again! I love this.

Hee:) Thank you so much!

Sam is my favorite. This is a great feel for the early-series boys.

He mine too :heart: Thank you for reading!!

I really really like this storry!

I think you should keep uploading this... Just a thoughht (:

Thanks, I'm happy you enjoyed reading it!! LOL, I'm not sure I could squeeze more out of this one, but of allergic!Sam? Definietly lots more of that in the near future:)

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OHohoho, how did it take me this long to see this? :D

Ohhh, I'm usually not a fan of incest, but you really can make me see the silver lining on it. Ohhh, SAAAAAMMEEEEEE. :P

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OHohoho, how did it take me this long to see this? :bleh:

Ohhh, I'm usually not a fan of incest, but you really can make me see the silver lining on it. Ohhh, SAAAAAMMEEEEEE. :D

Um hello, I can't even handle your signature. Like, that quote, and now that picture? CUTENESS OVERLOAD.

Anywho. Bahaha, the silver lining in incest. :heart: Oh, life. Thank you for reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know I'm not really into the Dean/Sam stuff, but Sammy + allergies = adorable!! :D:cryhappy:

Hee, thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Awwww. Poor Sammy. Sneezing like there's no tomorrow. Feel better buddy.

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