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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezes from my new BF


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So, for the past two weeks I've been hanging out with my new boyfriend D. I actually posted obs about how I met him and our first date.

For those of you who don't know: D is 20. He's 5'11", with light brown hair and green eyes. He's really tan ('cause it's summer, so everyone is tan around here :bleh: ). He also has summer allergies. Basically, this is me around him: :drool::wub::blushing::laughbounce: How did I get so lucky????

Since we've been hanging outside a lot for the past two weeks, I can't write about all the times he's sneezed, but I'll write my favorites.

On our second date we went out to lunch and he insisted we sit outside even though he knew he would sneeze his head off. So he did. He sneezed about once a minute all through lunch. The best was when we were arguing over where we would sit.

Me: If we sit out here you'll just sneeze nonstop! (And I'll have a hard time hiding how much I like it...)

Him: No I won't! Heh--hepSHUH!

Me: Please. You can't even stop sneezing for ten seconds at a time! (I said that so he'd try to prove me wrong and I'd get to see him trying to hold back his sneezes :twisted: )

Him: Yes I can! Watch. One...two...three...f-four...five...heh...six--heh...hitCHUH! HetCHUH! heh...hepSHUH! TCHUH! hiiiihhh...HIITCHHUUH!

Me: *smirk* You were saying?

Him: I dod't bide (mind). I'b--hepSHUH!--used to it by dow.

Me: Your funeral.

Him: You bead by dose's fuderal.

The day after that we went to the pool together. We were racing across the pool underwater. I won, so when he got to the end and came up for air I prepared to gloat, but then he sneezed before I could say anything. So funny...

On Monday he called me and told me he was sick with the flu (in August! I have no idea how he managed it) so I went over to his house to take care of him. He was the picture of flu-induced misery: jammies, dark circles under his eyes, stubble, stuffy, hoarse voice, bright red nose. The pollen wasn't helping. Just opening the door for me had him sneezing uncontrollably into his arm. I stayed with him pretty much all day. He didn't want to kiss me because he didn't want me to get sick but I told him I didn't care so he did anyway and he sneezed in the middle. That was probably a mistake because I now have the flu. And I'm not even sneezing... :mad: Oh well. He said he's feeling better and he'll come over tomorrow to take care of me :cryhappy:

So, yeah. How did I get this lucky????? :wub:

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1. Awwwww.

2. So jealous.

3. You are indeed incredibly lucky.

4. Why can't I find a super sneezy boyfriend?

5. Hope you feel better

6. He sounds like a cutie.

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I would have to break up with him for the mere fact that I would not be capable of a complete thought around a guy that is that sneezy. I literally would become a drooling moron. You are so lucky!

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Ohhh, he sounds absolutely marvelous! :drool: You are SUCH a lucky girl. You have what other fetishists can only dream about! :twisted: I really hope that you two last; He sounds magnificent, even without the allergies! :wub:

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1. Awwwww.

2. So jealous.

3. You are indeed incredibly lucky.

4. Why can't I find a super sneezy boyfriend?

5. Hope you feel better

6. He sounds like a cutie.

^ This. :yes:

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1. Awwwww.

2. So jealous.

3. You are indeed incredibly lucky.

4. Why can't I find a super sneezy boyfriend?

5. Hope you feel better

6. He sounds like a cutie.

^ This. :wub:

my thoughts exactly..... :)

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I don't know how you do it....I'd be so distracted I probably won't be able to hold any kind of conversation! Wonder what the spring will be like? lol

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