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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Akward fetish situations


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Most of us know how the sneeze fetish can leave you in tight spots at any time in any place. Often times I have been talking to friends, and a nice looking person close by sneezes and I completely stop what ever it is i am saying to look at that person. It takes a bit for me to snap out of my trance but usually I can get back on track before anyone realizes what im looking at or why it is I stopped talking. There have been some close calls though (some sneezes are just too good to miss, even if I do blow my cover) What are some of your awkward fetish situations?

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Where do I begin? Of course there's the awkwardness when someone in your group sneezes and you're trying really hard not to "give yourself away" and generally feel SUPER awkward and uncomfortable, even though you know nobody will suspect you have the fetish.

There's also the awkwardness that happens when someone close by that you have a crush on, or find attractive, or even someone you're dating, sneezes in a social setting and you're kind of frozen because Oh-wow-I-can't-believe-they-sneezed-that-was-so-hot-I-wonder-if-I-should-bless-them-or-not-I-wonder-how-long-I've-been-staring and then you think about the sneeze, and you just can't get it out of your head, and someone's talking to you or expecting you to be paying attention so you get all flustered because of the awesome sneeze you just saw. At this point, though, I stop caring because they will never know that it was the sneeze that got me so distracted in the first place... right?

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I've said it before and I will say it again ...

I. HATE. WHEN. STUDENTS. SNEEZE. Most akward situation ever when you have sneezing students in your classroom, especially when they are having an attack. :D (p.s. this smily is a little violent, ha ha)

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I always feel terribly awkward when I'm alone in a room with someone, and it's fairly quiet, and then they break the silence by sneezing. Since I'm the only one there, I feel obligated to bless them, but about half the time I don't have the nerve. And then the silence after the sneeze where the "bless you" you should go? Ugh. SO awkward! I'll just be standing there pretending not to notice or care, but on the inside I'm like "Whoa, that was cute! Don't show it on your face!"

Oh, I have another one. And it's personal. :P TYS was with me at my place of work once, and he was TRYING to make me feel awkward. It was me and him, this other girl I work with, and one random customer. I taking care of a few quick things, not really paying attention to anyone else. Then he completely SHATTERED the silence in the room with a loud double. One thing you should know about TYS is that he is amazing at faking sneezes. Amazing, I tell you! :laugh:

Anyway, I tried to ignore it and pretend like I didn't care. So he decided his little performance would then become an allergy attack. I tried to say "bless you" without sounding like I was purring, but I think I failed. I was afraid to do anything because I just knew someone would notice me! I quietly said to him "You did that on purpose!" And he just stood there grinning at me saying loud enough for everyone to hear "What? I had to sneeze." I wanted to put tape over his mouth! That was quite possibly my most awkward fetish moment.

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Oh, I have another one. And it's personal. :P TYS was with me at my place of work once, and he was TRYING to make me feel awkward. It was me and him, this other girl I work with, and one random customer. I taking care of a few quick things, not really paying attention to anyone else. Then he completely SHATTERED the silence in the room with a loud double. One thing you should know about TYS is that he is amazing at faking sneezes. Amazing, I tell you! :laugh:

Anyway, I tried to ignore it and pretend like I didn't care. So he decided his little performance would then become an allergy attack. I tried to say "bless you" without sounding like I was purring, but I think I failed. I was afraid to do anything because I just knew someone would notice me! I quietly said to him "You did that on purpose!" And he just stood there grinning at me saying loud enough for everyone to hear "What? I had to sneeze." I wanted to put tape over his mouth! That was quite possibly my most awkward fetish moment.

:laugh: Adorable!!!

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I agree on all of it! :laugh: Sneezing scenarios IRL are often very awkward for me..

One thing you should know about TYS is that he is amazing at faking sneezes. Amazing, I tell you! :P

I can vouch for that, too. Never encountered a better fake-sneezer. :laugh:

Edited by Chanel_no5
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This happens all the time but i have a.d.d. so my friends know that im easily distracted by things so my cover is like never blown lol but YES i always get the sound of the sneeze i just heard out of my head. I lose consentration on things..omg it's so bad lol

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Recently, I was hanging out with a group of friends and we were sitting around on our laptops chilling. I usually get kind of competitive while playing Dr. Mario, so I was making noises like "ha!" if I made a mistake or got frustrated. One of my friends said it sounded like I was "going to sneeze". I pretended I got too annoyed with the game and stopped playing after that. xD But it caught me so off-guard! I hate when stuff like that happens.

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I like certain types of sneezy discussion at certain times, but when it completely catches me off guard, I don't know what to do or say and then it's awkward :)

ANYTHING involving my parents is awkward :P

When a guy sneezes and I'm the only one around to say "Bless you," and I don't want to and try to ignore it but ultimately feel bad and can't, then it's awkward :wub:

I'm sure I'll think of more later :P

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It's always a little awkward when a friend is sick, because I'm into more than just sneezing. A friend of mine had the swine flu once and I called her, not knowing she had it. She answered, super congested and hoarse and coughing, and I nearly died. I couldn't talk much! :-P

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Lately, my friend who has REALLY bad allergies to, well, everything, has been getting into huge sneezing attacks of like 9 or 10 with no time in between sneezes except a huge buildup....and he brings it up WHILE he's sneezing, while I'm trying to conceal what's going on down/up in my obvious gym shorts. Luckily I've gotten much better at this over time and am better at being socially comfortable about talking about it, but it was still a little...er, a LOT...awkward. Especially since I'm not attracted to him in any other way.

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Naa, I'm still too shocked about something that happened earlier this week to think back any further... lol. It's a bit different than anything I read in the earlier posts (lol, I read two whole posts, lol), but who cares...

So I was in my regular café like so often, chatting with some people... One person, a young man the others and I know, walks in and greets us all with a hug... He walks away, comes back, turns to me and tells me that I might have fever and should probably go home. I stood there stering at him this "what the hell did you just say, why would you say something like that, never do that again..!" way. I knew and I still know that I didn't have fever and I can't see any reason why he would tell me something like that, but but but... Aargh, he made my heart skip a beat and blood either rush to my head or away from it, can't say for sure... xD And I ended up running away from there, lololol...

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A couple months ago, I was watching Finding Nemo with my brother and my cousins. When it got to the part where Sheldon, the seahorse, sneezed, I was blushing so much that my 17 year old cousin reached over and felt my forehead. He was like, "Woah, dang, your face is hot. Are you okay?" I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out!

:laugh: So awkward.

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Anytime my friends sneeze is awkward for me. There's two friends in particular, who have a really cutsey, girl sneeze- and always sneeze in multiples and gasp for air in between.

When I'm alone with them and they sneeze- it's hell because I dont say bless you. It's just such an awkward atmosphere afterwards because its silent and I feel like I should say something- but i cant!

curse you, bless you phobia! /shakes fist

Edited by cheech
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