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Sneeze Fetish Forum

the problem with sneezing


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The thought came across my mind, in the show Naruto, a lot of stuff they use to battle with, can also make them sneeze. I always wonder what it would be like if in one episode someone used a jutsu to make them allergic to their own jutsus and stuff.

Like could you image Gaara allergic to sand? I've known that stuff to make people sneeze, but not Gaara :lol: And Itachi has those crows, he could sneeze from the feathers. I mean, what about Kiba? He has a dog, if he don't have allergies to it, some other ninja would have to? You see where I am going, I hope. It's not just this anime, its other ones to, just this one is my favorite.

I think anime could use a little more sneezing in it. It would make it more realistic, and as if the characters are real people, with imperfections like us. I don't watch all anime, so I'm sure this might not be a problem in all animes, it's just I would love to see Gaara or Sasuke sneeze. But that is just the fetishist in me talking :D

I hope this was the right place to post this... if it's not the mods can feel free to move it.

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I think a lot of us wish there was more sneezing anywhere around us, but unfortunately not everyone feels that way. xD

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Funny, I've always thought of anime as having more sneezing in it than most other genres of media. More cultures should have the theory that if you talk about someone behind their back it will make them sneeze :wub:

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Funny, I've always thought of anime as having more sneezing in it than most other genres of media.

I agree. And I know several animes where sneezing seems to have been added just to make it more realistic, too. Doesn't Naruto have quite a lot of sneezing in it? I don't watch it myself, but I've seen lots of clips from it posted on these boards.

If you feel like you need more anime sneezes in your life, you could always watch NyanKoi. x)

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If you feel like you need more anime sneezes in your life, you could always watch Nyan Koi. x)

I would recommend this! I've pretty much grown out of my anime faze, and don't really watch that much anymore, but this shall always be a favorite of mine. And not just because it's a fetishist's dream, either, it's pretty great! :D

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Hmmm, I'm not familiar with Nyan Koi, but it sounds like something I should look into XD I usually go to Saiyuki Reload when I'm having a serious anime sneezing craving. Sanzo + cats :P

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