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This is the first time in my college career that I've had a roommate with a boyfriend. It's only been a few days since we've been back but he's in here all the time. It's hard enough for me sharing my immediate space with one other person, let alone two, but I don't think it'd be fair to ban him from the room, especially since I plan on having my own boyfriend visit in the future for a few days at a time. I'm still trying to get them to communicate to me when they plan on sleeping and doing other things (all of us in the house have special signs for when we're doing... things), but I'm sure it won't be a problem over time.

The one thing I'm concerned about now is that her boyfriend seems to be sick. They were taking a nap before and she came out and said she'd let him sleep a little longer. I asked if it was okay if I went in to use my computer, since I actually have work to do and since I have a desktop I can't really work anywhere other than my room, and she said it was fine. I went in there and listened to him sniffle in his sleep for half an hour. She just came in to wake him up and we've all been studying quietly. He's still sniffling and just now he sneezed and I'm just completely eeked out.

It's the first week of classes, I have a lot on my plate, I just got back to a steady work-out routine, and if I get sick things will REALLY start to suck. I know illness is unavoidable, especially when you're in college, but I just feel like if he's sick and he knows it he should at least have the courtesy to go be in his own space and not contaminate me or my housemates. His room is in the same house, just a couple floors above us, and his roommate is currently down here with us, so he could go up to his empty room and take his girlfriend and study or do whatever there. I can't even suggest it though without feeling really rude or awkward.

I guess I'm trapped. I can wash my hands all I want but I won't be surprised if I come down with something in a few days.


Edited by Vetinari
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I know how you feel! It can be tough!

Use the excuse that you'd really love some silent study time and although they're being quiet, if they could go to his room or use a common room it'd be awesome since you have a desktop and can't go elsewhere. Just be really casual and nice about it.

And take some Emergen-C!

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Uhg :( what an unpleasant situation. I generally freak during semester start/exams period about staying away from sick people. You can try explaining your concerns calmly and rationally and stress that it's only that he's sick- not that he's present that's bothering you... see how they take it. It doesn't always work in my experience (unless you go the route I went and have a total melt down.. for your dignity this is not recommended). If that fails, all you can do is take extra precautions yourself. Eat well, rest well, exercise, wash often, take some supplements if you wish. Maybe buy her bf a mini bottle of hand sanitizer.

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Here's some advice. Hope it will be usefull.

1) Try to NOT think about that too much, cause if you get panicky you will suffer from bad night sleep that gives you headaches and even fevers, making you more sensitive to germs.

2) Try to eat healthy, buy some pills with vitamine C in them, but not use too much hand sanitsizer or such stuff, killing all the germs also makes it more complicated...

3) You can always say that you need some peace and study in your room. They will probbably understand it and leave you alone.

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Well ... I guess there's a good chance that if you don't get it from him, you'll pick it up from your room-mate when she's infected him. Germophobia is a pain .... but colds are just a part of life I think, and until you can afford your own space, this is something which will happen.

Honestly, I'd just do what you can to stay out of his way, wash your hands plenty and try not to think about it. My children come down with loads of colds every year and I get very few of them. Similarly, my husband has had a cold lately, and I didn't get it, despite living with him and sharing a bed. There's a lot of luck involved in what you pick up, it definitely isn't a certainty ... and if you do get it, it will probably pass by in a few days and after that, you'll be immune for a while.

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Well ... I guess there's a good chance that if you don't get it from him, you'll pick it up from your room-mate when she's infected him. Germophobia is a pain .... but colds are just a part of life I think, and until you can afford your own space, this is something which will happen.

Honestly, I'd just do what you can to stay out of his way, wash your hands plenty and try not to think about it. My children come down with loads of colds every year and I get very few of them. Similarly, my husband has had a cold lately, and I didn't get it, despite living with him and sharing a bed. There's a lot of luck involved in what you pick up, it definitely isn't a certainty ... and if you do get it, it will probably pass by in a few days and after that, you'll be immune for a while.

Thanks for the advice everyone, especially the Vitamin C. This helped me calm down the most, because I realized I might have been getting a little too worked up about it and kind of posted in desperation, as it was happening, instead of taking a deep breath and relaxing. I have a good immune system so I rarely get sick, and when I do it isn't that bad. I think what bothered me more about the possibility of getting sick was probably the fact that people don't seem to care about hanging around people and getting their germs everywhere. Of course when I get sick I lock myself away like a hermit, which people might find odd too.

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I think what bothered me more about the possibility of getting sick was probably the fact that people don't seem to care about hanging around people and getting their germs everywhere.

I used to find it absolutely horrifying when I had a childminder who couldn't see the worth in keeping children who had vomited away from healthy children. I can't even begin to imagine how anyone could be that casual about germs. Some people just seem not even to think about it at all. Weird!

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Here's some advice. Hope it will be usefull.

1) Try to NOT think about that too much, cause if you get panicky you will suffer from bad night sleep that gives you headaches and even fevers, making you more sensitive to germs.

2) Try to eat healthy, buy some pills with vitamine C in them, but not use too much hand sanitsizer or such stuff, killing all the germs also makes it more complicated...

3) You can always say that you need some peace and study in your room. They will probbably understand it and leave you alone.

Wear gloves. :rolleyes:

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I think what bothered me more about the possibility of getting sick was probably the fact that people don't seem to care about hanging around people and getting their germs everywhere. Of course when I get sick I lock myself away like a hermit, which people might find odd too.

I'm exactly the same way myself! Hope you'll be able to dodge it though. :dribble:

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