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It´s all thoughtful strength (finished ;))


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sooo yeah. i started a now story

(normally i finished one before i start a new but a block frusty.gif didn´t want me to write at my other story...). this story is a spn story about sick dean and it´s for LovelyLinda! she begged me on her knees to write her a story biggrin.png well not really begging but she said she would be happy if i do so rolleyes.gif

i would´ve never thought that my stories would have such an effect on someone blink.png because here a way much better writers than me yes.gif (especially Scion!!!! notworthy.gif )

maybe i´ll ask LovelyLinda if she have any suggestions for a title as well

ok enough babbling on with the story, enjoy everyone^^

Dean looked on the clock in the dashboard, it said 4.24 am. What a damn night. SIGH.

He was driving for two hours now and Sam was sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat. His headache was stronger than an hour ago.

Their last mission was harder than expected. Dean just used all his strength and was now tired and leached.

His throat felt scratchy and gulping was a pain in the ass. He tried to clear it silently. Sam shifted and his head rolled over to his left shoulder. Dean stopped making any noise. He looked carefully out of the corner of his right eye. Luckily he didn´t wake him up.

Dean concentrated his gaze again on the street.

Although it was really early morning it was still damn hot outside. The whole time the air-condition run in the car and of course it doesn´t do any good for Deans current state.

An hour later Dean sniffed, his eyes were dry and red-rimmed. Well perfect, he thought to himself, this will be a very long ride to Bobby.

Dean felt a small tickle in the back of his nose. Oh no, that won´t happen now…NOT NOW! It was inevitable. The tickle grew fast and his breath itched frantically. Dean had never been a good stifler but in this situation he had to give it a try. He don´t want Sammy to be worried about him.

Dean gave in the sneezes but itched along one more minute before he got the release.

“Hhh…hiih…heeh…haah…HaaGtch…HuuGchkT…hiih!” He caught them in his left elbow. The last sneeze for now was too strong to even stifle it.

“Hahh…hh…heeh…HeeTchSHOO…ugh!” He sniffed miserable. The car lurched slightly but he got it immediately back under control.

Sam mumbled a quiet ’bless you’ but all Dean heard was more a ‘mhh youhhh’. Sam turned to his window and snored again.

“Wow, that was close!” Dean whispered, he turned on the radio and listened to the nonsense.

His sniffling continued. Why the hell didn´t they ever have any tissues in this damn car?? That´s ridiculous. Dean´s nose was running badly. He emptied two big bottles of water to suppress the urge to cough. Sometime later all bottles were empty and his throat rebelled. Blindly he searched for another bottle under his seat but there wasn´t any more.

“Damnit, that´s not fair!” In front of him he saw a sign at the road of a gas station. Maybe ten minutes away. I need to make it there! I don´t have another chance. Dean drove much faster, coughing harsher and Sam started to move. His eyes were still closed but then…

“Y´kay?” Sam asked with his sleepy voice and Dean was startled.

“Umb, I´b fide!” Damn he didn´t thought he would sound that congested.

“Good… (snore).”

Edited by Ciuty80
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You actually wrote me a story?!? YOU ROCK SO HARD!!!!!

Aww, I’m so happy :wub: Thank you so much!! I owe you!

Hey, you’re not a bad writer, don’t judge yourself for the language difficulties, I know that it can be a pain in the ass.

Even though English’s not your mother tongue you write amazing things <3 I’m sure noone really minds those small mistakes :lmfao:

I mean, it’s not the professionality an author writes, but the dedication which makes a story beautiful and read-worthy.

And I think you totally do that. I love your stories, because they are so full of love.

Dean being concerned about waking his little brother up by clearing his throat and watching him out of the corner of his eyes?

Pure LOVE!

Dean not being a good stifler but anyway trying to keep it quiet not to wake his brother?

And emptying bottle for bottle to suppress his coughing?

Guuuuuhhhhhhh *_*

That’s how we love him.

And besides the love, your writing is so incredibly sexy and charming :hug:

I looooove the imagination of Dean sitting in his car, and his sexy nose tickling for a full minute before he can get any release.

