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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Young Justice request


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I don't think this request is anywhere on the forum but if it is just ignore it. (I checked and it doesn't seem it's on here, so I'm going to ask.) I was just wondering if someone would write a fic about Robin from Young Justice sneezing from either a cold or allergies? If not it's totally fine. My other question is if anyone knows where I can find some fics about him being sick or having allergies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh HI! I'm Royal Flush.

I'm replying even if there is a request up.

I'd honestly love to write about Robin, I love Young Justice! (:boom:) (everyone on that show looks so good! ^_^ Esp. Superboy!)

Anyway, I've never really writen fanfiction before, but I write a lot of original fiction, so it wouldn't be hard to make

you a story, but I have a few quesitons first.

"Do you want me to wirte you a story? I'm new(Really new!)... and you might think its crap?"

"What do you want in the story? Action, romance? Do you want to be in it? Give me as many details as possible?"

"Do you want a specifical plot, theme, meaning, purpose, or do you want me to make that up?"

"Do you want it similar to the show (Glad to do some research! ^_^) or what?"

"Most importantly... :drool: do you have anything to trade in return? (can you draw me a picture?-I read other posts with a trade between pic and story for what would be posted... I'd like to give that a try....)"

"Goal word count?"

"Goal Sneeze count?"

"Sneeze types you like the best? (One, lots in a row? Snotty? humm?)"

"Any other cold, flu, illness, sneezy, ect, related thing you want included? (below 18 please.)"

"Any other thing you can think of? (The more detail the better!)"

Anyway, its something I'd love to try, I need to refine my writing skill so I'll take it seriously, but I only write really well with motivation... :D hohoho...

Thank you for reading this post! :innocent:

I hope this gets to you!

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OMG I LOVE writing sick superheros....especially robin :evil: ! I will totally write me a fic...message me with what ur thinking ud like. I have several robin fics already on this forum. Message me with what ur thinking.



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Oh HI! I'm Royal Flush.

I'm replying even if there is a request up.

I'd honestly love to write about Robin, I love Young Justice! (;)) (everyone on that show looks so good! :lol: Esp. Superboy!)

Anyway, I've never really writen fanfiction before, but I write a lot of original fiction, so it wouldn't be hard to make

you a story, but I have a few quesitons first.

"Do you want me to wirte you a story? I'm new(Really new!)... and you might think its crap?"

"What do you want in the story? Action, romance? Do you want to be in it? Give me as many details as possible?"

"Do you want a specifical plot, theme, meaning, purpose, or do you want me to make that up?"

"Do you want it similar to the show (Glad to do some research! ^_^) or what?"

"Most importantly... :D do you have anything to trade in return? (can you draw me a picture?-I read other posts with a trade between pic and story for what would be posted... I'd like to give that a try....)"

"Goal word count?"

"Goal Sneeze count?"

"Sneeze types you like the best? (One, lots in a row? Snotty? humm?)"

"Any other cold, flu, illness, sneezy, ect, related thing you want included? (below 18 please.)"

"Any other thing you can think of? (The more detail the better!)"

Anyway, its something I'd love to try, I need to refine my writing skill so I'll take it seriously, but I only write really well with motivation... ;) hohoho...

Thank you for reading this post! :innocent:

I hope this gets to you!

Haha I didn't even notice this. :laugh: anyway....... I just want to say that in request to your trade fic/picture thing..... ummmmmm I haven't drawn in a long time so it probably stinks and I've never drawn a sneeze pic so I'm sorry to say that I have to decline that, therefore if you don't want to write it it's totally fine. If you still want to write it I don't really have a story in mind at the moment so I'll let you come up with whatever you want. I really love sneezey allergy fics. :wub: Ummmmm length wise....... I like them to be long and not too short. 400 words is a little too short in my opinion but it's whatever you want. I would like alot of sneeze's if possible.... maybe 10 or more? idk. I like the double or triple sneezes the best and I especially like trying to talk when the person needs to sneeze. Ummmmmm that's all I can think of right now but if you need more you can pm me if you want or reply on here.

OMG I LOVE writing sick superheros....especially robin :D ! I will totally write me a fic...message me with what ur thinking ud like. I have several robin fics already on this forum. Message me with what ur thinking.



I sent you a pm aussie :D

Edited by Zane
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I'll do it! I'll do it! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I want to do it. I just wanted to see if I could get a picture of grimmjow with a flushed face too... I love him so much... (I can't draw him myself!)

Anyway... I'll do it! I will really! REALLY! >.< OH! OH!!!!!!!!!!(I need the practice!) I can post it here later if you want?

OH!... OH!!!!!! OH!!!!!!!....v . V

So you want:


Lots of sneezes!(Multiples of sneezes is better!)

My choice of story

Talking and sneezing

above 400 words (So totally can do! ^.^)

? Do you want action in it? (It is Young Justice after all)

Or more of a domestic story? (behind the mask kind of thing?)

I can do the rest! (Already have a good idea...)

But if... you want... someone else to do it... I... understand... >.<

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I'll do it! I'll do it! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I want to do it. I just wanted to see if I could get a picture of grimmjow with a flushed face too... I love him so much... (I can't draw him myself!)

Anyway... I'll do it! I will really! REALLY! >.< OH! OH!!!!!!!!!!(I need the practice!) I can post it here later if you want?

OH!... OH!!!!!! OH!!!!!!!....v . V

So you want:


Lots of sneezes!(Multiples of sneezes is better!)

My choice of story

Talking and sneezing

above 400 words (So totally can do! ^.^)

? Do you want action in it? (It is Young Justice after all)

Or more of a domestic story? (behind the mask kind of thing?)

I can do the rest! (Already have a good idea...)

But if... you want... someone else to do it... I... understand... >.<

haha that'd be awesome if you did it! ummmmmmm yah Action would probably be good. and thanks again for writing it!!! XD

Edited by Zane
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  • 4 months later...

OMG! I'm so sorry. I didn't do it. I just....didn't. I got lazy and then I just stopped caring for a bit but I didn't forget. Well guess what. I did it. I finished and now you can read it. I will post it in the story section under the header of:

Request for Zane: Young Justice Fanfiction: "Let's keep it our secret."

Robin sneezes. Comedic story. Enjoy.

I'm so sorry I never did it. But at least...its done now. >.< Hope you get this message.

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