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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nose Discussion


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So, I've noticed that it really does it for me when someone talks about their nose. I love it so much, and I even like to jump in conversation and join in.

Even if it's got nothing to do with sneezing, sniffing, nose blowing etc.

For example, I watched an interview with the gorgeous Channing Tatum before, and he is discussing how he broke his nose on set. He explains how one of the crew members put it back into place, and when the interveiwer asks "Is your nose okay now?" Channing replies with "Yeah. It clicks a little though" and starts holding his nose and moving it around a little. To me, that was HOT :D

Does anyone else get turned on just by general nose-discussion, or does it have to be sneeze related?

Edited by cheech
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No, I also get turned on by nose discussions even if they're not sneeze or cold related.

But it's not as MUCH of a turn on as sneeze stuff, and it has to be a discussion with or about someone I find attractive. :D

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I really, really like watching people play with their noses. Like, if they rub at it or sort of run a finger underneath it. So hot.

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Yes, almost anything to do with noses, I love! Mind you, when I mention people in this post, I'm talking about people I like and/or am attracted to, not jut anyone. LOL

I love:

1. People touching their noses.

2. People talking about their noses, such as "My nose itches," or "It tickles," etc.

3. People touching someone else's nose affectionately.

4. People (non-fetish, that is) commenting on how cute a person's nose is.

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Mmm! I love love noses! The best is watching someones nose when they sneeze. Thinking about where it's coming from, and the droplets and stuff that comes out of the nose area. Oh my god! Hot! O_O I love petting noses, and love how some of them look on people I find attractive! Yummy!


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Heh, petting noses. I love doing "nose kisses" with someone you find attractive. Rubbing noses together gently and stuff? I always wish the person, when doing this, would have to sneeze...right in my face. lol. Hotness.

I like kissing a nose...and having my nose kissed. :)

And yeah, I love watching the nose when someone is sneezing. The flaring of the nostrils, etc...

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Yes, almost anything to do with noses, I love! Mind you, when I mention people in this post, I'm talking about people I like and/or am attracted to, not jut anyone. LOL

I love:

1. People touching their noses.

2. People talking about their noses, such as "My nose itches," or "It tickles," etc.

3. People touching someone else's nose affectionately.

4. People (non-fetish, that is) commenting on how cute a person's nose is.

Yes yes yes! I love all these things. It's kind of a tease thing, when it's not sneeze-related. You know there's nothing going to come of it, but there's still a secretive little thrill. My boyfriend is a chronic nose-rubber, even when there's nothing wrong. I love it. And once we were just snuggling and kissing and he kissed my nose and said "you have a very kissable nose!" and proceeded to kiss it again. I melted, even though it was my own nose. And he's taken to licking and biting my nose just to annoy me, which is funny and a bit cute too, even though I always swat him away when he does that.

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