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Eric: Fine! You can have it!

Me: YES!

Jared and Jensen: NO!

Me:*wakes up* NO!!!

So there you have it. I don't own Supernatural.*pouts*

Set in and after Season Two's “No Exit” because you know. Who doesn't love and miss Ellen? Sorry for any grammar mistakes and any OOCness. There will not be a Sam and Dean pairing in this so don't hold your breath.


The coughing starts when he and Jo enter the walls.

“Shut up!” Jo squawks at him, making a bitch face that could rival Sam's.

But the coughing continues and he starts to worry if he's getting sick. He immediately pushes the insane thought out of his head.

He's Dean Winchester and Winchesters don't get sick.


Later, when Jo and Teresa are safe and sound and the spirit's trapped forever he and Sam are resting in there apartment (well actually it's Jo's apartment because she paid for it but whatever) he's still coughing.

“You okay, man?” Sam asks him.

"Yeah dude," he reassures Sam, "Just choked on my spit."

Sam chuckles but Dean can tell that he's still worried.

"Hey, where's Jo with the-," he's stopped in the middle of his sentence by loud banging on the door.

"Dean Winchester, you better let me in or so help me!" Ellen yells, the sound muffled through the door.

"Swear you won't kill me?!" Dean yells back.

"No promises."

Dean smiles cheekily and opens the door. Ellen rushes through with a shotgun and points it at Dean.

They both put their hands behind their heads quickly. You don't mess with Ellen when she's got a gun.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey. Easy Ellen." Sam says, stepping in front of Dean.

Ellen points the shotgun at him, stopping him from continuing then points it back at Dean.

"Yeah, Ellen. Don't do anything rash." Dean continues for Sam, his eyes flicking from Ellen's to the shotgun. The cocky smile's gone.

He knows the risk of her actually shooting them and it's pretty high at that point.

"Don't tell me what to do boy," Ellen says, her eyes flashing with anger, "Where's my daughter? Where's Jo?"

"It's fine, Ellen," Dean soothes, smiling again, "She's getting coffee. She'll be back soon. So, in the meanwhile can you, maybe, not fill us full of buckshot?"

"We'll see."


Jo climbs the stairs to the third floor. She's back five minutes later than she said but she's a big girl and Sam and Dean know that.

She proved it on the hunt. She has three cups of coffee in her hands. Two black and one with some milk.

She makes it to the apartment and stands outside the door, fiddling for the key while balancing the coffee in her left arm.

She gets the key and slides it into the lock. She unlocks the door and pushes it open.

There sits Sam and Dean on the couch. Dean looks like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

And, sitting across from them is Ellen, holding a shotgun like she's ready to shoot. They all look up as she enters.

Dean smiles apologetically.

"Sorry," he says at the same time Jo sighs out, "Damn."


Sorry that there wasn't any sneezing yet. It'll be in the next update or the one after that. Really depends. Probably during the Impala ride. And Sam will get sick. I promise. And sorry it's so short.

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This is a great beginning! :laugh: I have yet to see this episode, and you give a good description of the general plot. Plus, a promise of a sick Dean AND a sick Sam to boot? Yes ma'am, this sounds like it'll turn out mighty fine. :gah: Can't wait for the continuation!

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Yes! This is awesome so far. This is one of my favorite episodes and...and...I MISS ELLEN SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

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Oh, hey, Supernatural. Awesome! This is getting off to a great start. Can't wait for more! The thing is, I'm having so much trouble deciding between the boys, that I guess I just like it when both are sick. And I like it when Sam catches it from Dean. That's my favorite. So this, this is perfect. :P

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This is a great beginning! I have yet to see this episode, and you give a good description of the general plot. Plus, a promise of a sick Dean AND a sick Sam to boot? Yes ma'am, this sounds like it'll turn out mighty fine. Can't wait for the continuation!

Thanks so much! :D To be honest, I never thought anybody would like this! So I'm happy I've got people who do! :D

Yes! This is awesome so far. This is one of my favorite episodes and...and...I MISS ELLEN SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

I know! :D I do too! :D

This is awesome! Can't wait to see where you go with this.

Thanks! I love your stories so it's great to hear that coming for you! :lol:

Oh, hey, Supernatural. Awesome! This is getting off to a great start. Can't wait for more! The thing is, I'm having so much trouble deciding between the boys, that I guess I just like it when both are sick. And I like it when Sam catches it from Dean. That's my favorite. So this, this is perfect.

I know! Me too! I just can't decide. Dean=personality :) and Sam=BODY :D :D So I just like both. :lol:

Wheeeee, sick Dean surrounded by Sam, Jo and Ellen! *happydance*

Thanks so much! I love ALL of your Supernatural stories and I'm so happy you reviewed!*copieshappydance* :D

Well, thanks for all the reviews and if you haven't feel free to jump write in! Now... onto a new chapter! :D

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Sorry for the OOCness!


