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I swear...between tree pollen and ragweed, I don't know which one makes me more sneezy. They both suck. :rolleyes:

Last week I was sure I had a cold, but now I think that allergies may have been causing half of my problems, given how I've felt since yesterday. I woke up last Monday congested and with a sore throat, and by Monday night I was feeling exhausted and hot. I only told two people that I had a cold (*ahem*Sneese and VFP*ahem*) because I don't like to broadcast that embarrasssing information. By Wednesday my voice was almost hoarse, and my sneezing patterns had changed...if you know me, you know that I generally sneeze in fits of seven, but instead I was having these really strong sneezes, like 3 or 4, separated by about 10 seconds each. That almost never happens to me, so it was kind of bizarre. By Friday I was feeling fine, but for some lingering congestion and the CONSTANT feeling of needing to sneeze. Like...constant. But I could say for sure that the cold was gone.

But now, ever since Friday, I've been an allergic disaster. My eyes itch, my nose is stuffy, the back of my throat is itchy, and the sneezing is far beyond what should be acceptable. I told VFP that I was having sneezing fits about twice an hour, and that hasn't done much in the way of changing. I'm not one of those girls who carries tissues around because I think it's affected and attention-whore behavior, but it's equally embarrassing to be littering up wastebaskets with them, which I'm doing. It's like all the evidence of my weakness is piling up in the garbage. :lol: Seriously. I've gone through like twenty tissues this morning, which is NOT like me.

Ugh...why do I have to be allergic all year round? Why can't I just have tree pollen by itself, or nothing? I'd prefer nothing. But goddamn, between pollen, grasses, weeds, and mold, I'm pretty much ruined. Balls. :P

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But now, ever since Friday, I've been an allergic disaster. My eyes itch, my nose is stuffy, the back of my throat is itchy, and the sneezing is far beyond what should be acceptable.
It's like all the evidence of my weakness is piling up in the garbage. :rolleyes:

You know, as sorry as I feel for you (I do! :lol: ) those sentences in particular turned me on beyond belief. :P

Feel better hun! :)

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sorry you're feeling like poop (like chanel, i really do too, honest :) ) but i'm sure glad i came back when i did ;)

bless you tons and hope you feel better soon :D

Edited by aquadyne14
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All year round allergies must completely suck (speaking as someone who suffers in the grass pollen season only...... well, dust all year round but not too bad)

Please accept this pack of "bless yous" for use whenever needed (they come in 7s)


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Awww, you guys are awesome. :) Thank you for being so sweet!

I just came in from running some errands...I swear, it gets worse and worse.

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I sure wish your errands involved coming into my store. :)

Bless you, my lovely!!

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Aw, bless you. Allergies really suck when you have them. But not when other people have them :innocent: Just kidding. Sort of. Sorry you feel bad.

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I sure wish your errands involved coming into my store. :drool:

Bless you, my lovely!!

I love you. :drool:

And thank you both... It's getting worse as the night progresses, and for no apparent reason now. I'm, like...a completely disgusting mess. I can't even breathe through my nose anymore! Ugh...this is worse than tree pollen, I've decided.

Boooo. :innocent:

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Dear god. I really wish I was there to, um, help you with your issues. :winkkiss: And can I just say how damn LUCKY I feel to be given regular updates on this stuff? That's right everyone! She's all mine (and Sneesee's). And no, we're not sharing. :laugh:

psst... you're beautiful when you're "disgusting." Not that you aren't beautiful all the time!

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Bless you!! I hope that you start feeling better really soon, although your sneezes are lovely, I'm sure you are ready to be done with them.

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Aww, bless you! Ragweed season is definitely here... my boyfriend's just like you, allergic to tree pollen and ragweed. Spring and fall allergies. Feel better!!

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You poor thing. I live in Jersey and my husband is an itchy, twitchy, sneezing mess. He took the dog outside this morning and was out there for less than five minutes. Almost immediately after walking out the back door, he let loose with half a dozen earth-shattering sneezes. When he came inside, he said that something must be in bloom because he was a mess. Eyes were all pink, nose was running like a faucet and everything left him in a constant state of sneeze where he was either getting ready to sneeze, sneezing, finishing a sneeze or in the middle of a sneezing fit. God I love being married to that man, but geez...I certainly feel bad for anyone that suffers like this from ragweed.

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You guys are all great. Thank you! :)

That's right everyone! She's all mine (and Sneesee's). And no, we're not sharing. :blushing:

psst... you're beautiful when you're "disgusting." Not that you aren't beautiful all the time!

Thanks, my lovely! :D And no...please don't share me. I want you two all to myself!!!

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*purrs like the contented feline who has recently captured the yellow-plumed songbird* :P

Edited by TYS
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You guys are all great. Thank you! :drool:
That's right everyone! She's all mine (and Sneesee's). And no, we're not sharing. :)

psst... you're beautiful when you're "disgusting." Not that you aren't beautiful all the time!

Thanks, my lovely! :) And no...please don't share me. I want you two all to myself!!!

LOL...darn....and here I was hoping you share your wonderful sneezes with us:).....

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*purrs like the contented feline who has recently captured the yellow-plumed songbird* :)

ROWR. :drool::drunk:

LOL...darn....and here I was hoping you share your wonderful sneezes with us:).....

:) Glad you liked!

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I'm late to the we-love-Nicole party again, but I'd like to also thank Nicole for another great obs :yes:

Hey, better late than never. :drool: I'll take love when I can get it! And thanks! :laugh:

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Wish I was there to see this so called "An allergic disaster." ^_^:lol::laugh:

I miss blessing you in person. :cryhappy:

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"An allergic disaster." Who could ask for more?

I aim to please, my dear. :innocent:

Wish I was there to see this so called "An allergic disaster." :):laugh::lol:

I miss blessing you in person. :blushing:

Awwww...:wub: I miss that too! I really do. :hug: I loved hearing it from you guys...made me feel so much less awkward.

I miss my girls so fucking badly. :)

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Gaah, you poor sexy ass mutha bitch thing, :bleh: Feeling any better these days?

Them allergies DO sound gorgeous. *sigh* :wub:

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