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Your own nose...


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All this talk about other people's noses makes me wonder what people think of their own. Do you love it? Ever get compliments on it? Does it make an impression? My nose is small, round, and probably the least impressive feature of my face. People have said it's cute, but it's not a standout. I hate to admit that here (of all places) but my nose is...as they say...nothing to sneeze at :blushing:

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Well for YEARS and YEARS I had a hang up about my nose being too big. :blushing: But six years and one month ago I found this place and was overwhelmed by the attention my big beak was getting me. So I guess I kind of grew to love it. :blushing:

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Do you love it?
Well it fills a gap in the centre of my face that would look funny otherwise. It doesn't sneeze anywhere near enough and seems annoyingly resistant to catching colds. So while I'd miss it if it wasn't there, it isn't something I feel any great love for.
Ever get compliments on it?
Not that I recall. It's pretty boring I suspect, and not really worthy of comment.
Does it make an impression?
Nobody has really commented on it much, so I guess not.
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I have been told my both fetishists and non-fetishists that I have a cute nose. It's rounded and fits my face well I think. Honestly, noses are not my thing. I know some people are very interested in how a person's nose looks but it doesn't particularly interest me. Therefore, I have not put too much thought into my own nose.

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Well, sometimes I hate it on my off days, but then on days like that I find everything about my appearnace annoying, so...I sometimes wish it was different, but then again, it's mine, and I wouldn't want anyone else's.

I've had a few compliments for it. God knows why.

It's in proportion to my face, which I'm grateful for. And it looks quite striking from certain angles.

Overall, yeah, I'd say I like it. :smile:

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I think I have a pretty cute nose. I like the shape of my nostrils, at least. :laugh: Sort of pear-shaped and longish. I have had a couple of people tell me they like my nose, but I don't think it stands out much.

For your viewing pleasure: :smile:


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Well for YEARS and YEARS I had a hang up about my nose being too big. :smile: But six years and one month ago I found this place and was overwhelmed by the attention my big beak was getting me. So I guess I kind of grew to love it. :laugh:

Dawnie has a gorgeous nose, I've seen it up close and personal! So do several other people on this forum! I think we even had a thread where everyone posted pics of their noses somewhere.

As for me, I've never been happy with my nose. Always wished it was smaller and cuter.

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I like my nose for the most part, I wouldn't mind if it were a little longer or more turned down slightly at the end instead of being slightly upturned at the end. I guess I'd prefer it to be slightly more masculine, but the way it is now doesn't particularly bother.

I have gotten compliments on my nose being cute, but I'm not sure it has so much to do with my nose itself as it does with the freckles on it. :) Especially in the summer, my nose gets very freckly in the summer.

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Yes, that was my thread, the one where people posted pics of their noses! lol

VoOS, I ADORE your nose! It is my DREAM NOSE! I want it. Please take a copy of it and send it to me so I can put it on my face, ok? lol

I like my nose ok NOW. But I never used to. The only reason I like it now is because of the Restylane filler injections I have got in it, that made it more straight (got rid of the little bump just below the bridge) and more up-turned at the end, which I like. So...I'm happy with it now. About 70% happy. And 200% HAPPIER with it than I was all my life before. I always thought it was too big, too long, etc.

All my significant others over the years have said they like my nose. Not quite sure why...my best friend (and ex-partner) said she liked it a lot...my current partner says it's a perfectly fine nose and she didn't know why I felt the need to get the Restylane put in it, and my online attraction guy said he loves it. So...that's good.

It does its job. Fairly regular sneezes...yep.

Anyway, so yeah, VoOs, I'm waiting for your nose in the mail. lol

Edited by stevie_sloth
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I'm okay with my nose. It's not that pretty but it's okay, it's never been a thing I've been very bothered about when it comes to my looks, but nothing I think is very pretty either. I'm just forever, eternally grateful that I didn't inherit the type of nose my dad and all his siblings have... it's... really not nice at all. Huge and broad and long and... it can suit a man, but never a woman. So... I'm just glad I dodged that bullet! :P

Edited by Chanel_no5
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Dawnie has a gorgeous nose, I've seen it up close and personal!

As for me, I've never been happy with my nose. Always wished it was smaller and cuter.

:D I love you!

And dammit woman, you have a beautiful nose! I know of at LEAST two other ladies, if not many more, that would agree with me wholeheartidly. Big is beautiful and as far as cute goes, you got that big time girl. :P

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I've always gotten along just fine with mine. Like Ouro's it tends to get freckly in the summer.


I have an ongoing joke with my husband about how sharp and pointy his is, and how big and bulbous mine is (guess what his looks like!)

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I'm not one to normally think about the shape of people's noses. I know my mom used to tell me when I was little I had a "ski-jump" nose because it rounds upwards very slightly at the end instead of pointing straight down. She said it like it was a good thing, I have no idea why. Other than that, I haven't much thought about it.

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I'm not particularly fond of mine, I always wanted one more like VoOs's or polychrome's :drool: You guys have such cute perfect noses :lol:

Though my boyfriend apparently finds my nose to be super cute, so I'm happy enough with it xD

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i like my nose, it's kinda cute...


I beg to differ....it's not "kinda cute".....it's VERY cute! :)

I have no idea what people think of my nose - I don't have a nose for these things......

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Mine is just there- on my face, between my eyes. :) I don't think that it is Ugly or Cute- just is there. Haven't had anyone say anything- have gotten more comments re: eyes than nose.

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I quite like mine. I'd like to have bit leaner nostrils, more like VoOs has... :) but mostly I like mine. Because it has some size to it, and a bump in the bridge, and I am a bump fan. I do get compliments for it sometimes, I've been told I have an "aristocratic profile". :D Don't know about that but I love the compliments, they're actually quite hot to me. :D

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I don't mind my nose. It's a bit long, I suppose, but it's also pretty thin. My girlfriend likes it and so do some exes, so it's cool. :D

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