Their all in the car now, sitting in awkward silence. Sam and Jo are in the back and Ellen and Dean are in the front, Dean's driving, obviously.

“You really weren't kidding about flying out, were you?” Dean asks Ellen, he gets no reply.

Ellen looks pissed. She stares out the window, a resentful look in her eyes, and the silence says everything. She is pissed.

“How about some music?” Dean says, flicking on the radio.

You're as cold as ice...

Ellen flicks it off.

“This is going to be a long drive.”


It's only about ten minutes after when Dean starts to cough. It's dry and hacking and doesn't sound good at all.

"You okay?" Jo asks, he nods because he's still coughing.

"You sure?" Sam asks.

"I'm fine!" He snaps at Sam.

Sam turns to glare his patented bitch face #27 out the car window. Dean knows that one well.

It's the annoyed/concerned bitch face and guess what. Jo can do one too. Crap.


They've got about 17 more hours until they reach the Roadhouse and Dean's already exhausted.

They're on a country road so Dean doesn't think it's very risky for him to be driving when he's so tired but then he starts to doze and the wheel twists and, suddenly, they're almost swerving off the road.

"Dean!" Jo yells from the back, before he can get control.

Once he finally got control of the car and Sam and Jo are dozing in the back he lets out a sigh of relief.

"You okay?" The voice that comes from beside him startles him, he hasn't heard it all night.

He nods, rubbing tiredly at his eyes. he turns to the side to catch a quick, muffled sneeze into his elbow.


"Okay, that's it. Pullover." Ellen instructs him in a demanding voice.

"Are you serious?" Dean laughs, looking over at Ellen, then looking away quickly.

She's deadly serious and... a little bit scary.

"No way in hell, am I letting a chick drive my baby."

"Dean," Ellen says dangerously, glaring, "Pull over before I have to make you."

And suddenly he's very tired and he nods weakly before pulling over to the side of the road. The stop jerks the two youngest awake.

"What's wrong?" Sam blurts out, unable to stop himself. He knows nothings wrong, it's just a reflex.

"Noth'n S'm." Dean slurs tiredly, getting out of the car and swaying slightly where he muffles a tired sneeze.


Everyone then switches seats, Jo and Ellen in the front because "Ellen says so", and Sam and Dean in the back with Ellen driving.

Then, they start off again and it only a matter of minutes before both boys are asleep and snoring.


They've got about 12 hours left until they get to the Roadhouse when Jo turns to check on Sam and Dean. What she sees makes her giggle.

Dean has his head on Sam's shoulder, snoring away like an old man, while his mouth hangs open. Sam's wearing a face and trying to push Dean off of him in his sleep.

Jo giggles again and turns to look out the car window. About 5 minutes later she hears a whimper from the backseat.

She turns around to find everything in the same position she checked them last. Dean's still snoring and Sam's still trying to get Dean off of him.

But as she studies them closer she sees something she didn't notice before. Sam's looks terrified. Like Dean is trying to kill him and he can't get him off.

"Whoa. Hey Sam. Easy, easy." She soothes, laying her hand on his knee.

He jerks like he's been electrocuted but continues to whimper and push at Dean.

"What wrong with him?" Ellen asks Jo, eying Sam warily through the rear view mirror.

"I don't know," Jo says it as a question rather than a statement, "Pull over."

Ellen pulls over to the side of the rode. Jo opens her car door and gets out. She then opens the back door and squeezes in next to Sam. They start driving again.

"Whoa. Hey Sam. Easy, easy. We're all okay." Jo soothes, rubbing Sam's leg. There's a small grunt.

"Jess?" Jo can just see a little bit of hazel peeking out from behind his eyelids.

"No Sam, it's Jo, remember?" She says, concerned.

"Jo, dn't feel g'd," Sam says before rocketing forwards with a powerful sneeze.


And, from the driver's seat, Jo can hear Ellen curse.


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Why haven't I seen this before?


Pleaaase, you have to continue, pretty pretty please!!!

This is so much yummyness <3

I love both of them being sick *_*

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Bahaha poor Sam, but you made me chuckle :P This is great so far! Thanks for sharing! ;)

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HEEEEEE, sick Sammy AND sick Dean?! And two parts already?!

"Jess?" Jo can just see a little bit of hazel peeking out from behind his eyelids.

"No Sam, it's Jo, remember?" She says, concerned.

"Jo, dn't feel g'd," Sam says before rocketing forwards with a powerful sneeze.


Ohh, that part killed me. In a good way. Sleepy feverish Sam sick sneezes, gahhhh. (Wow, how great is the letter 's'? Sorry...)

And they've got Ellen to take care of them! *is happy* :D Wonderful start!!

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Yeah. I knew I liked this. I think I squealed when I read that whole part about Sam whimpering and freaking out and sort of waking up and thinking Jo was Jess and sneezing. And now they're both sick. And adorable. And I'm just waiting, JUST WAITING for more!

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Sneezy Deeeeean.

I love the old-man-ness and Sam pawing at him in his sleep.

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