And the last sneeze being too strong to stifle? And the congested voice. Yum. <3

Rowrrr. *purrs*

I’m so excited what you have in store for the next part :rolleyes:

And…I think I love you :blushing:

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Augh so hot! And they're going to Bobbyyyyy's, where Bobby will be! I love this plan. :rolleyes:

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You actually wrote me a story?!? YOU ROCK SO HARD!!!!!

Aww, I’m so happy :drool: Thank you so much!! I owe you!

Hey, you’re not a bad writer, don’t judge yourself for the language difficulties, I know that it can be a pain in the ass.

Even though English’s not your mother tongue you write amazing things <3 I’m sure noone really minds those small mistakes :lol:

I mean, it’s not the professionality an author writes, but the dedication which makes a story beautiful and read-worthy.

And I think you totally do that. I love your stories, because they are so full of love.

Dean being concerned about waking his little brother up by clearing his throat and watching him out of the corner of his eyes?

Pure LOVE!

Dean not being a good stifler but anyway trying to keep it quiet not to wake his brother?

And emptying bottle for bottle to suppress his coughing?

Guuuuuhhhhhhh *_*

That’s how we love him.

And besides the love, your writing is so incredibly sexy and charming :blink:

I looooove the imagination of Dean sitting in his car, and his sexy nose tickling for a full minute before he can get any release.

And the last sneeze being too strong to stifle? And the congested voice. Yum. <3

Rowrrr. *purrs*

I’m so excited what you have in store for the next part :)

And…I think I love you :D

:wub::hug: i´m soooo glad that i´m able to make you love this story!!

hope i´ll have time today for a short update^^ or maybe tomorrow

BUT i´m REALLY sure you will also love what is coming next :boom::rolleyes:

Augh so hot! And they're going to Bobbyyyyy's, where Bobby will be! I love this plan. :heart:

thank you! my mind is full with details! thanks for liking this :)

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Aww, poor Dean muffin. I love that he's all sneezy and not wanting to wake Sam up. Also, I love LOVE the sleepy 'bless you' from Sam! B-P Awesome start!

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you: iluvsneezes, Foxfire, 27jaredjensen, mads3rv3r and LovelyLinda for your wonderful comments :hug::heart:

here i have some more sneezy!dean :zippy2: enjoy :laugh:

Dean parked the car in front of the small, dirty store of the gas station. He could only manage to climb out of his car and close the door without any loud noises. He slid down to the dusty ground and some sneezes he also had held in while driving here broke free.


A round of coughs stopped him from sneezing but when it ended some more sneezes tortured his poor red nose again.

“Hhh…heehh…HaaTchiUuh…haah…HuuhKtShuuH…ugh…HTchsh…sniff!” Dean panted carefully not to start coughing again.

The Impala behind his back rocked slightly back and forth. To his luck Sam still didn´t wake up. Something dropped on the ground in front of him.

“DABNIT!” Dean sniffed hard his right fist under his nose. His face contorted in disgust with the gurgling sound which his nose made.

“Shit, I´b so gross right dow! Dever thought such a good looking mban like mbe could get so disgusting!”

Dean stood up, his legs were like butter. Somehow he made it to the dirty toilet door. He took a roll of toilet paper and started to empty his damn nose from its contents. Of course this needed some time, at least ten very long minutes. When he saw his face in the half slivered mirror he turned his back to it.

“Dodn`t you dare look at mbe now ugly!” he grumbled.

Outside in the car Sam woke up. He wondered why the car wasn´t moving anymore.

“Yo, Dean? Why did you stopped?”

When he didn´t get any answer he looked to his left. The seat was empty. Sam sat up and his eyes searched the area. A shadow opened the toilet door. The figure stood there some seconds, right hand leaning at the wall for support and bent down. One. Two. Three. Oh, four times. The shadow straightened up again. He wiped his nose with the back of the hand and moved on. Of course Sam still knew that it was Dean. Dean vanished into the store.

“Oh, there he is! And yeah I was right like always. He is sick like HELL!”

Sams eyes studied the inside of the Impala. He reached out for the two big bottles under the driver´s seat.

