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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The "Little" Cold - Long story

Guest laj6213

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Guest laj6213

Started off on Fri night with a very small sore throat. Not terrible but bad sign of things to come. As I HATE getting colds (despite being a fetishist), I immediately started with Zicam, gargled with salt water (hey, you never know!) and by Sat morning, when I woke up, the sore throat was gone and I seemed to be all better. Just in case, I continued with Zicam throughout the day on Saturday and even once or twice on Sunday. But by Sunday, I felt nothing and was sure the whole thing was in my head.

Monday, I was fine. I went to work...Tuesday, I happened to work from home and started sneezing throughout the day. Nothing major at first, as I tend to usually sneeze a few times throughout the average day anyway, but as mid-day approached, I couldn't help but notice that it was getting more frequent (maybe a double every hour or so?). By around 3 pm, I was definitely noticing a pattern and also had to get up to blow my nose multiple times. But still, nothing intense or truly bothersome. I didn't need the tissues, it just felt good to blow from time to time. By Tuesday night, I realized I'd probably sneezed at least 25-30 times throughout the day. Very out-of-character for me. Hard not to connect with the sore throat from Fri night. I decided to resort back to Zicam, as I abandoned it a couple days earlier.


On Wednesday, I woke up with an obvious cold. Still nothing mind-blowing but definitely a cold. I sneezed a few times upon waking up and they were big...wetter than usual and needed to be immediately accompanied by gurgly blows. As I got myself ready for work, I wondered if I could manage to pull it off that "nothing was wrong." I hate having anyone know I'm sick, especially with a cold. Probably because of the fetish, but there has always been something SO embarrassing about having people observed -- and comment on -- my own cold symptoms. I went to work and generally held it together throughout the day...a few sneezes here and there, but nothing too obvious and had to get up a few times to blow my wet nose. There's nothing worse than needing to blow throughout the day and continually trying hard not to. When you finally do, it is such a relief. After work, I basked in the glory of my aloneness by laying with a box of tissues and finally allowing myself to give into this disgusting mess. As I had plans to meet a friend, I had to get myself together and go. I put a few tissues in my purse and sucked it up. I got there before her and allowed myself one hard blow in the restroom. Midway through our plans, I excused myself to go to the restroom for yet another gurgly blow. I noticed that my voice seemed lower and a little sick-like, but luckily she did not seem to notice.

Today I worked from home again (thank god!). Soooo much better just to be able to give into the symptoms, do what you need to do and even indulge in the fetish a little :) I spent the day sniffling, blowing, sneezing at least 15 harsh, wet sneezes (description to come) and even some inducing when that annoying itchy nose feeling persisted. For the most part, I use white Kleenex tissues from a pop-up box and a large part of my fetish has to do with people using tissues with colds, so my using them throughout the day definitely served to turn me on. As is more common when one has a cold, I was able to catch most of the sneezes in tissues, usually drenching the tissue each time. While I realize it's kind of gross, it kind of turns me on to keep using the same wet tissue for the next few minutes -- something about appearing like the desperate person with the bad cold who has soaked their only tissue but has no choice to continue using it...I also used a few self-made handkerchiefs throughout the day, completely soaking the 4 I have (they are made of an old Hanes t-shirt I cut up many years ago when I was suffering a bad cold and was desperately searching for something softer). They're in the laundry basket now, so it's back to tissues. So far, my nose is not red on the outside, but the more I reach for tissues, the more I am starting to notice that familiar sore feeling that you typically start getting around Day 3 of a cold.

While sick, I have to admit that I enjoy reading obs here more often than usual even, so I started to feel bad that I wasn't contributing my own. While I love reading about colds and sneezes, I don't enjoy having one (except for the small pleasure I can derive here, I guess), so hoping this leaves my nose soon.

Hope you enjoyed, and on that note, I leave you with some post-obs questions:

1 - Does anyone else ever use the same tissue for multiple sneezes/blows before eventually discarding?

2 - Has anyone else made their own hanky and if so, out of what?

3 - Who else tries to hide their colds? Have you ever done this with a bad cold or just a lite one?

4 - I would never do this (too embarrassed) but does anyone else lug around a whole tissue box with them when they have a cold?

