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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hurricane Sneezes (f)


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This past weekend, the northeast was hit by Hurricane Irene. My husband and I were stuck without power for a few days. I have mentioned before that our apartment is over hubby's mother's apartment. (It's a two family house). I have also mentioned that my hubby is a sneezy guy. Well, it's genetic. He gets it from his mother, whom we live upstairs from. And this weekend, she had one of the sneeziest colds I have ever heard in my entire life. Oh...and the walls are paper thin...yay me. NOT!

While stuck in Saturday and Sunday, hubby's mom was sick. She didn't want us coming downstairs for anything bc she knew she was contagious. Had I known she was sick and sneezing like a maniac all weekend, I'd have braved the storm.

She normally sneezes loud ones that sound like, "Coo" and always says, "Oh bless me" after each and every sneeze. These sneezes were commesurate to the hurricane outside. It went something like this: "Oh my. Again? AAAAHHHH AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH... Oh Lord, AAAIIICHOOOOOOOOOOO! Bless me." AAIIICHHHHHHOOOOOOO! Bless me." AAHHHHH AHHHHHH, Oh Lord it's stuck, AAAAIIIICHHHHHHUGGGGGHHHHH. Bless me." She sneezed these gigantic, itchy, wet, congested sneezes for the entire weekend. And even though she lives alone, she narrates every sneeze!!!!! I wanted to die. I actually hoped the hurricane would blow the roof off the house and take me away with the wind....

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Wow! That sounds like it could be enjoyable... for somebody other than you! I hope the weather allows you to get away from her and her sneezes as quickly as possible!

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Ick that sucks. :blushing: I thought these were gonna be husband obs, but I kept reading anyway. She's not my relative so they didn't bother me as much as they bothered you, but still, it's strange that she has to talk about them even though she's alone.

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More than cringeworthy...I prayed for death...hers or mine...just as long as it was quick.

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More than cringeworthy...I prayed for death...hers or mine...just as long as it was quick.

:D Love this line!

How terrible for you! I do hate when people bless themselves. Every once in a while it can be cute, but every singe one? Not for me. And mother in law ... ICK!

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