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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hurricane = Pollen everywhere!


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So, Hurricane Irene was mostly a whole lot of wind in my area, which did a decent amount of damage thanks to fallen branches, but it also blew around a LOT of pollen, apparently. My white car has a nice coating of it all over and I definitely noticed my allergies flared up. Just going out to my car to leave for work the morning afterward made my eyes itch and caused a little fit of four sneezes not long after I sat down in my car! Definitely allergy sneezes too - harsh and itchy! Mine are like Hrrr'shhhhoo!

When I got into work today, my coworker came in and told me "When I went home yesterday after work it was so crazy. Like, as soon as I got home I had this allergy attack and I sneezed for, no joke, like four hours straight. I took two Benedryl before I went to bed. My allergies were insane. And I took an allergy pill this morning! I haven't had to take one since the spring!"

She proceeded to sneeze three times during the day. Really nice, strong but feminine sneezes. Sorta like Hehhh'shggghtt!

So, for all the harm Irene did, I guess she did some good too! :blushing:

I just googled "Hurricane Irene allergies" because I was curious and apparently a combination of the wind and humidity have drastically raised mold counts and the ragweed count locally is at a 'high' alert for the week. So that's why! :-P

Someone else posted on another site:

So, whoelse's allergies are off the wall today because of the hurricane? I just got over a 10 minute sneezing fit because I opened the back door to let the dog out. My husband literally counted how many times I sneezed, I sneezed 198 times in 10 minutes. I just took a benedryl because it will kick in faster than a claritin. There are leaves, and broken plants and flowers all over my yard, and it's still windy, so everything is still flying around, so I guess that is what is getting me. My eyes are all puffed, and red and teary. Uggghh, so who else is suffering from allergies cause of this darn hurricane?

Mod note - merged posts --Prodigy

Edited by Prodigy
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I just got over a 10 minute sneezing fit because I opened the back door to let the dog out. My husband literally counted how many times I sneezed, I sneezed 198 times in 10 minutes.

:yuck: Wow. That is unbelievable. I'm so sorry you're suffering though. Many blesses.

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Sorry, should clarify that it isn't me in the second post with the 10 minute sneezing fit! That was someone else I found online talking about how the hurricane affected her.

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