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awww poor thing hope you feel better

I guess I'll be the first to answer your questions:

1. If it's not too messy then year.

2. I have I cut up an old pillow case and it works pretty good

3. *raises my hand* I do! :P lol

4. no way...I agree too embarrassing (maybe a pocket tissue or hankie)

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Nice! I absolutely LOVE long obs. Sorry the cold is making you feel rotten though...hope you get well soon :D. Anyway, here are the answers to your questions:

1 - Does anyone else ever use the same tissue for multiple sneezes/blows before eventually discarding? Yeah. When I'm about to run out of tissues, that is. I use them as much as I can and then throw the disgusting wet thing out. I hate having to do that.

2 - Has anyone else made their own hanky and if so, out of what? I just use any old shirts I have lying around. But mostly I buy them.

3 - Who else tries to hide their colds? Have you ever done this with a bad cold or just a lite one? I do. I hide my colds. But sometimes when it's too horrible and it's obvious I'm sick I don't bother hiding it.

4 - I would never do this (too embarrassed) but does anyone else lug around a whole tissue box with them when they have a cold? NO! I would be so embarrassed to do that.

Feel better! :P

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Sorry you aren't feeling well, hun. Your discomfort, however, has made for a rather yummy obs! I hope you are starting to feel better!

As for the questions:

1. Yes, but only if I am running REALLY low on tissues. I actually really hate snot, so the less I have to see or feel it (even if it is only through the moistness of the tissue) is rather disgusting to me.

2. I've never used a hanky, homemade or store bought, in my life

3. I always try to hide my colds at first, but usually after a few people notice I tend to give into my symptoms. I generally become very needy and whiney when I'm sick, so it's hard for me to try to hide the illness and these qualities.

4. Yes, I've done this on two occasions. Once when I was coaching swimming and I had a terrible cold. At my first practice with the cold the humidity and the heat in the pool area was making my nose go crazy. It was like standing over a pot of boiling water for almost 3 hours with a bad cold. I was such a mess that the following practice I did not make the same mistake. The second time was this past spring at school. I was a floating teacher (I didn't have my own classroom and went from class to class taking over classrooms during other teachers planning periods) and I had probably the worst cold I ever remember having. The first day I didn't bring my own tissues and more than half of the rooms I went to didn't have tissues. I was a complete disaster. I had to carry tissues with me or I would have snotted and dripped everywhere. Although, I kept the tissues on my cart, which was kind of my portable cassroom, so not sure how much that counts.

Cute idea asking questions like this in your obs!

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Guest laj6213

UPDATE...I went into work today, thinking I was holding it together very well. The first thing my co-worker says to me is "do you have a cold?" Geez!! I did not think I was obvious AT ALL. Because I am never one to come right out and admit it, I answer with "just a little stuffy nose." (prob sounds pretty dumb when you consider her next comment). She says "yeah, I noticed you were sneezing a lot the other day and now your voice sounds kind of sick." I ignore that comment and enter my office for the day.

Throughout the work day, I manage to squeeze in 2 nice blows -- one time when she's on the phone and I can tell she's absorbed in something else, and another time later that afternoon in the bathroom. Several times throughout the day, I felt a tickle and thought "please don't sneeze" and luckily, I didn't. Then, at one point while she was in my office during the late-afternoon, I felt the familiar tickle again and then, suddenly, I knew there was no stopping it and it just came out (covered with hands, as no tissues obviously around me, of course). She blesses me and we move on. Damn -- I had almost made it!

After work, I sneeze one big, juicy uncovered sneeze once at home before getting ready for our evening plans, which go over without a hitch (literally). After coming home for the night and getting ready for bed, I have 1st one large, wet sneeze out of nowhere (covered in hands, as tissue box was just a little too far to reach on time). Yuck. Then about 2 hours later, a sudden double sneeze completely uncovered, spraying all over, as you can imagine (no snot, just spray). Each sneeze has been accompanied by a blow and then usually I feel better. So I'm getting there, but not 100% yet, I guess. I wonder how many sneezes tomorrow will bring??

Thanks to all of you for the answers to my questions thus far. Just a few comments:

1 - Wow, I am surprised that so many of you actually do think it's quite gross to use the same tissue a few times before discarding.

