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Sneeze Fetish Forum

worlds longest build up (m)


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Today I was helping a friend with deciding on how she wanted to design her bedroom. She has a boyfriend called Ryan. Ryan is 6ft tall and has a babyface. He is really cute, he has baby blonde hair and greeny-blue eyes. Anyways we were sorting out some colour ideas when knock, knock, knock we hear at the door. My friend (Amie) goes down toa nswer, leaving me upstairs. She re-enters the room with Ryan, whos wearing a tank tee and baggy jeans. He looks adorable as his nose appears to have a pink tinge around it, BUT I assumed that was just my imagination. I smiled at him and hugged him, saying 'Hi, you okay?' in which he smiled and rubbed at his adorably cute nose.

About 30 mins later, Ryan says 'Ah, I really neeeeeed to sneeze and its stuck...ooooh' he's pulling the most cutest pre-build up face I've ever seen, he begins to violently rub at his nose, Amie starts laughing at his face, but I'm just melting at how cute he is, after 10 minutes of the bulid up(litrally 10 minutes!!) he sneezes two very big and cute 'Haishoos' in his hands, me and Amie both bless him, as he blows his nose and just snuffles, it was so cute. He didn't sneeze anymore, but sniffled and blowed his nose a lot through out the rest of the evening :):lol:

ADORABLE! :laugh:

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I'm sure the whole time you were like, "Come on!!! Sneeze!!!!" I know I would have been!

Glad that sexy buildup wasn't for nothing and you got to witness a yummy double.

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I'm sure the whole time you were like, "Come on!!! Sneeze!!!!" I know I would have been!

Glad that sexy buildup wasn't for nothing and you got to witness a yummy double.

I was it was torture. He had so many false build ups and I really though he was gonna sneeze. I was just like 'come on. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!' and he finally did

It was a gorgeous double ! :mf_boff:

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