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Sneeze Fetish Forum


Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea

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So... it's been a long time since I've written something. No promises as to how long this one will last... I've noticed that my stories tend not to end but to just peter out, lol. Hopefully I'll get around to updates on the other stories, and as always, if anyone has any plot ideas/suggestions/requests/whatever for this or any of my other stories, feel free to pm me... I never know what will spark the old creative juices.

Either way, here's a new story, new characters, but the same old situation: sneezes, big ones. The twist is that hopefully I'll throw in another few sneezing characters, at least one of them female. Hope you enjoy!


Through bleary eyes, Marcus could vaguely catch the looks of his companions, a mixture of irritation and fear, bracing themselves for the enormous sound that was shortly to erupt from Marcus’ wide, thick nose.


“Oh, God, Marcus.”


“Come on, not again, my ears have had enough…”

Could he see through his friends’ eyes, Marcus would see his head tilting back, his bleary eyes wavering on the edge of closing, moisture in their corners threatening to leak down his cheek, his nose tensing, releasing, wriggling, jutting from side to side with an uncontrollable sneezy impulse, his nostrils flaring huge to twice their normal size as he sucked in air uncontrollably to fuel the twister of a sneeze winding its windy way into his huge, swelling chest.

“eeeeeeyyyiiiihhhhhhhh… iiiihhhhhHHHH! IHH! HIH! HIH! HIH!”

“My God, just get it over with already.”


“And thar she blows.”


Marcus Blank fired off yet another huge, hard, hurricane of a sneeze from his irritated nostrils. He sniffed confusedly. That was a big one.

“Whooo! That was a big un!” Marcus said as much.

“They’re all big ones, Marcus. And do you think you might be done for the night?” asked Marcus’ girlfriend, Dana, quite irritatedly.

With an unconscious puppy-dog face, and a still-sneezy note of pleading in his voice, Marcus turned to her and said, “Aw, Dana…” he paused to give his tingly nostrils a sniff, “ya know I can’t h-help… h-h-h-help ihhhh… help it!” He yelped out the last bit before he surrendered to another build-up, the tickly sensation refusing to leave his powerful, strongly-built nose.

“I swear, Marcus, if you sneeze one more time…”

“Dana, he’s never going to stop. He’s been like this the whole vacation!” their mutual friend Alex exclaimed.

Dana would’ve agreed, had Marcus’ sneeze not shortly hit critical mass and exploded, blasting the room with sound and drowning out all other noise in the hotel lounge where they sat, trying to plan their evening.

RRRRAAAAAAACCCCHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO!” Marcus exploded, following up this one with a sheepish, “’scuse me. God, my nose just won’t stop ticklin’!”

“Well make it stop!” Dana shouted irritatedly, having been startled by Marcus’ terrific sneezing

“Like I said, Dana, I just can’t help it! It’s these flowers on this island. How was I s’posed to know that I’d be so darn allergic to the tropical flowers. I mean, I know I sneeze big, and I can’t help it, I’m a big guy…” Marcus continued, a hint of a Southern accent from his native Tennessee sneaking into his voice, a surefire sign of exhaustion from Marcus, “but I’ve never sneezed like this. It just feels like there’s always somethin’ up there, tickling… oh God… gottaaaahhhhh…. ahhhhhh… ‘nother… oooh! I goddda… heh! heh! heh! sneeze! Haaaahhhh… haaaahhh… HEEEESSSSHHHHHH-HOOOOOOOO! HEEEYYYYY-SHHHOOOOOOO!” He blasted out two more loud sneezes, with the “ooo” sounds nearly screamed out to match the tickly fury of his nose.

Dana tried to cut in as soon as his sneezes abated, but Marcus held up a finger to indicate that he still wasn’t done. And it was pretty clear as his shoulders bobbed up and down, his hitching breath coming in shallow gasps before two more enormous sneezes barreled out of his massive nose: “HUP-CHOOOOOOOO-AHH! WWWWWWAAAAAAAASSSSHOOOOOOOEEEEYYYYY!” He gave a definitive sniff, to signal the end of the fit, and couldn’t help but give commentary, the speech itself seemingly a completion of the involuntary reflex of the sneeze, “Boy howdy, those were big! I don’t think I’ve sneezed that much since I was eighteen years old. Whoo! I’m starting to sound like my Uncle Ron—you think my sneezes were big, just be glad you never met Uncle Ron and his table-rattling sneeze. My mom still swears he just about blew the Thanksgiving dinner off the table once…”

“MARCUS!” Dana cut in furiously. “I don’t know what’s worse! The constant sneezing, or the fact that we’re in the Virgin Islands, at one of the nicest resorts in the whole of the Carribean, and you can’t talk about anything but Tennessee and sneezes!” She was standing and just about yelling now. It was almost a comical sight, the 5’3” woman seeming to tower over her 6’4” boyfriends sitting frame, slouched as he was in the chair. “Oh my god, I can’t even…” she began, about to launch into part two of her tirade, until she was cut off yet again, although not by Marcus’ nose.

“Excuse me, madam” a quite dapper hotel staff member said, tapping Dana on the shoulder, “but could you try to keep the noise to a minimum? Your shouting is disturbing our other guests. If you feel the need to shout, however, please note that your rooms are heavily insulated, and shouting there should be fine. Thank you, and enjoy your stay.” He turned sharply on his heel, and walked away.

Dana stood wordlessly, mouthing at Marcus and their four companions, other couples who had joined them on the trip to the islands, shocked that Marcus’ thermonuclear sneezing eruptions had not draw the ire of the other guests and the presence of the concierge, and yet her shouting had. Embarrassed, she sat back down, and said, in a much more polite tone, “So… to return to the topic we were on before…” she looked at Marcus, “he began… firing the artillery,” she let off a slight giggle here, but the mention of his sneezes must have set Marcus off, because he could only get in a quick, gasping breath before,


“MARCUS!” She exclaimed again.

“Sorry, hun.”

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