“Wow, I never thought he would drink this much…uhm…water! That´s really rare! I think this time it really got to him!”

Sam looked back to the store door, with sorrow in his eyes. But he also knew Dean would NEVER admit that he is sick. Never. NEVER? Dean´s “shopping tour” took some time and Sam decided to read some more in dads diary.

Dean grabbed 5 boxes of tissues, 3 bottles of water, something to eat and something against his headache. He got out of the store with the paper bag in his arms.

“I hope Sab is still sleeping.” he mumbled.

But he could see a shadow moving on the passenger seat.

“Dabn, I think by luck is gone dow…sniff!”

Edited by Ciuty80
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omg omg omg OMG!

I freaking love the part with the sneezy Dean shadow bending down four times.


Once again you totally showed me how awesome you are :laugh:

Thank you soooo much!!

I'm so looking forward to the next part :zippy2:

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When he didn´t get any answer he looked to his left. The seat was empty. Sam sat up and his eyes searched the area. A shadow opened the toilet door. The figure stood there some seconds, right hand leaning at the wall for support and bent down. One. Two. Three. Oh, four times. The shadow straightened up again. He wiped his nose with the back of the hand and moved on. Of course Sam still knew that it was Dean. Dean vanished into the store.


I really likethis part, especially the way you describe the sneezing (my favourite line: 'Oh, four times').

And Sam is so sneaky - trying to care for Dean without him noticing - awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

:hyp: thanks again for your supporting comments: LovelyLinda, iluvsneezes, Foxfire, mads3rv3r and telltale i love you all ^_^

i used the last very sunny sunday today to write some more awesome dean with sam, hope you enjoy it :)

Sam looked up in the right moment to see Dean walking towards the Impala again. SHIT. He put the diary away and sat himself so it looked like he would be asleep. The door opened and Dean plopped down on his seat. He studied Sams calm frame.

“Umb, Sabby, you awake?” he whispered. Nothing…Sam didn´t answered.

Dean sighed exhausted. He put all the traveller packs of tissues (ten by the way) into the door next to him and the two new bottles of water under his seat. He took a cough drop and placed the paper bag on the back seat. Dean sniffed carefully and made the tickle in his nose worse. He fast grabbed some tissues and muffled three sneezes into it.

“HeeChumpffch…HaaKChffmp…ugh…HaaRshmpf…sniff!” he blew his nose as silent as possible. Sam shifted a bit and mumbled a very silent nearly not understandable “bless you”. Dean blushed invisible in the darkness.

“Thaks!” he whispered. He started the engine and continued the drive to Bobby.

Dean looked at the clock. Three more hours to go. OH, HELL, will I survive this?! He rubbed at his sleepy eyes and sighed even deeper. Sam rolled over, eyes still closed as Dean could tell. But in the darkness he couldn´t see that Sam was studying his face. Sam saw Deans bright red nose and his flushed cheeks when a car drove by and its headlights illuminated the interior of their car. He is getting worse Sam thought. I´ll wait for thirty minutes more and then I need to ask him if everything is ok.

The minutes passed by slowly that Dean couldn´t tell if they really passed by or not. He put the tenth cough drop into his mouth. To his luck the coughing died down since he had taken the first. But unfortunately his nose was bothering even more. He sniffled every minute if Sam was right with his counting. In five minutes he will sneeze. Maybe four times. Hm, I bet this time there will be six. Sam grinned evil to himself. One minute to go. Deans breath became uneven and he started to sniffle frequently. His breath began to itch frantically. With one hand on the steering wheel he searched with the other for the tissues. Sam held his breath and listened. Dean sneezed all over the steering wheel, uncovered. It was hard to keep the car in the track during this outburst, the Impala lurched a bit.












“Come on, number six!”


“There you are!” Dean blew his nose loudly.

“Holy shid, goddambid!” he sighed.

“God bless you, Dean! You ok, man?”

“Ugh, ah yes. I´mb ok. Sorry, did I wake you up, Sabby?”

“Not really, your sneezing just keep me awake the whole time. You feel like crab, am I right?” Dean wasn´t in the state to deny it anymore. He nodded tired and sighed once again.

