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My brother.


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Okay, so I'm kind of about to throw up all over the place. My freaking brother who never washes his hands or covers his mouth or flushes the toilet caught a freaking cold and is spreading it all over our house. I. Want. To. Die. He's just so inconsiderate. Our other brother already has it and I know it's only a matter of time before it gets to me. And I'm a super busy person, I don't have time to deal with his germs!

Today we had to all ride together in the car for church and my parents made fun of me because I rolled down the window and tried not to breathe the same air as them. Excuse me for not wanting to get sick when they don't even cover their mouths.

After church today though, I seriously wanted to die. The older brother has a friend who is also sick apparently who will be spending the night at my house tonight and spreading his germs as well. Lovely.

Then when we were walking out to the car my brothers both sneezed at the same time because of the sun and I nearly puked. The younger one laughed and said "we both have colds!" and on the way home the older brother kept talking about how he's been sneezing a lot (I noticed. :D) and how he's "not sick" he "just has a cold."


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No one has "time to get sick," LOL. And you're too young to sweat the small things, no? Just think that in a short while this will all be over, and you probably won't even remember it.

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UGH. That all sounds pretty horrible to me! I know how you feel, I get the same way when people around me are sick and don't give a damn about spreading their germs. I don't like to be sick either, and I get filled with this unreasonable fury when people around me are sick and get to close to me, or if the don't take care not to get their disgustingness all over me and my environment. :D Seriously, I get you! And the fact that it's family? Oh, just a million times worse. :D

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That's true Scion xP it's just annoying at the time >.<

I just hate when he's sick because he's really...gross about it. But then again, he is my brother. So he's gross about everything. :D

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That's true Scion xP it's just annoying at the time >.<

I just hate when he's sick because he's really...gross about it. But then again, he is my brother. So he's gross about everything. :poster_oops:

I can relate, trust me. My dad is REVOLTING. He literally sneezes into the fridge while scanning it for food. Ugh. And he gets sick pretty much once a month. All I can do is thank God I don't have to live with him anymore. Hehe.

Edited by Scion
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Omg, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. That's really rude of them. ;) I'd totally roll down the window too.

My sister sneezes all the time, totally uncovered. Multiple times. :DWhy can't I just have a boyfriend like that instead?

Hope you remain healthy!

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Hurr, effing family members who don't STFU about it. I think that's the worst of it, don't you? It's one thing when they're all going around throwing their symptoms around, but to TALK about it... GRAR.

Hang in there and take care and IN YOUR FACE them as long as they fail to infect you. Because you're just way stronger than they are. :mellow:

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I'm crossing my fingers for you so you don't get sick!! Gross. Family sneezes are terrible, but sick family sneezes are the ABSOLUTE WORST. Good luck :lmfao:

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So my throat started to hurt a little bit a few minutes ago. That's always the first sign that I'm getting sick. But sometimes when I'm afraid of getting sick, I'll get this "phantom illness" and my throat will start to hurt because I'm so worried about it. I really hope that's what this is because this is the absolute WORST possible time for me to get sick with everything going on.

The thing that really gets me is that it's always the same brother who will bring something home, not keep his germs to himself and spread it to our whole freaking family. It's discusting. If there was any way I could know I caught it from anyone but him I wouldn't be as annoyed.

Can anyone relate to that or am I just a freak?

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No, and I can even relate to feelings of inarticulate rage that make you fantasise about sewing his mouth and nostrils shut, or gluing surgical gloves to his hands, or something equally horrible :winkkiss:

Maybe next time if he comes home infected, hit him over the head with a rolled-up magazine every time he coughs/sneezes uncovered or touches stuff with snotty hands?

Take good care now!

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This thread is starting to creep me out LOL. It sucks, but you won't have to live with him forever. Just get over it. That's what I did with my dad, who was exactly like your brother. Lots of people have this problem, and I don't think violence is the answer. Maybe you should take this into the snake pit if you want to rant.

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This thread is starting to creep me out LOL. It sucks, but you won't have to live with him forever. Just get over it. That's what I did with my dad, who was exactly like your brother. Lots of people have this problem, and I don't think violence is the answer. Maybe you should take this into the snake pit if you want to rant.

Awww, don't worry. Nobody's "ranting" or honestly contemplating violence. We're just having a nice little bitchin session! No reason to get all MODRAH on our bitchy asses. :D

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