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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I sneezed at him (F)


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This is a little something I've ben kicking around in one form or another since I was a teenager, and I thought I'd polish it up and trot it out for you guys. It was meant to be another bone thrown to fans of my never-finished "harem" story, but since I finally completed a second chapter of that...well, I thought I'd toss this out anyway. It's not my best work, but I thought someone might enjoy it.

A few notes: This is modeled after an Andrew Lloyd Webber song called "He Whistled At Me", but it is in no way necessary to know that song to get or enjoy this one. And there are a few subtle hints of non-fetish eroticism in the language, but I think the finished result is tame enough to go here rather than in the adult section. If the forum brass disagree, I give them full permission to move it anywhere at their discretion with my blessing (no pun intended!)!

On with the show!



My nose is really starting to feel itchy!


I don’t think I can stop myself from sneezing!

Well, I was weak in the knees from the birds and the bees.

I was stuttering and blushing and aware of all my skin.

But then from out of nowhere came a tickle and a teasle.

And with all the strength inside me, I tried to hold it in.

He was the boy that I had yearned for,

Had wished and prayed and burned for,

He was just about to kiss me,

When my nose began to twitch!

The bubble in my nose was bursting

And the was quickly wors’ning

And the insides of my nostrils

Felt the prickling, burning itch!

Then I felt a tiny tickle,

Felt my nose begin to tingle,

Drew in breath…my nose was itching,

As I felt the coming sneeze!

And my bosom started heaving

To the rhythm of my breathing

And it just kept getting bigger

Building up inside my nose!

And then I sneezed at him!

I felt a tiny tickle!

I sneezed at him!

My nose began to tingle!

I sneezed at him!

My nose was oh-so tickly!

I sneezed at him!

So tingly and so prickly!

I sneezed at him!

The cold air made me shiver

I sneezed at him!

My nostrils were a-quiver!

I sneezed at him!

The itch was unbearable!

I sneezed at him!

I really was in trouble.

I sneezed at him!

I could hold it in no longer.

I sneezed at him!

The urge was getting stronger!

I sneezed at him!

My nose was itching madly!

I sneezed at him!

I had to sneeze to badly!

I sneezed at him!

To sneeze I had such yearning!

I sneezed at him!

My nose was simply burning!

I just could not contain it!

I sneezed at him!

No way I could restrain it!

I sneezed a him!

A cold I must be catching!

I sneezed at him!

I couldn’t bear the itching!

I sneezed at him!

The tickle was outrageous!

I sneezed at him!

I hope I’m not contagious!

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128 people have looked at this thing, and no-one's said anything? Come on, people! I know perfectly well it's not my best work, but I assumed it would be weird enough to at least draw some comment! Besides, there's gotta be a Starlight Express fan somewhere on this forum.

I'm hurt. I really am. I put all this effort into making a poorly-constructed song fragment based on a semi-obscure children's musical with bad critical press, and no-one takes the time to tell me to STFU and stop wasting the forum's time? You people have no public spirit.

I'm kidding, but seriously, somebody say something. Even if it is to STFU.

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Ha, have to say I'm not familiar with original song but hey, I especially like the 'bosom started heaving' part... and some great rhyming ;)

*off to YouTube the original*

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