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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Extremely random question


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In the beginning of a headcold when my nose is the most tickly, I've noticed that I, instead of rubbing it, often will blow air softly from my mouth up against and into my nostrils in an attempt ease the irritation. Kind of like I'm blowing on a burn to take away the sting.

I don't think I've ever seen this particular method of itch-relieving described in a fic or observation, and I was just wondering if anyone else do this, or have witnessed others do it?

Yes, I think way too deeply about these kind of things. :P

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I've actually done that plenty of times, but for me I think it's more of a random gesture of boredom than anything useful. I've tried it once or twice when I had to sneeze, but it didn't help at all. I kind of had a feeling it wouldn't, but I just wanted to try it for fun.

Does it actually help you at all? It doesn't do anything for me. xD

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Does it actually help you at all? It doesn't do anything for me. xD

It does. For the few seconds the breath lasts. I think it's because the irritation makes my nose feel hot, and the air helps cooling it down for a little while. Or... something. :P

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Actually, I do it for the opposite reason: to help bring a sneeze forward that's kind of stuck on the brink. I'll always inhale V E R Y slowly through my nose, with my nostrils flared wide, in an attempt to get the same effect of that air just sort of gently drifting in.

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