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Today my family and I drove to a lake to go swimming. Either something was bugging my allergies or I'm coming down with a cold; the second I got out of the car my nose started tickling nonstop, but I couldn't sneeze for some reason.

About 15 minutes later when I was in the water, I still hadn't sneezed. Suddenly the tickle doubled but I still couldn't sneeze. It was so uncomfortable that I went underwater to make it stop, which usually works for me. For some reason it didn't; instead of going away the tickle got even stronger. Then it reached a peak, and I knew I was going to sneeze. I swam up to the surface as fast as I could. I broke the surface just in time for the intake of breath that was the beginning of the sneeze, but then the exhale forced my head underwater again. It was a really strong sneeze, and I spewed tons of bubbles out of my mouth and nose.

My nose wasn't done. In the next three minutes I sneezed five more times, two underwater and three not, and I kept sneezing occasionally for the next two hours. My brothers seemed to think it was hilarious :mad:

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Wow! Can't remember reading an underwater sneezing obs before. How did it feel different from your normal sneeze?

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Were you physically underwater? That is so odd to me! I've been a swimmer and around pools for 19 years, including being a lifeguard for 6 years and I have never witnessed an underwater sneeze from anyone! Sneezing into the water, yes, but actually sneezing while underwater I have yet to see it.

Anyway ... bless you!

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Wow. That was intense. Thanks for telling us all about it. Unlike your brothers, we know how to respond correctly. :rolleyes:

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That must have been an explosive and messy experience!

I've been a swimmer and around pools for 19 years, including being a lifeguard for 6 years and I have never witnessed an underwater sneeze from anyone! Sneezing into the water, yes, but actually sneezing while underwater I have yet to see it.

The only way to carry out an entire sneeze underwater would be if you had an air-source such as scuba-tanks to allow inhalation. I know a number of people who have done just that.

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I've been a swimmer and around pools for 19 years, including being a lifeguard for 6 years and I have never witnessed an underwater sneeze from anyone! Sneezing into the water, yes, but actually sneezing while underwater I have yet to see it.

The only way to carry out an entire sneeze underwater would be if you had an air-source such as scuba-tanks to allow inhalation. I know a number of people who have done just that.

Right. That's what I thought! I didn't think there would be a way to complete a sneeze entirly underwater without an air source. With scuba tanks or snorkling equipment, I can see it happening, because that air supply is there, but how would this happen without this special equipment?

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