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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My boyfriends sneezing fit (M)


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Hii guys, I haven't posted for a while but i just had to share this with you all :laughbounce:

Earlier on this morning (11th August) I was on the phone to my boyfriend, William. We were talking about our anniversary plans as I'm going away to Wales for 10 days and I'll be away for our 9 month anniversary :smile: anywho we were chatting away, something like this

Me: Hello?

Will: Hello?

Me: You okay?

Will: Yeah you?

Me: Uhuh! just woke up :)

Will: Lazy child you

Me: :laugh:!

15Mins later

Me: So we'll defintaly be going out

William: Yeah, yeah....hi-ishchoo!

Me: Bless you sweetheart!!

Will: Thanks, gah....hi-ishchooooo! Hitchoooo! Chooo!

Me: Mmmm, bless you darling! You okay?

Will: Yeah i'mb fid, huh, atishchoooo!

Me: Bless you, I'm like melting over here!

Will: Ohh.....hush...you....love it ....HAAAAASCHHOOOOOO!! Atishchooo....Hatshoooo...Chooo

Me: Bless you babes!

Will: Mmm, thank you.....Hatishooo! Haarrrr-nitsh, Hashoooo, Nxgst

Me: Bless you sneezy. You all done/

Will: Thank you, yes I'm finished, *sniff*

Me: You're so cute!

Will: Thank you for blessing me Miss Sneeze Fetishist! -(He knows :D!)

Me; You're welcome baby, feel better

Will: I'm not ill, I just have a sneezy nose- Gahhh melt!! :laugh:

he has the most adorable sneezes, he induces for me as well, hes so understanding of my fetish, he'll do anything aha ;')

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Nice obs. :laugh: Wish I'd had a boyfriend at 16 :smile:

I'm 17 aha :D

One of my friends mucked about with my account changing my age and my gender. I am a girl :)

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Man you are so lucky :D I wish one day ill get a boyfriend that i can actually tell him about my fetish and he'll induce for me :)

Sounds like you got a keeper on your hands :P

Ah going to wales huh? Be safe from the rioting going on in england <3

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I love the conversation you two had almost as much as the yummy sneezes!

Edited because I typed "too" instead of "two". Gah! Good thing I teach math!

Edited by Lalena
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So cute!!! I'm not exactly sure if my fiance knows about my fetish.. I mentioned it at one point but he may have forgotten.. I really don't want to bring it up again to him haha

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This is fantastic. Adorable. Thanks so much for sharing. I used to have a boyfriend named Will... I wish he had sneezed like that.

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Nice obs. :D Wish I'd had a boyfriend at 16 :)

I'm 17 aha :)

One of my friends mucked about with my account changing my age and my gender. I am a girl :)


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