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Faking Sneezes?


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Faking a sneeze. How many of you guys have tried it? I'm big on the whole "bless you" thing. Honestly, I don't think I could ever date a guy who didn't say "bless you" because it's such a a huge part of the fetish, it's actually almost like a separate fetish. Trouble is, I have the dreaded mental block when it comes to sneezing in front of others. It just doesn't happen. Like, my brain can't even register "sneeze" when I'm around anyone who'd I actually want to bless me. Around family it'll try to come right out and I'll have to do a silent one, because the thought of being blessed by my family makes my skin crawl. Anyway, enough rambling. I really want to fake a sneeze in front of a guy that I've been hanging out with lately, I practice all the time, but I can never bring myself to do it in real life! I don't know what the fear is! Maybe that he will know it's fake...who knows? Any situations where you've faked a sneeze and got the reaction you were looking for? Or maybe not? =)

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Can I suggest that firstly you try it in front of someone you won't be so nervous with, a girlfriend perhaps. Then you will get a feel for how realistic it is from her reaction. If necessary, you can practice some more on your own or try in front of different people until you are confident that it sounds good.

Then it should be easier to do it in front of this guy.

Good luck! and let us know how you get on!


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If you have a webcam or camera, try it in front of this. Practice. It's different from a mirror. A webcam is definitely best, cause you can see yourself as you do it, and play it back as if watching someone else doing it.

You will be able to better tell if it's convincing. Also, even if it's not 100% perfect, people don't ever expect anyone to FAKE a sneeze, do they? And also people have a wide variety of sneeze styles, so they'd just assume it was real even if it doesn't sound that real to you.

Go for it, I say!!! How exciting to see what reaction you get!

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Only time I've ever faked a sneeze it was because I almost did sneeze and it retreated at the last moment, and then I went through the motions anyway because I wanted to sneeze, drat it :( Still, I don't think anybody noticed. If you concentrate a little and you know your own "custom sound" well, it's pretty easy to pull off. Also, what stevie said is true. People are more likely to think (if they think anything) 'huh, that sneeze was a bit weird' than 'wtf did she fake that sneeze for?'

Good luck!

Edited by Maru-chan
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I'm sorry because of your mental block. I like that web-cam idea, too. Try it, why not.

I faked a sneeze once in my life. Last year, during that swine flu pandemy, I came in front of my class and with really serious face started the prevention presentation saying usual stuff about preventing spreading H1N1. In the end I sayed something like this: "And the most important thing of all is that you must stay away from people who sneeze like this..." I didn't want to do it like a normal sneeze, it had to sound like... damn, now I forgot what is the English name for that snorting-sounding noise that pigs do... But you got me, right? But it sounded even natural.

The only reaction I wanted is lots of laugh... And I got it!

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I like the webcam idea, and the idea Joal had about testing it out before you take it to the guy you are crushing on, but might I suggest doing it randomly in public a couple times first. This will allow you to test it to see how convincing it is, but if it is not up to standards then you didn't do it in front of friends.

Let us know how it goes!!

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I faked a sneeze once in my life. Last year, during that swine flu pandemy, I came in front of my class and with really serious face started the prevention presentation saying usual stuff about preventing spreading H1N1. In the end I sayed something like this: "And the most important thing of all is that you must stay away from people who sneeze like this..." I didn't want to do it like a normal sneeze, it had to sound like... damn, now I forgot what is the English name for that snorting-sounding noise that pigs do... But you got me, right? But it sounded even natural.

The only reaction I wanted is lots of laugh... And I got it!

Oh my God, that was a brave thing to do! :D I never would've dared!!

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I've thought about doing this, but I know I'll chicken out when the time comes. I have a mental block, like a lot of other members do, so I might just have to resort to faking it. Even if I wanted to sneeze around people, I probably wouldn't be able to. I'm just too scared that I'll sound disgusting or stupid. I haven't sneezed in front of anyone since fifth grade. I remember it, I was in the bathroom at school, drying my hands with those annoying paper towels, when I sneezed into my arm. The girl next to me, who is still my friend, said "Bless you." I was probably like a deer in headlights. I laughed a little, awkwardly of course, and said "that hurt." Which, of course, it really didn't, but I had to say something.

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Hahaha! I love reading these stories. Thanks for the suggestions. I hate the mental block, it sucks. Sometimes I get jealous of people who can just sneeze and be done with it. And I guess we just have to remember what stevie said, people don't expect anyone to FAKE a sneeze. You'll sneeze, they may or may not say bless you and then they won't think about it for the rest of the day...while we fantasize about it for years to come... :poster_oops:

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Oh my God, that was a brave thing to do! ;) I never would've dared!!

Thank you. But I was totally afraid :D

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I love to fake sneeze! It's an amazing feeling once you learn how, if your with the right people you will get so many bless yous. Trust me, it's worth it. Good Luck!! :lmfao:

SneezyPrincess <3

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I've thought about doing this, but I know I'll chicken out when the time comes. I have a mental block, like a lot of other members do, so I might just have to resort to faking it. Even if I wanted to sneeze around people, I probably wouldn't be able to. I'm just too scared that I'll sound disgusting or stupid. I haven't sneezed in front of anyone since fifth grade. I remember it, I was in the bathroom at school, drying my hands with those annoying paper towels, when I sneezed into my arm. The girl next to me, who is still my friend, said "Bless you." I was probably like a deer in headlights. I laughed a little, awkwardly of course, and said "that hurt." Which, of course, it really didn't, but I had to say something.

Ahahaha! "Oww...That hurt" is like my number one thing to say when im in deer in headlights mode. :rolleyes: (even though it rarely ever hurts). lol

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