“Come on, let´s switch seats so you can rest the last hours till we got to Bobby!”


“No buts here!!! I want to reach Bobby save and not in a black coffin! Got it?!”

“Umb, yeah ok.” Dean was too tired to argue and parked the car near the road.

He climbed out of the car. His whole body was shivering from the high fever. Sam walked around placing his right hand on Deans forehead. Dean enjoyed the cool hand and sighed relieved.

“Man, you´re burning up! Stop being so stupid and stubborn the whole time! I don´t think you want to end up in hospital with pneumonia, or?!" Dean shook his head and bent down to his right side without warning.

“Hh…HaaHIshuuH, I´mb sorry!”

“Bless you and don´t be. Let´s get you back into the car!”

update ASAP i promise :2guns:

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Oh yeah, you updated!! B) I loved this new chapter, especially when Sam was counting Dean's sneezes- TOO ADORABLE! :)

Edited by iluvsneezes
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Oookay, I'm a little bit agitated... just a tiny little bit B)

I love Sam guessing when Dean will sneeze and how often...

and when Dean finally sneezes - incredible HOT

And Sam is so caring and bossy at the same time - this part is definitely delicious!

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I don't even know Supernatural but I love this!!! You are so awesome and like, my best friend on here!!! XD Keep it up!

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@iluvsneezes somehow i started this kind of counting and i really like it too :lol:

@smalltownbieber thank you :wub:

@Foxfire :blushing: i´m really glad that you are agitated only because of my story, i´ll try not to disappoint you! :innocent:

@Akahana you have to check out these lovely handsome guys!!! than you will really understand why so many ppl here are in love with them :innocent: i like you too :) also because we love animes :twisted: thank you! :)

@mads3rv3r thank god someone loves my spelling i think i suck at them :D but thank you! :blushing:

@27jaredjensen thanks, i never thought that so many ppl would like how i write about sneezy!dean :blushing:

Edited by Ciuty80
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Oh my freaking gooooood…. *_*

“Dean blushed invisible in the darkness.”

I love the imagination…The tough Dean being embarrassed by his sneezing is like the cutest thing ever <3


“Come on, number six!”


Dude, you fucking KILLED me with this. Sammy counting the number of his sneezes? esgfgkfeihekjdkaew……Too much hotness for me to handle. Seriously.

“Dean enjoyed the cool hand and sighed relieved.”

Yay, I love forehead-feels. They are so sweeeeet!!

“Hh…HaaHIshuuH, I´mb sorry!”

“Bless you and don´t be. Let´s get you back into the car!”

Simply adorable. Thank you sooooo much for writing it :)

I can’t believe that you seriously wrote it for me. I mean…wow.

I’m impatiently awaiting a new chapter!

And, …you rock SO HARD!!!

Thank youuuuu !!

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Oh my freaking gooooood…. *_*

“Dean blushed invisible in the darkness.”

I love the imagination…The tough Dean being embarrassed by his sneezing is like the cutest thing ever <3

Dude, you fucking KILLED me with this. Sammy counting the number of his sneezes? esgfgkfeihekjdkaew……Too much hotness for me to handle. Seriously.

“Dean enjoyed the cool hand and sighed relieved.”

Yay, I love forehead-feels. They are so sweeeeet!!

I can’t believe that you seriously wrote it for me. I mean…wow.

I’m impatiently awaiting a new chapter!

And, …you rock SO HARD!!!

Thank youuuuu !!

OH, sweety you are really making me so DAMN happy with your comments :cryhappy::blushing:

and i´m relieved that i so simply met your affection :lol::D

i´m so glad that we found each other and i´m really looking forward to meet you hopefully later this year :blushing::)

i :heart: YOU !!! :blushing:

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I :D you too sweetie :)

I really hope we can arrange a meeting.

Maybe I should write you a story, too!

Just let me know if you have a plot bunny scampering around, hihi :lol:

Edited by LovelyLinda
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  • 3 weeks later...

well i´m back again with more sneezy!dean, sorry for the long wait sadsmiley.gif enjoy the next bit smile.png

Sam lead Dean to the passenger seat door. Dean didn´t refused his brother´s helping hand anymore. Once he settled in the seat and Sam wrapped the jacket around him, Dean immediately fall asleep.

