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Baseball Sneezes!


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The game was 8-8 in extra innings. Now in the 11th inning, Michael Erickson was up to bat. He always hit left-field and I was ready. This would be the out that gave the team a chance to win the game.

I waited for the pitch, but when the wind up came I could see there was some commotion on the field. Something was running on the field. I could see it in the distance, but couldn’t make out what it was, but it started running toward me. As it got closer and closer the figure began to take shape.

Oh no! A Dog! A dog was on the field... The dog was running straight for me. Crap I couldn’t let it touch me, but I couldn’t run away from it. I’d never live it down. The security team was tell me to try and grab it. This was not going to end well.

I grabbed the dog after much hesitation. He’s so excited, wagging his tail and licking my face. I can feel it immediately. My eyes start to water, my nose starting to run. Security comes and gets the dog, but the damage is done. The allergy fit is about to full on set in just as the inning begins to resume.

Erickson, up to bat still. I try my best to focus back on the game. Running my glove under my nose trying to ride itself of the irritation before the pitch was thrown. My heart started to race as the pitcher through the ball. My nose was not cooperating with this, but thankfully it was a strike!

“Hnngt! Hnnxt! Hngnxt! Hngxt!” I stifled four sneezes hoping to ward off the other until the inning was over.

Before I realized it. Erickson had hit the ball, come straight for me. Its up in the air, but my eyes are so watery I’m having trouble seeing it. Finally I caught a glimpse of hit and next thing I new out of pure instinct the ball was in my glove inning over.

We all ran into the dugout and I immediately look for tissues, not caring if the guys later made fun of my for it. I felt so miserable.

“Hnggxxt! Hnngxt! Hnngxt!” Thankfully they came out silent and none of the guys noticed. My eyes were beginning to swell shut and my nose was already turning red. I could feel it.

One run that’s all we needed to finish the game. We’ll be in the World Series if we win! Unfortunately I’m up next to bat and I can barely see the ball. I get up to the plate, my heart racing, my nose dripping, my eyes crying. I take my stance, bat ready to swing and next thing I know there is searing pain in my shoulder and the ball hit me. A walk! Oh thank goodness! I jogged to first base. The first base coach wants to check out my shoulder. I tell him it’s fine and he raises and eye brow at how congested I sound.

When Jimmy Carter knocks the ball out of the park We both run around the bases excited for a win of 10-8 in the 11th inning! What a great game.

“Hnngxt! Hachiew! HaCHIEW! HihCHSHIEW!”

“You alright man?”

“Stupid dog...”

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Hehehe. Who are you routing for? Sorry, I couldn't tell from the names. Go Cards!

BYE! :bleh:

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Bubbles: I root for the Atlanta Braves, but I wasn't thinking of a specific team while writing, just creating my own characters. :P

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Oh! Okay! I actually don't pay attention to other teams so I wouldn't have known if your characters were real or not. You should route for the Cardinals to win the World Series.

BYE :bleh:

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