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Awkward family situations


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Sitting here, watching an allegra allergy commercial. My parents are in the same room, watching the same sneezy commercial. Blehhhh. What are your awkward situation stories?

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Pretty much anytime a sneeze happens around my family. I seriously can't think of a time when I'm more embarrassed. The sneezes aren't ever from me, thank God...I think I've sneezed once in the vicinity of my parents in like the last 10 years, and neither of them saw it. :lol: (I remember that like it just happened, and I remember that my sister saw it. UGH!) Your situation sounds HORRIFYING! Icky. :rolleyes:

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Well seeing as I don't sneeze around anyone including my parents.. the most awkward thing is watching people sneeze on TV.

Oh, and when they sneeze- except that's more aggravating than awkward. I get weirdly angry when they do fetish-y stuff ;)

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Them sneezing, of course... and sneezing on TV.

And other people sneezing when your family is around. It's not that awkward around my dad because he's never focused on anyone but himself, so he hardly ever notice if anyone sneezes - or if I notice the sneeze. :lol: It's a whole lot worse with my mom, who always has to comment and stuff, as if I didn't get beet red even without her interfering. :hug: And my sister, I love her to death but I do not want to tell her about the fetish because it's way too embarrassing, and somehow she still seems to know. I have no idea how. She must've found the forum or something way back in the years when we both lived with our parents. So, if anyone sneezes when I'm with my sister, I have to pretend I don't notice anything, despite becoming red as a tomato. It's really awkward.

Only time I really wish I didn't have the fetish, is when sneezing and family is somehow linked. Ugh. ;)

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Talking about sneezing? :dribble: Watching sneezing on TV? :lol: Damn, all I want than is close my eyes, cover my ears and yell: "Trahlaaaahlahlahlahlahlahhhh!" I do all I can to hide my fetish, sometimes even too much :bag: .

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Actually, im kind of in the middle of an akward situation right now. My grandma's caught a cold SOMEHOW XPXP.. And she keeps talking about how much her nose has been dripping and sneezing and....she was right behind me when I was watching tv and WOULD. NOT. STOP. SNIFFLING. She's also one of those incredibly loud sneezers. Yep, im in hell. :wub:

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Gahhh, Grey, I'm super sorry about that. That sounds awful. Dx

My mom's freaking awful when it comes to sneezing...anytime ANYONE sneezes, she turns it into a discussion about how I don't bless people. And every time I tell her that it doesn't matter, but she always says "It means that you care about them" or something along those lines. I HATE it. SO much. And she is so damn disgusting, she's always blowing her nose, like, in front of people. And it's not just a simple nose blow, the bitch needs to freaking honk. Ugggh. I just want to punch her in the face...ALL THE TIME. And THEN. My little brother thinks sneezing is hilarious, so every time she needs to sneeze, she does it all big and dramatic and...

UGH. Can't wait until I move out.

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My mom's freaking awful when it comes to sneezing...anytime ANYONE sneezes, she turns it into a discussion about how I don't bless people. And every time I tell her that it doesn't matter, but she always says "It means that you care about them" or something along those lines. I HATE it. SO much.

I agree! I've never been able to say 'bless you' to people without feeling I was somehow going myself away. Can't stand the sort of people who almost demand that they get blessed :hug:

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Gahhh, Grey, I'm super sorry about that. That sounds awful. Dx

My mom's freaking awful when it comes to sneezing...anytime ANYONE sneezes, she turns it into a discussion about how I don't bless people. And every time I tell her that it doesn't matter, but she always says "It means that you care about them" or something along those lines. I HATE it. SO much. And she is so damn disgusting, she's always blowing her nose, like, in front of people. And it's not just a simple nose blow, the bitch needs to freaking honk.

Ugh i know exactly how you feel. A month ago my mom got sick and she kept sneezing and blowing her nose. And her sneezes and nose blows are really loud and obnoxious and its irritaing I just want to cover my ears the whole time. :hug: It's a good thing nobody says anything about me not blessing people though.

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  • 3 months later...

I feel sorry for all of you guys. All your stories sound really terrible.

My mom has hayfever. But it´s not just the sneezing. She allways tells me every detail about her allergies like "Oh, my allergies are acting up.", "I had to sneeze all night and couldn´t sleep." or "My nose has been itching all day."

I don´t want to know this! wallbash.gif

And in public she blesses EVERYONE who sneezes. It doesn´t matter if she knows them or not.

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AAAH. my mom produces the biggest over-dramatic and long drawn-out sneezes, it irritates me to no end. And she's so gross about it that it's not even mildly hilarious...she wont cover her mouth when she coughs or sneezes, spreading her nasty germs upon anything she comes in contact with. She sniffles all the freaking time!!!!! And when she does choose to blow her nose, she does so with a tissue, but then pinches excess liquid from her nose with her fingers.

It's disgusting, annoying, and awkward at the same time.

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And when she does choose to blow her nose, she does so with a tissue, but then pinches excess liquid from her nose with her fingers.

My mom does the same :thumbsdown:

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As a young lad (back before fire was hip....) I used to hump my moms, sisters, aunts, cousins, .... basically any female family members leg when they started sneezing. They called it cute.

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Went to see my brother's new apartment with my mother and my brother sneezed near his girlfriend. I was standing behind my mother who was talking on the phone so pretended that I didn't hear it but I DID and his girlfriend said to him "saaaaaaalute" (in italian) it's like saying "bleeeeeess you" ....... I was like ugh. ok. Delete this from my mind wallbash.gif

But the sneezes I hate the most are the ones from my mother, they're so LOUD and shouted and uncovered I can not stand them. Fortunately she doesn't sneeze a lot, doesn't have allergies and is not prone to get colds. pheeeww. blink.png

My boyfriend has allergies and asthma, can't wait to hear HIM sneeze!! biggrin.png

Edited by MissyLovesSneezes
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