4 - Seem like I am not alone here as far as lugging around a tissue box goes. Lalena - I dont think having a tissue box on the cart counts quite as much because it was "hidden" and not quite so obvious as actually carrying it around with you. I forgot to mention that seeing someone lugging around a tissue box is a HUGE turn on for me, while I would never do it myself. I may even start a post about that only and see where it goes... =)

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Nice obs but I hope you feel better soon :drool:

1. I have before, but I usually prefer a clean tissue each time.

2. Nope. I like tissues.

3. I try to hide them if it's just a minor thing.

4. Nope. I agree, it would be waaaay too embarrassing.

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I have a sneezy cold right now, and I hate when ppl comment on it and I am tryign to hide it but everyone seem to notice. Its embarassing. Also, being a body builder I hate feeling "vulnerable" when I do sneeze and end of feeling weak :/

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I have a sneezy cold right now, and I hate when ppl comment on it and I am tryign to hide it but everyone seem to notice. Its embarassing. Also, being a body builder I hate feeling "vulnerable" when I do sneeze and end of feeling weak :/

Great observation. Thanks for sharing! I hope you feel better soon!!

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I hope you feel better. Nice obs, thanks for sharing.

1. If the tissue isn't to wet then yes I will reuse it twice only because I can be messy with colds, then throw it out.

2. Nope, tissues all the way for me.

3. I haven't tried to hide a cold, but if I'm out in public and I'm sick I try to hide the cold.

4. I never lug a box of tissues around if I've had a cold to embarrissing, I try to get those packet tissues or grab tissues out of the box before I go out anywhere and put them in my bag.

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hope you feel better :P

1)Yes i usually have to with hayfever

2)no havent made one

3)I have tried to on some occasions but it never works


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1. Well considering the fact that i don't sneeze multiple times...it's always in singles but very rarely is there an occational time that ill sneeze in multiples. It happens probably like 1 or 2 times a year. I sneeze into the bend of my arm i never sneeze into tissues as werid as that sounds lol

2. Oh my god i don't know why but i don't like hankies and i don't know why i don't like the word either...it makes me feel uconfortable

3. YES i always hide it until my parents start to get suspecious and then they question why im coughing, and sniffling so much? Then im caught lol

4. No i don't actually lol

By the way i hope you feel better <3

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First of all, wonderful obs, bless you and thank you for sharing :) But I also hope you feel better really soon! :laugh::bleh:

To your questions:

1 - Does anyone else ever use the same tissue for multiple sneezes/blows before eventually discarding?

2 - Has anyone else made their own hanky and if so, out of what?

3 - Who else tries to hide their colds? Have you ever done this with a bad cold or just a lite one?

4 - I would never do this (too embarrassed) but does anyone else lug around a whole tissue box with them when they have a cold?

1. Yes. I try to blow using as little surface area of the tissue as I can so I don't waste them ;)

2. Nope.

3. Not me! I'm trying to tone this down, but I admit I'm a bit of an exhibitionist :)

4. A whole box? No xD I've seen it done, though! But not me :) I always have my travel pack in my pocket for when any situation arises! :laugh:

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1 - Does anyone else ever use the same tissue for multiple sneezes/blows before eventually discarding?

2 - Has anyone else made their own hanky and if so, out of what?

3 - Who else tries to hide their colds? Have you ever done this with a bad cold or just a lite one?

4 - I would never do this (too embarrassed) but does anyone else lug around a whole tissue box with them when they have a cold?

Wow, we are cold twins. Your cold sounds so similar to my standard colds, and how you feel (mentally) when you have a cold, like you're more interested in the fetish and all that...a bit turned on and stuff...that is ME exactly. We are cold twins! lol

Anyway...I hope you feel better really soon...

1. I have indeed used the same tissue for multiple sneezes and blows...even when sodden...just cause...it's kind of that desperation turn on thing you mentioned...yep, I feel that too.

2. I have never made my own hankie exactly, but in the past when I've had horrible colds and tissues weren't enough, I've used towels...tea towels...an old night gown I didn't wear anymore...

3. I ALWAYS hide my colds. God, it is MORTIFYING to be exposed as having a cold...ugh!!!!! I indulge them when I'm alone, but no matter how severe the cold, when around people, I try my absolute BEST to hide it.

4. I have never carried around tissues at all, BUT I have sort of fantasies about doing it...so EVERYONE would know I have a terrible cold...like I'd carry around a box and just pull tissues out and sneeze into them desperately and then blow...hmmm. lol

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