“There you go, have a good sleep!” Sam closed the door, walked around the car and sat down behind the steering wheel. He started the Impala and drove a bit faster. Two more hours and they would be safe at Bobbys.

Like before, the time seem to crawl in a very slow way. Every maybe ten minutes Sam looked at the clock. He was of course worried about Dean´s health. And it would be the best to arrive at Bobby as soon as possible. A sharp inhale of air right next to him caught his attention. Sam peeked out of one eye not to lose the gaze on the street. Deans shivering frame exploded.

“HuuHuaRshuUH…sniff…HeeIshch…hh…hiih…HaahhHaaTchoOO..heeh…huhh…dambid…HeeDtchuHH…guh…will this ever end?! Can´t even sleep without being interrupted!” Dean groaned and rubbed at his dripping nose.

“Bless you?” said Sam and handed him the tissues. I wonder where sneeze number five and six are Sam thought to himself.

“T-thanks, uhh…n-not…heeh done…hiih…y-yet.” Deans breath itched again. He grabbed the tissues a second too late and moistured the right window because his arm was also too slowly.

“HaaIshchuuH…SHID…heeh…HeeAtchiiH…for god´s Sake, bless mbe! Fugck I sprayed the window with sombethin…I don´t know…!” Dean blew his nose loudly with one hand while the other tried to clean up the mess he had made on the window.

Sam grinned while looking at the street. I NEVER fail in counting my brother´s sneezes he thought.

“Bless you, sneezy!” Dean turned his head to face Sam.

“Thank you. Waid, are you smbiling?” Though it was dark in the Impala Dean was sure he could see it.

“Uhm, I´m not. You must be hallucinating! Try to get some more sleep till we arrive at Bobby!”

“Mbaybe you are right.” Dean sighed and shifted himself into a comfortable position. Only a few minutes later he was snoring again. Sam fished out his cellphone from his jacket and dialed Bobby.

“Ah, hey Bobby, it´s me Sam. Yeah, we are on the way to you. I hope we will be there in a good hour. Well I´m fine but Dean caught a nasty cold. I´m really worried about him. No, I managed to persuade him to let me drive his “babe”. Of course he wasn´t amused about it but in his current state we wouldn´t get to you in one piece. He is sleeping now or better is trying to. Cool. Soup would be perfect and tea too. I think he would be thankful for it. Ok, then see you in an hour. Bye!”

Sam put the cellphone away and eyed Dean carefully. Dean groaned troubled in his sleep. And he sniffled the whole time. Sam wondered what Dean was dreaming about but he didn´t want to wake him up. He needed his sleep so much! Sam concentrated his gaze again on the street, the sun started to set. Time went by. Thirty minutes later Dean started to sneeze himself awake again.

“Heh…heeh…HeeKshuuchsh…sniff…HaaIshoOO…guh…heehh…HaaTshiihhuh…dambit!” He sneezed into his cupped hands, looking really grossed out. The car lurched a bit.

“Oh, my, bless you! Don´t scare me so much!” Sam caught the car again and searched for the tissues.

“Umb, sorry wasn´t my intension…sniff…heh…” Sam dropped the travel pack into Deans lap.

“Again?” Sure again thought Sam. Dean was busy with getting those damn tissues out of the pack.

“Y-yeahhehh…ahh…c-come on…huh…” Sam parked the car on the side of the road. Deans head snapped forward. Three more harsh desperate sneezes escaped his red dripping nose.

“HuuhRashoO…hiih…HeeKhshuuhh…HaaTshuush-ah…ugh! I´mb so damb finished!Guh, amb so tired of sneezing so mbuch! By the way why did you stopped!”

“Bless. I need to…well pee…!” Sam left the car and walked into the nearby wood. Dean blow his nose.

He opened the door and swung his legs outside but didn´t stood up. His head was spinning. He moaned in frustration and massaged his temples.

wink.png maybe two more parts

Edited by Ciuty80
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